Bovingdon Parish Council
The Memorial Hall
High Street
Tel: 01442 833036
Dear Councillor,
I hereby give you notice that the next meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE of the above named Parish will be held at THE MEMORIAL HALL, HIGH STREET, BOVINGDON on MONDAY 8 MAY 2017 at 6.00 P.M.
All members of the Committee are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the Meeting as set out hereunder.
Dated this day 28 April 2017
Mike Kember
Clerk to the Council
Councillor Graham Barrett
Councillor Alison Gunn
Councillor Julia Marshall
Councillor Ben Richardson
Councillor David Stent
Councillor Pauline Wright
Business to be transacted as on attached sheet
You are hereby summoned to the Meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Monday 8 May 2017 starting at 6.00 p.m. at The Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon, to transact the business set out in the attached Agenda:
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declaration of Interests linked to any of the items
3. Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 April 2017
4. Matters arising from the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 April 2017
5. To consider the Parish Council’s response to the following Planning Application:-
5.1 4/00555/17/FUL - Lot C2B 7.57 acres, Upper Bourne End Lane - Replace rotting and broken wooden posts with metal posts. Raise height of boundary fence to 1.2m
5.2 4/00630/17/FHA - Greenways, 35 Chesham Road - Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
5.3 4/00736/17/ROC - Bovingdon Service Station, Chesham Road - Variation of Condition 30 and removal of Condition 22 attached to Planning Permission 4/02077/12/VOT (Demolition of car showroom and garage buildings, redevelopment to provide a mixed use development including a local convenience store and eight flats with associated parking provision, amenity space and off-site roadworks. Variation of time limit to Planning Application 4/00595/09/FUL allowed on appeal APP/A1910/A/09/2108616)
5.4 4/00733/17/FUL - Dudley Cottage, 12 Dudley Close - Construction of one three bedroom dwelling
5.5 4/00761/17/AGD - Land off Upper Bourne End Lane and adj. Wayside, Bourne End Lane - Six greenhouses – For information only
5.6 4/00919/17/TCA - Little Gaywood, 3 Bell Green - Works to trees
5.7 4/00866/17/FUL - 24 High Street - Construction of two dwellings
6. Planning Applications received at Dacorum Borough Council but not yet downloaded on to Planning Portal:-
7. To note the outcome of planning applications considered by Dacorum Borough Council:-
7.1 4/00339/17/DRC - Greinan Farm, Tower Hill, Chipperfield - Details as required by Condition 2 (Noise) attached to Planning Permission 4/00211/17/ROC (Change of use from agricultural to residential with details of access to the site) – GRANT (For information only)
7.2 4/02936/16/FHA - 18 Church Street - Removal of existing retaining wall. Excavation of bank to reinstate existing wall and steps. New footpath – GRANT (BPC – Support)
7.3 4/00761/17/AGD - Land off Upper Bourne End Lane and adj. Wayside, Bourne End Lane - Six greenhouses - Prior approval not required
7.4 4/00195/17/FHA - Fryth House, Bushfield Road - Single storey extensions to side and rear; two storey extension to front and rear – GRANT (BPC – Support)
7.5 4/00044/17/FUL - Bowling Club, High Street - Extension to men's changing room – GRANT (BPC – Support)
8. To note dates for Appeals / Forthcoming Inquiries / Forthcoming Hearings – all previously reported to the Planning Committee:
8.1 Appeals Lodged:
8.1.1 4/00415/16/FUL – 33/35 Green Lane - Demolition of existing dwellings and construction of 9 dwellings - APP/A1910/W/17/3170787
8.2 Appeals Dismissed:
8.3 Appeals Allowed:
9. Forthcoming Inquiries
None notified
10. Any other business
11. Date of next meeting:–
Wednesday 24 May 2017 at 6.30 p.m. in The Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon
Agenda for meeting of Bovingdon Parish Council Planning Committee to be held on 8 May 2017