7 Ways to Stay Up-to-Date at Whitman:

#1 Download the Whitman App: Search Walt Whitman High School in the App Store (iPhones) or Play Store (Android phones). The new Whitman App provides easy access to alerts and other important Whitman information.

#2 Attend PTSA Meetings: Want to know what’s really going on at school? Dr. Goodwin shares all the things you probably don’t hear from your teenager, so make sure to attend whenever you can – there are only 5 PTSA meetings all year!

#3 Join Whitnet: Whitnet is a moderated e-mail network reserved for official PTSA and school-related announcements.; all parents are encourage to join Whitnet as limited paper information is sent home and important school related information is posted on Whitnet. Whitnet is also available on the Whitman app.

To subscribe, go to https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/whitnet/info. Choose "Join This Group" (top right corner), and include the four bullet points below in the "Message to Owner" before submitting your request. If you have questions or problems, please email the moderator at . Students are also permitted to subscribe.

·  Student’s name(s) and grade(s)

·  Home Phone

·  Parent’s name(s)

·  Subscribing Parent’s email address(es), in the body of the message please

If you wish to receive a "daily digest" of each day's messages, instead of getting each message individually, please put that in your request. Please note that you will receive the daily digest early in the morning on the following day.

#4. Visit Whitman’s Website: If you’ve got questions, the Whitman website has the answers! Parents new, and not so new, to Whitman should spend time visiting the website on a regular basis. The website, http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/whitmanhs, contains such valuable information, for example, as:

·  email addresses and phone numbers for teachers and administrative staff,

·  a calendar of school, SGA, PTSA and various Booster events,

·  information about all the PTSA committees and how you can get involved

·  tips on how to help your child with academic, social and emotional issues, and

·  the Student and Parent Handbook (which includes important information and school policies)

#5. Use Edline: Edline gives parents the ability to access important academic information about their student. A single sign-on, password-protected account provides personalized shortcuts to specific classes, homework, upcoming tests, grades, and other information. An activation code is distributed to all new students through their English class in the second week of school. At that time, students also receive an activation code for parents to access their Edline account. Codes for returning students remain the same as the previous year. Contact with any questions. Edline can be accessed on the Whitman app.

#6 – Join Whitcom: Whitcom is a managed, un-moderated e-mail discussion group open to Whitman parents, faculty, and staff. Whitcom is for informal communication about Whitman-related topics, such as items lost at school, requests for tutors or carpools, and general questions about after- school activities and events. The manager posts the Weekly Community Announcements, and maintains the comprehensive Whitcom Tutor Listing and Neighborhood Specialist Listing, available to Whitcom members. Members may not post tutor or business ads. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: , with the parent’s name, student/s name/s, home phone, and e-mail address/es. You must subscribe separately to Whitnet and Whitcom.

#7 – Visit the Black and White Online: The online version of Whitman’s independent, student-run newspapaer is updated daily with breaking news, game stories, features, blogs, and “photos of the day.” Visit theblackandwhite.net directly, on the Whitman App under students, or like “the Black and White Online” on Facebook and follow @bdubbsonline on Twitter.