

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Understand classification system
2 / 1.1.1 / 1.The student will define taxonomy / ESS
4 / 1.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the contributions of Aristotle and Linnaeus to taxonomy / ESS
6 / 1.1.3 / 3.The student will apply the rules of the binomial nomenclature system / ESS
8 / 1.1.4 / 4.The student will create and apply dichotomous keys / ESS
10 / 1.1.5 / 5.The student will identify the seven main levels of the biological hierarchy of classification in order from Kingdom to species / ESS
12 / 1.1.6 / 6.The student will describe the classification of human beings from Kingdom to species / ESS


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Introduction to primitive chordates
14 / 2.1.1 / 1.The student will identify the four main chordate characteristics (notochord, postanal tail, pharyngeal gill slits, dorsal nerve cord) / ESS
16 / 2.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the characteristics of invertebrate chordates (Amphioxus and tunicates) / ESS

Standard 3: FISHES

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among the three major orders of fishes
18 / 3.1.1 / 1.The student will describe the evolution of modern-day fish / ESS
20 / 3.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the general characteristics of all true fish (i.e., gills, ectotherms, fins, two-chambered heart, skin usually covered by scales, internal skeleton) / ESS
22 / 3.1.3 / 3.The student will describe the circulatory/respiratory system of fish (two-chambered heart and gills) / ESS
24 / 3.1.4 / 4.The student will list and describe characteristics of the Agnatha (jawless fish) (i.e., no paired fins, no jaws, cartilaginous skeleton) / ESS
26 / 3.1.5 / 5.The student will list and describe characteristics of the Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)(i.e., cartilaginous skeleton, placoid scales, ventral mouth, heterocercal tail, no swim bladder) / ESS
28 / 3.1.6 / 6.The student will list and describe characteristics of the Osteichthyes (bony fish)(i.e., bony skeleton, three different types of scales, terminal mouth, homocercal tail, swim bladder) / ESS
30 / 3.1.7 / 7.The student will compare and contrast anadromous and catadromous fish / ESS
32 / 3.1.8 / 8.The student will compare and contrast the three means of reproduction found in fishes (i.e., oviparous, ovoviviparous, and viviparous) / ESS
34 / 3.1.9 / 9.The student will identify external and internal features of an Osteichthyes and Chondrichthyes specimen / ESS

Standard 4: AMPHIBIANS

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among the three major orders of amphibians
36 / 4.1.1 / 1.The student will describe the general characteristics of modern amphibians (i.e., bony skeleton, tetrapods, moist, glandular skin, dual life existence, ectothermic, water dependent) / ESS
38 / 4.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the circulatory/respiratory system of amphibians (i.e., three-chambered heart, no diaphragm) / ESS
40 / 4.1.3 / 3.The student will list and describe characteristics of the Order Apoda (i.e., limbless blind, tropical habitat, burrowing) / ESS
42 / 4.1.4 / 4.The student will list and describe characteristics of the Order Urodela (i.e., tails, internal fertilization, carnivorous larvae) / ESS
44 / 4.1.5 / 5.The student will list and describe characteristics of the Order Anura (i.e., no tails, vegetative larvae, mainly external fertilization) / ESS
46 / 4.1.6 / 6.The student will identify external and internal features of an amphibian / ESS

Standard 5: REPTILES

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among the four major orders of reptiles
48 / 5.1.1 / 1.The student will describe the four major characteristics of modern reptiles (i.e., dry skin, amniotic egg, ectothermic, internal fertilization, bony skeleton) / ESS
50 / 5.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the circulatory/respiratory system of reptiles (i.e., three-chambered heart with exception of crocodilians) / ESS
52 / 5.1.3 / 3.The student will list and describe the characteristics of the Order Testudines (turtles and tortoises) (i.e., no teeth, protective shell, vertebrae fused with carapace) / ESS
54 / 5.1.4 / 4.The student will list and describe the characteristics of the Order Sphenodanata (i.e., found in New Zealand, most active at low temperatures, nocturnal, most primitive of the reptiles / ESS
56 / 5.1.5 / 5.The student will list and describe the characteristics of the Order Crocodilia (i.e., four-chambered heart, secondary palate, vocalization) / ESS
58 / 5.1.6 / 6.The student will list and describe the characteristics of the Order Squamata (i.e., kinetic skull, amniotic egg) / ESS
60 / 5.1.7 / 7.The student will differentiate between lizards and snakes (i.e., limbs, special senses and glands [i.e., pit organs, Jacobson’s organs]) / ESS
62 / 5.1.8 / 8.The student will identify external and internal features of a reptile / ESS
63 / 5.1.9 / 9.The student will describe the effect of temperature upon determining the gender of some turtles and the Crocodilia / ESS

