Class:12th Sub: English

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

  1. After Twenty Years
  2. Once upon a time (Poem)
  3. Conditional clauses

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

  1. Forgetting
  2. Punishment in Kindergarten (poem)
  3. Articles

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

  1. The Scarecrow
  2. Leh
  3. The Sniper
  4. Compound non complex sentences
  5. Non finites

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 1stJuly to 31st July

  1. The Letter A
  2. After apple-picking (Poem)
  3. Tenses
  4. Auxiliaries

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 1st August to 31st August

  1. Dr. C.V Raman
  2. Love across the salt Desert
  3. Sunrise (Poem)
  4. Relative Clauses
  5. Reported Speech

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 1st September to 15th October

  1. Role of the Road
  2. Inklings from the dark (Poem)
  3. Box and Cox
  4. Conjunction
  5. Punctuation

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November


Class:12th Sub:Chemistry

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March


Practical:Preparation of standard solution


Practical:Volumetric Analysis


2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Unit—IVChemical Kinectics

Practical:Determination of rate of reaction with change in concentration


Unit—VISurface Chemistry

Practical:Preparation of lyophilic and lyophosic solution

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—VIIP-block elements

Unit—VIIId & f block elements

Practical:Preparation of double salts

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15thJuly to 15th August

Unit—IXCo-ordination compounds

Unit—XHaloalkanes and Haloarenes

Practical:Preparation of organic compounds

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 15th August to 15th September

Unit—XIAlcohol’s, phenols and Ethers

Unit—XIIAdehydes, Ketones and Carbonylic acids

Practical:Test for various functional groups

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 15th September to 15th October

Unit—XIIIOrganic compounds containing Nitrogen

Practical:Qualitative Analysis. Preliminary Test


Practical:Test for proteins, carbohydrates and fats


Practical:Qualitative Analysis. Preliminary Test and conformatry

Unit—XVIChemistry in everyday life

Practical:Quantitative/Qualitative Analysis

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November

Class:12th Sub:Physics

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Unit—1 Electrostalics

Practical:Ohm’s Law

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Unit—2Current Electricity

Practical:Metre bridge—To find unknown resistance

Unit—3Magnetic effects of electric current

Practical:Metre bridge—To verify the laws of combination of resistors

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—3Magnetic effects of electric current

PracticalPotenliometer—To compare the e.m.fs of cells.

Unit—4Electromagnetic induction & A.C

Practical:Potenliometer—To find internal resistance of a cell.

Unit—5E.M Waves

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 1stJuly to 31st July


Practical:To find focal length of a concave mirror

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 1st August to 31st August

Unit—7Dual nature of matters

Practical:To find focal length of convex mirror

Unit—8Photoelectric effect

Practical:To find the angle of minimum deviation of a prism

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 1st September to 15th October

Unit—9Semi-conducting devices

Practical:Forward biasing & reverse biasing of p—n junction

Unit—10Communication system

Practical:Zener diode

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November

Class:12th Sub:Biology (Zoology + Botany)

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March


Unit—1 Reproduction

Practical:Identify the stages of T.S Testis and ovaries

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April


Unit—IIGenetics and Evolution

Practical:Mendels inheritance

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune


Unit—IIIBiology and Human welfare

Unit—IVBiotechnology and its applications

Practical:Identification disease causing organism.

Pollution on stigma through P.slide.

Animals found in aquatic conditions.

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 16th July to 15th August


Unit—IReproduction in flowering plants

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 15th August to 15th September



Practical:Study of population density by quadromt method

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 16th September to 30th October


Unit—IIIBiology and Human Welfare

Unit—IVEcology and environment

Practical:Study of pollen germination on slide.

Study of plants found in aquatic conditions. Comment on their morphology.

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November

Class:12th Sub:Mathematics

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Chapter No. 1Relations and functions

Chapter No. 2Inverse Trigonometric functions

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Chapter No. 3Matrice’s

Chapter No. 4Determinants

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 15th June

Chapter No. 5Continuity and Differentiability

Chapter No. 6Application of Derivatives

Chapter No. 7Integrals

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 16th June to 15th July

Chapter No. 8Application of integrals

Chapter No. 9Differential Equations

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 16th July to 15th August

Chapter No. 10Vector Algebra

Chapter NO. 11Three Dimensional Geometry

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 16th August to 30th October

Chapter No. 12Linear Programming

Chapter No. 13Probability

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November

Class:12th Sub:E.V.S

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Unit—1 Population & Conservation of Ecology


i) Population Dynamics

ii) Population growth & regulation

iii) Human Populations

iv) Human Population control

v) Threats to ecosystem

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Unit—IPopulation & Conservation of Ecology



