PROBLEM: Find the Minimum Spanning Tree
of a Weighted Connected Undirected Graph
Kruskal’s Algorithm
(A) Input the set of nodes (N).
(B) Input the set of edges (E) in ascending order.
(C) Initialize a set of connected node sets (CNS), in which each set is initially one of the nodes.
(D) Initialize the solution set (T) to be empty. It will eventually hold a subset of E.
(E) Kruskal’s Algorithm Note: | | below means the number of elements in the set
While |CNS| > 1 and E is not empty do
Remove the shortest edge S from the edge set E.
IF the edge S would connect two separate node sets in CNS,
THEN form the union of those node sets and add the edge S
to the solution set T.
ELSE discard the edge S as it would connect nodes already connected.
Once all the connected node sets are brought together, none of the remaining edges are considered. Note that for N nodes, a spanning tree of a connected graph will always contain N-1 edges. The minimum spanning tree is the spanning tree with the minimum total length.
1. In what sense of the word is the resulting structure a tree? See the definition of a tree.
2. Will any N-1 element subset of the set of edges produce a spanning tree? Which ones will not?
3. How would I rewrite the algorithm to find the minimum spanning forest for an unconnected graph?
4. Why is this considered to be an example of a Greedy Algorithm?
N: {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. I, J, K, L}
E: { (B,E,2), (F,I,3), (C,F,4), (C,I,5), (B,J,6), ... ,(J,K,22) }
T: { }
CNS: { {A}, {B}, {C}, {D}, {E}, {F}, {G}, {H}, {I}, {J}, {K}, {L} }
After (B,E,2) is accepted:
T: { {B,E,2} }
CNS: { {A}, {B, E}, {C}, {D}, {F}, {G}, {H}, {I}, {J}, {K}, {L} }
After (F,I,3) is accepted:
T: { {B,E,2},{F,I,3} }
CNS: { {A}, {B, E}, {C}, {D}, {F, I}, {G}, {H}, {J}, {K}, {L} }
After (C,F,4) is accepted:
T: { {B,E,2}, (F,I,3), (C,F,4) }
CNS: { {A}, {B, E}, {C, F, I}, {D}, {G}, {H}, {J}, {K}, {L} }
After (C,I,5) is rejected:
T and CNS are unchanged as nodes C and I are already connected (in the same set in CNS).
Continue until all nodes are connected (CNS contains only one set).
This will always require N-1 edges. The remaining edges in E are all rejected. T represents the minimum spanning tree. If all the edges are processed and |CNS| never drops to 1, then the graph is not connected. In this case, T automatically contains the minimum spanning forest.