


/ Keyboarding Skills
COMPETENCY: / 01.0 / Apply the touch method in operating the keyboard and numeric keypad
OBJECTIVE: / 01.04 / Execute the touch method in operating the numeric keypad
Point / Use 1.04 PPT to review the importance of using good posture and technique when using the touch method of keyboarding on the numeric keypad. / 01.04-PPT
Point / Use 1.04 PPT to explain the location of the home row keys on the numeric keypad. Point out that to use the keypad, the NUM (number) LOCK key must be activated. When the NUM LOCK key is activated, the green light above the keypad comes on. / 01.04-PPT
Activity / Review the words in 1.04-VOC vocabulary. / 01.04-VOC
Tip / Remind students to activate the NUM (number) LOCK key. When the NUM LOCK key is activated, the green light above the keypad comes on. Demonstrate to students each new reach on the keypad showing them the proper finger to use and the proper stroking technique. Allow them to practice the reach looking at their fingers, but without striking the keys. Then ask students to look away (at the keyboarding chart or at you) and strike the key as you call it. Use this method to introduce all the numeric keypad keys. / Glencoe/McGraw- Hill Lessons 28-33
Thompson/South- Western Numeric Keypad Lessons 1- 5, pp. 279-284
Pearson Lessons 33- 37
Activity / Have students complete ACT 1 Numeric Keypad Home Row Keys on the numeric keypad home row keys and ACT 2 Finger Placement and Names. / 01.04-ACT 1
Numeric Keypad Home Row Keys
01.04-ACT 1 Key
01.04-ACT 2
Finger Placement and Names
01.04-ACT 2 Key
Tip / Demonstrate the proper use of the mathematical operator keys and how to access the calculator function on the computer. Use handout 1.04-HO Using the Computer Calculator to explain how to access the calculator function on the computer. Explain the mathematical operations and demonstrate how to perform mathematical operations on the calculator. / 01.04-HO
Using the Computer Calculator
Activity / Distribute ACT 3 Color Coding Numeric Keypad Activity. Have the students complete the activity as a review. / 01.04-ACT 3
Color Coding Numeric Keypad Activity
01.04-ACT 3 Key
Tip / As needed, use the following website for review and/or practice:
Technique, numeric keypad, and proofreading
Activity / Distribute ACT 4 the Numeric Keypad Calculator Exercises activity. Students use the numeric keypad on their keyboard to solve the mathematical problems. / 01.04-ACT 4
Numeric Keypad Calculator Exercises 01.04-ACT 4 Key
Tip / Use the Technique Skills Performance Rubric RB 1 or the checklist RB 2 to assess technique when students are keying copy using the numeric keypad. / 01.04-RB 1
01.04-RB 2
Technique Skills Performance Rubric
Activity / Use 1.04-ACT 5 Numeric Keypad Quiz as a review activity or for a grade. / 01.04-ACT 5
Numeric Keypad Quiz
1.04-ACT 5 Key



1.04: Execute the touch method in operating the numeric keypad

Numeric keypad / Keys at the right side of the keyboard used to enter numeric copy and perform calculations.
Num Lock Key / Press to activate the numeric keypad

Name ACT 1

Numeric Keypad Home Row Keys

On the blank provided, write the numeric keypad home row key which is struck by that finger.

Name KEY ACT 1

Numeric Keypad Home Row Keys

On the blank provided, write the numeric keypad home row key which is struck by that finger.

Name ACT 2

Finger Placement and Name

Indicate on the blank provided the correct finger name.

The right index finger.

The right middle finger.

The right ring finger.

The right little finger.

Name KEY ACT 2

Finger Placement and Name

Indicate on the blank provided the correct finger name.

The right index finger.

The right middle finger.

The right ring finger.

The right little finger.


Using the Computer Calculator

Lock / / / * / -
7 / 8 / 9 / +
4 / 5 / 6
1 / 2 / 3 / Enter
0 / .