Unit—IIPlanning for Environmental conservation and protection

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—IIITechnology and Environment

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August

Unit—IVEnvironmental Pollution

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 16th August to 15th September

Unit—VAction on the Atmosphere

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 16th September to 30th October

Unit—VILegal Regimes for sustainable Development

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November



Class:11th Sub: English

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Chinar I Units 1 to 3

Grammar:Units 1 to 3 covering:

Compound and complex sentences and the simple present tense

Composition:Unit 35 paragraph writing

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Chinar IUnits 4 to 6

Grammar:Units 4 to 6 covering:

The simple past tense and The progressive

Composition:Unit 36 Paragraph writing

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Chinar IUnits 1 to 9

Grammar:Units 1 to 9 covering:

The compound and Complex sentences, The Progressive—Present/Past, The perfect—present/past

Composition:Units 35, 36 and 37 on paragraph writing

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August

Chinar IUnits 10 to 12

Grammar:Units 10 to 12 covering:

The future tense (Simple) and Auxiliaries

Composition:Unit 38, Letters and Forms I

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 16th August to 15th September

Chinar IUnits 13 to 15

Grammar:Units 13 to 15 covering:

Auxiliaries, Relative clauses

Composition:Unit 39 Letters and Forms II

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 16th September to 30th October

Chinar IUnits 10 to 18

Grammar:Units 10 to 17 covering:

The future: Progressive/Perfect, Auxiliaries, Relative clauses, Conditional clauses

Composition:Units 38, 39 and 40 on Letters and Forms I, II and III

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November

Class:11th Sub: Physics

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Unit—1 Mathematical tools

Practical:Vernier Calliper

Unit—2Physical world & Measurement

Practical:Vernier Calliper

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April


Practical:Screw Gauge

Unit—4Laws of Motion


3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—5Work, Power and Energy

PracticalParllelogram laws of vectors addition

Unit—6Rotational Motion


Simple pendulum

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August


Practical:To determine young’s modulus of elasticity of a wire

Unit—8Properties of Bulk matters

Practical:To find force constant of a helical spring

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 16th August to 15th September


Practical:Newton’s law of cooling apparatus

Unit—10Behaviour of perfect gas & kinetic theory

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 16th September to 30th October

Unit—11Oscillations and Waves

Practical:To Study relationship between the length of wire and tension for constant frequency using sonometer.

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November

Class:11th Sub:Chemistry

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Unit—IBasic concepts in Chemistry

Practical:Precautions and safety in chemistry lab.

Unit—IIAtomic structure

Practical:Cutting of glass material

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Unit—IIIPeriodic classification

Practical:Organic preparation

Unit—IVChemical bonding

Practical:Determination of boiling and melting point of given organic compound

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—VStates of Matter

PracticalDetermination of PH of some solutions


Practical:Study the PH change in titration of strong acid with strong base

Unit—VIIChemical equilibrium

Practical:Study the shift in chemical equilibrium

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15thJuly to 15th August

Unit—VIIIRedox Reactions

Practical:Preparation of standard solution


Practical:Volumetric Analysis

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 15thAugust to 15thSeptember

Unit—XS-block Elements

Practical:Qualitative Analysis

Unit—XIP-block elements

Practical:Qualitative Analysis

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 15thSeptember to 15th October

Unit—XIIBasic organic concepts

Practical:Qualitative Analysis


Practical:Qualitative Analysis

Unit—XIVEnvironmental Chemistry

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November


Class:11th Sub:Zoology

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Unit—1 Diversity in living world

Practical:study and handling compound microscope

Study of salient features of different specimens

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Unit—IICell structure and functions

Practical:Study of animal cells and its organelles

Study of Mitosis and Meiosis

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—IDiversity in living world

Unit—IICell structure and its functions

Practical:Study & Handling of compound microscope

Study of salient features of different specimens

Study of animal cells and its organelles

Study of Mitosis and Meiosis

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August

Unit—IIIHistology and Morphology

Practical:Testing of presence of carbohydrates and Proteins.

Preparation and study of Human blood smear.

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 15th August to 15th September

Unit—IVHuman Physiology

Practical:Study of cycloris in paramecium.

Study of External Morphology of earthworm, cockroach & frog.

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 15th September to 30th October

Unit—IIIHistology and Morphology

Unit—IVHuman Physiology

Practical:Testing of presence of carbohydrates and Proteins.

Preparation and study of Human blood smear.

Study of cycloris in paramecium.

Study of External Morphology of earthworm, cockroach & frog.