Standard 6: BIRDS

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among the four major orders of reptiles
64 / 6.1.1 / 1.The student will describe the circulatory/respiratory system of birds (i.e., four-chambered hearts, efficiency due to fresh air intake during expiration and inspiration, air sacs) / ESS
66 / 6.1.2 / 2.The student will list and describe the characteristics of the birds (i.e., feathers, pneumatic bones, endothermic, calcareous eggs, no teeth, gizzard, parental care, light weight, specialized reproduction, migration) / ESS
68 / 6.1.3 / 3.The student will describe the difference between the ratites and the carinates / ESS
70 / 6.1.4 / 4.The student will list and distinguish between the two mating types of birds (i.e., monogamy, polygamy) / ESS
72 / 6.1.5 / 5.The student will describe the two types of young produced by birds (altricial and precocial) / ESS
74 / 6.1.6 / 6.The student will compare and contrast wing types (i.e., high-lift [hawk, eagle], high-speed [swift, swallow], soaring [albatross, sea gull], elliptical [sparrow, magpie]) / ESS
75 / 6.1.7 / 7.The student will describe the various adaptations of bird beaks / EXP
76 / 6.1.8 / 8.The student will describe the social behavior of birds / ESS
78 / 6.1.9 / 9.The student will identify external and internal features of a bird / ESS

Standard 7: MAMMALS

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Recognize the major characteristics of mammals
80 / 7.1.1 / 1.The student will list and describe the characteristics of the mammals (i.e., mammary glands, hair, four-chambered heart, parental care, dentition) / ESS
82 / 7.1.2 / 2.The student will list and describe the three feeding specializations exhibited by mammals (omnivores, carnivores, herbivores) / ESS
84 / 7.1.3 / 3.The student will compare and contrast the three types of horn-like structures in mammals (true horns, antlers, rhino horn) / ESS
86 / 7.1.4 / 4.The student will list, describe and give examples of the three major patterns of mammalian reproduction (monotremes [duck-billed platypus, echidna], marsupials [kangaroo, opossum], and placentals [dogs, humans]) / ESS
88 / 7.1.5 / 5.The student will describe unique qualities of hair (i.e., protection, insulation, water-proofing, camouflage, defense) / ESS
90 / 7.1.6 / 6.The student will identify external and internal features of a mammal / ESS
91 / 7.1.7 / 7.The student will describe special adaptations in mammals (e.g., echolocation, vocalization, flight, hibernation, competition, migration) / ESS


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Understand behavioral traits
92 / 8.1.1 / 1.The student will describe behavior as the ability to act, react, or function in a particular way to some stimulus (internal change or external stimulus) / ESS
Goal 2: Understand the levels of organization of the nervous system
94 / 8.2.1 / 2.The student will describe the nervous system as the organ system in multicellular animals that allows the animal to respond to internal changes and external stimuli / ESS
96 / 8.2.2 / 3.The student will describe the nervous systems of representative vertebrate organisms and the functions of the organs that make them up (sense receptors, integration, effectors) / EXT
98 / 8.2.3 / 4.The student will explain how synapses tie into behavior responses to stimuli / EXT
100 / 8.2.4 / 5.The student will correlate the sophistication of the nervous system with the types of behaviors of the animals / EXT
Goal 3: Understand types of animal behavior and their significance to the survival of the organism
102 / 8.3.1 / 6.The student will explain the difference between innate and learned behavior / ESS
104 / 8.3.2 / 7.The student will describe examples of innate and learned behaviors and relate them to the survival of the organism (i.e., conditioning, imprinting, habituation, migration, social interactions [agnostic, appeasement], dominance, territoriality, communication) / ESS
Goal 4: Understand inherited behaviors and their significance to the survival of the species
106 / 8.4.1 / 8.The student will explain that inherited behaviors are acted upon by natural selection and contribute to the survival of the species / ESS
108 / 8.4.2 / 9.The student will explain the interrelationship between innate and learned behaviors and the possibility that the ability to learn can be inherited / EXT

ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.)

EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.)

EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.)

©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002