To access the calculator function on the computer:

+ / Plus sign / Addition
- / Minus sign / Subtraction
* / Asterisk / Multiplication
/ / Diagonal / Division
= / Equal mark / Total

To perform mathematical operations on the computer, use the following symbols:

Name: ______ACT 3

Color Coding Numeric Keypad Activity

Directions: Color the numeric keypad keys as follows.

Color the keys you strike with your right index finger (“4” finger) blue.

Color the keys you strike with your right middle finger (“5” finger) red.

Color the keys you strike with your right ring finger (“6” finger) green.

Color the keys you strike with your right pinky finger (“Enter” finger) yellow.

Color the key you strike with your thumb white.


Color Coding Numeric Keypad Activity

Lock / / / * / -
Home / 8
á / 9
PgUp / +
ß / 5 / 6
End / 2
â / 3
PgDn / Enter
Ins / .

Directions: Color the numeric keypad keys as follows.

Color the keys you strike with your right index finger (“4” finger) blue.

Color the keys you strike with your right middle finger (“5” finger) red.

Color the keys you strike with your right ring finger (“6” finger) green.

Color the keys you strike with your right pinky finger (“Enter” finger) yellow.

Color the key you strike with your thumb white.
Name ACT 4

Numeric Keypad Calculator Exercises

Use the calculator function on your computer to complete the following.

Add the following.

1. / 44 / 2. / 55 / 3. / 66 / 4. / 714 / 5. / 414
14 / 25 / 36 / 825 / 474
74 / 85 / 96 / 936 / 400
6. / 525 / 7. / 636 / 8. / 14 / 9. / 19 / 10. / 173
858 / 696 / 36 / 37 / 291
500 / 600 / 74 / 38 / 794

Subtract the following:

11. / 789 / 12. / 7494 / 13. / 9336 / 14. / 7896 / 15. / 8274
123 / 3686 / 5085 / 1236 / 1484

Multiply the following:

16. / 447 x 23
17. / 4174 x 19
18. / 1236 x 19
19. / 3006 x 40
20. / 960 x 25

Add the following:

21. / 1.40 / 22. / 4.70 / 23. / 17.10 / 24. / 47.17 / 25. / 17.10
2.50 / 5.80 / 25.20 / 58.28 / 24.29
3.60 / 6.90 / 39.30 / 69.36 / 41.74

Name KEY ACT 4

Numeric Keypad Calculator Exercises

Use the calculator function on your computer to complete the following.

Add the following.

1. / 44 / 2. / 55 / 3. / 66 / 4. / 714 / 5. / 414
14 / 25 / 36 / 825 / 474
74 / 85 / 96 / 936 / 400
132 / 165 / 198 / 2475 / 1288
6. / 525 / 7. / 636 / 8. / 14 / 9. / 19 / 10. / 173
858 / 696 / 36 / 37 / 291
500 / 600 / 74 / 38 / 794
1883 / 1932 / 124 / 94 / 1258

Subtract the following:

11. / 789 / 12. / 7494 / 13. / 9336 / 14. / 7896 / 15. / 8274
123 / 3686 / 5085 / 1236 / 1484
467 / 3808 / 4251 / 6660 / 6790

Multiply the following:

16. / 447 x 23 / 10281
17. / 4174 x 19 / 79306
18. / 1236 x 19 / 22484
19. / 3006 x 40 / 120240
20. / 960 x 25 / 2400

Add the following:

21. / 1.40 / 22. / 4.70 / 23. / 17.10 / 24. / 47.17 / 25. / 17.10
2.50 / 5.80 / 25.20 / 58.28 / 24.29
3.60 / 6.90 / 39.30 / 69.36 / 41.74
7.50 / 17.40 / 81.60 / 174.81 / 83.13