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November


Class:11th Sub:Botany

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Unit—1 Diversity of Life

Practical:Study of different parts of compound microscope

Study of specimens & identification of Bacteria, spirogyra, Rhizopus, Mushroom etc

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Unit—IIAnatomy in Flowering Plants.

Practical:Study of different modification in roots, stems, leaves.

Description of 3 locally available flowers from the family fabaceae, solamaceae and liliaceae.

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—1 Diversity of Life

Unit—IIKingdom Plantae

Practical:Study of different parts of compound microscope

Study of specimens & identification of Bacteria, spirogyra, Rhizopus, Mushroom etc

Study of different modification in roots, stems, leaves.

Description of 3 locally available flowers from the family fabaceae, solamaceae and liliaceae.

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August

Unit—IIIAnatomy in flowering plants.

Practical:Study of plant tissue from permanent slides (Parenchyma, xylem, phloem).

Study of T.S of Dicot & Monocot root, stem and leap from permanent slide.

Study of osmoxis by potato Osmoscope.

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 15th August to 15th September

Unit—IVMineral Nutrition

Practical:Study of Plasmolysio in epidermal peels.

Study of distribution of stomata in upper & lower surface of leaves.

Study of imbibitions of seeds.

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 15th September to 30th October

Unit—IIIAnatomy in Flowering Plants

Unit—IVMineral Nutrition

Practical:Study of plant tissue from permanent slides (Parenchyma, xylem, phloem).

Study of T.S of Dicot & Monocot root, stem and leap from permanent slide.

Study of osmoxis by potato Osmoscope.

Study of Plasmolysio in epidermal peels.

Study of imbibitions of seeds.

.Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November


Class:11th Sub:Mathematics

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Chapter No. 1Set’s

Chapter No. 2Relations and functions

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Chapter No. 3Trigonometric functions

Chapter No. 4Mathematical Induction

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30th June

Chapter No. 5Complex numbers and Quadratic equation.

Chapter No. 6Linear Inequalities

Chapter No. 9Sequences and series

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August

Chapter No. 7Permutations and Combinations

Chapter No. 8Binomial Theorem

Chapter No. 10Straight lines

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 16th August to 15th September

Chapter No. 11Conic Sections

Chapter NO. 12Introduction to three Dimensional Geometry

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 16th September to 30th October

Chapter No. 13Statistics

Chapter No. 15Limit and Derivatives

Chapter No. 16Probability

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November


Class:11th Sub:E.V.S

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st March to 31st March

Unit—1 Understanding Environment

Unit—IILiving Beings in Ecosystem

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

Unit—IIIEcosystem under threat I

Unit—IVEcosystem under threat II

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30thJune

Unit—IUnderstanding environment

Unit—IILiving Beings in Ecosystem

Unit—IIIEcosystem under threat I

Unit—IVEcosystem under threat II

Unit—VConservation of the ecosystem

4thAssessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August

Unit—VIAtmospheric at risk

Unit—VIILand under threat I

5th Assessment Unit Test (U4) w.e.f 16th August to 15th September

Unit—VIIIManaging the land

Unit—IXAgriculture under threat

6th Assessment Term Test (T2) w.e.f 16th September to 30th October

Unit—VIAtmospheric at risk

Unit—VIILand under threat I

Unit—VIIIManaging the land

Unit—IXAgriculture under threat

Unit—XManaging Agriculture

Note:Tentative Date Sheet of Examination 1st November




Books Prescribed:

i)Tulip Series Book-X

ii)Grammar and Composition for class 9 & 10

By Malithikrishan, prescribed by the BOSSE J&K

Note for the teacher:

All the textual exercises, language work and grammar exercises are to be completed in the book itself wherever possible. The essays to be of 150 to 200 words.

Detailed Syllabus:

1st Assessment Unit test I w.e.f 1stDec to 25th March

1. Notice writing:Its importance and essential guidelines with practice writing as prescribed in the grammar.

2. Foot prints with out feet(Prose)

3. Message writing:Importance and techniques with exercises as per the prescribed grammar.

4. Prayer(Poem)

5. An Excellent Father(Prose)

6. Pronouns (Grammar)

7. Miracles (Poem)

8. Conjunctions (Grammar)

9. From the diary of a young girl(Prose)

10. Semi Formal letters: The editors of newspapers.

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April

1. Developing an essay from a given outline:

My favvourite leader (150-200 words)

2. Long walk to Freedom(Prose)

3. Formal letters:To the Principal for urgent leave

4. The Sermon at Banares (prose)

5. Modals (Grammar)

6. When you are old(Poem)

7. Formal/official letter writing:

The Municipal Commissioner for improving the unhygienic condition.