Name RB 1

Keyboarding Middle Grades
(Numeric Keypad)
This rubric should be used to assess keying copy using the numeric keypad.
Criteria / Points Earned / J
High Achievement / K
Satisfactory / L
Needs Improvement
Copy Accuracy
(20 Points) / Copy is exactly like original copy. All numeric operations performed correctly. All totals correct.
(20 points) / Two or less errors, omissions/additions or mistakes in mathematical operations and/or incorrect totals.
(10 – 19 points) / Three or more errors, omissions/additions or mistakes in mathematical operations and/or incorrect totals.
(0 – 9 points)
Body Position
(20 Points) / All of the following performed consistently:
Feet flat on floor
Sits erect in chair
Body in line with keyboard
Arms relaxed against sides
(20 points) / Three of the following performed consistently:
Feet flat on floor
Sits erect in chair
Body in line with keyboard
Arms relaxed against sides
(10 – 19 points) / Inconsistent performance:
Feet flat on floor
Sits erect in chair
Body in line with keyboard
Arms relaxed against sides
(0 – 9 points)
Hand and Finger Position
(20 Points) / All of the following performed consistently:
Wrists properly elevated
Fingers properly curved
Fingers rest on home row when not striking a key
(20 points) / Three of the following performed consistently:
Wrists properly elevated
Fingers properly curved
Fingers rest on home row when not striking a key
(10 – 19 points) / Inconsistent performance:
Wrists properly elevated
Fingers properly curved
Fingers rest on home row when not striking a key
(0 – 9 points)
Eye-Head Position
(20 Points) / Performed consistently:
Eyes on copy
Strike keys without looking at hands
(20 points) / Performed with only occasional peeking:
Eyes on copy
Strike keys without looking at hands
(10 – 19 points) / Constantly looking:
Eyes on copy
Strike keys without looking at hands
(0 – 9 points)
Keystroking Technique
(20 Points) / Performed consistently:
Fingers strike keys with minimal hand/arm movement
Proper use of enter key
Correct fingers used for each key
(20 points) / Two of following performed consistently:
Fingers strike keys with minimal hand/arm movement
Proper use of enter key
Correct fingers used for each key
(10 – 19 points) / Inconsistent performance:
Fingers strike keys with minimal hand/arm movement
Proper use of enter key
Correct fingers used for each key
(0-9 points)
(100 possible points)

Name RB 2

Keyboarding Middle Grades


(Numeric Keypad)

This rubric should be used to assess keying copy using the numeric keypad.

Criteria / Points Value / Points Earned / Teacher Comments
Accuracy / 20
Position / 20
Hand and Finger Position / 20
Eye-Head Position / 20
Keystroking Technique / 20

Copy Accuracy--typographical errors and spacing errors, omissions/additions

Body Position--sitting up straight, feet flat on floor, etc.

Hand and Finger Position--wrists off table, fingers curved and on home row, etc.

Eye-Head Position--eyes on copy, etc.

Keystroking Technique--fingers strike proper keys, etc.


Numeric Keypad Quiz

DIRECTIONS: Use the numeric keypad picture above to answer the questions.

1.  The numeric keypad homerow keys are struck by the 1.______

A. left hand. B. right hand. C. either hand.

2.  The “4” key is struck by the 2.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

3.  The “5” key is struck by the 3.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

4.  The “6” key is struck by the 4.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

5.  The “0” key is struck by the 5.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

ACT 5, Page 2

6.  The “1” key is struck by the 6.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

7.  The “2” key is struck by the 7.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

8.  The “3” key is struck by the 8. ______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

9.  The “7” key is struck by the 9.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

10. The “8” key is struck by the 10. ______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

11. The “9” key is struck by the 11.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

12. The “Enter” key is struck by the 12.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

13. The “+” key is struck by the 13.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

14. The “-” key is struck by the 14.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.

15. The “*” key is struck by the 15.______

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right pinky finger.


Numeric Keypad Quiz

DIRECTIONS: Use the numeric keypad picture above to answer the questions.

1.  The numeric keypad homerow keys are struck by the 1.___B _____

A. left hand. B. right hand. C. either hand.

2.  The “4” key is struck by the 2.___A _____

A. right index finger. B. right middle finger.

C. right ring finger. D. right thumb finger.