8. The Necklace(Short Story)

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) w.e.f 1st May to 30th May

1. Essay writing from given outline:Science as a curse (150-200 words)

2. Papachis Moth(Prose)

3. Speak up(Poem)

4. Clauses (Grammar)

5. Bholi (Short story)

6. If clauses (Grammar)

7. Snow Drop(Poem)

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) Part II w.e.f 1st June to 30th June

1. Essay writing from a given outline

Water pollution & Air Pollution (150-200 words)

2. King Lear I (Prose)

3. Reported speech(Grammar)

4. My mother at sixty six(Poem)

5. Semi official letters:To the Bookseller etc

6. Abhiley(Short story)

7. An evening wet with rain (Poem)

4th Assessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August

1. Essay writing from a given outline:

Value of games etc (150-200 words)

2. King Lear II(Prose)

3. Editing a given passage of its grammatic mistakes.

4. Out of Business(Short Story)

5. Past Perfect Tense(Grammar)

6. The tale of Custard the Dragon(Poem)

5th Assessment Term Test (T2) Part I w.e.f 1st September to 30th September

1. Essay writing out of given outline:

Abuses of Television (150-200 words)

2. The Ghat of the only world (Prose)

3. The infinitives and –ing forms(Grammar)

4. The servant (Short story)

5. Questions(Grammar)

6. Last Lesson of the Afternoon (Poem)

5th Assessment Term Test (T2) Part II w.e.f 1st October to 30th October

1. Essay writing from a given outline:

Global warming(150-200 words)

2. The Proposal(Play)

3. Other sentence pattern (Grammar)

4. Dusk (Short Story)

5. Application to Principal for character certificate

6. From I explain a few things (Poem)

7. Writing summaries-From prescribed Grammar

Note:The Tentative Date Sheet of Final Examination 1st November.


Books Prescribed:

A text book of mathematics by J&K Board

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st December to 25th March

Chapter—1Real Numbers

Chapter—3Pair of linear equations in two variables

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April


Chapter—4Quadratic Equations

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) Part I w.e.f 1st May to 31st May

Chapter—5Arithmetic Progression


3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) Part II w.e.f 1st June to 30th June


4th Assessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August


5th Assessment Term Test (T2) Part I w.e.f 1st September to 30th September

Chapter—7Coordinate Geometry


5th Assessment Term Test (T2) Part II w.e.f 1st October to 30th October


Chapter—11Surface areas and Volumes

Note:Tentative Date Sheet for final examination is 1st November every year.

Class:10th Sub:Science

Books Prescribed:

i) A text book of science for X

ii) Practical notebook

Note for Teacher:

Complete Practicals on Books if Possible.

1st Assessment Unit Test (U1) w.e.f 1st December to 25th March


Unit—XI Life Process

Practical:Identification of organs through charts/models.

Digestive System in Human Beings.

Circulatory System in Human Beings.

Respiratory System in Human Beings.


Unit—ILight Reflection & Refraction

Practical:Verify the laws of reflection using Mirror Strips.

Verify the laws of refraction using glass slab and find the refractive index of the material.

2nd Assessment Unit Test (U2) w.e.f 1st April to 30th April


Unit—IIHuman eye and the colourful world

Practical:Using a glass prism, prove that:

<i + <e = <A + <d

Trace the path of rays through a glass prism and measure the angle of deviation.


Unit—VIIPeriodic classification of elements

Practical:Determine the PH of water obtained from different sources.

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) Part I w.e.f 1st May to 30th May



PracticalVerify the Ohm’s Law.


Unit—VIChemical reactions and Equations

Practical:Determine the PH of Juice obtained from different fruits.

3rd Assessment Term Test (T1) Part II w.e.f 1st June to 30th June


Unit—XIIControl and Co-ordination

Practical:Identification of organs through charts/models.

Nervous system in human beings.

Unit—XVIManagement of Natural resources


Unit—VSources of energy

Practical:Show that image is as far behind the plane Mirror as the object is in front of it.

4th Assessment Unit Test (U3) w.e.f 15th July to 15th August


Unit—IVMagnetic effects of current

Practical:Trace the path of a ray of light through a glass slab and show that angle of incidence is equal to angle of emergence.


Unit—VIIICarbon and its compounds

Practical:Preparation of Soap

5th Assessment Term Test (T2) Part I w.e.f 1st September to 30th September


Unit—IXMetals and Non-Metals

Practical:Preparation of hydrogen gas by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on zinc and study the properties.


Unit—XIIIHow do organisms reproduce

Practical:To study reproductive organs of a flower.

5th Assessment Term Test (T2) Part II w.e.f 1st October to 30th October