Online Status Report and Internal Assessment Surveys – list of questions


This survey will be completed only once by the lead respondent for your organization (ideally someone in a leadership role). Once the Status Report is submitted, the Internal Assessment survey (below) becomes available for multiple respondents to complete.

·  Name of Org

·  Your first name

·  Your last name

·  Your email

·  Your role in the org – drop down box

·  Org mailing address - separate boxes for city, state/province, zip for query purposes

·  Org Phone

·  Org Email

·  Type of Org – drop down box

o  Government agency

o  Tribal entity

o  Nonprofit organization

o  Unincorporated citizen group

o  Local affiliate of national organization

o  Citizen-led watershed council

o  Agency-led watershed council

o  School or University

·  Mission areas (drop down box)

o  Watershed Protection

o  Clean Water Act Enforcement

o  Watershed Restoration

o  Watershed Planning

o  Monitoring & Assessment

o  Advocacy/Lobbying

o  Drinking Water Protection

o  Consensus Building

o  Public Education

o  School-Based Programs

o  Water Rights and Allocation

o  Environmental Justice

o  Water Conservation

o  Human Health & Impact of Contamination

o  Pollution prevention

o  None of the above

·  Year founded

·  In which watershed(s) do you focus your work?

·  Starting date of your fiscal year

·  In what counties do you work? (include them all; if you work at the state level, say so)

·  Of those counties listed above, in what counties do you do the majority of your work?

·  Of those counties listed above, in what counties do you have the majority of your supporters (donors, volunteers, activists)?

Confidentiality: Your answers will be confidential unless you specify otherwise. River Network will not share them with funders or others, except as aggregate data in which no one organization can be identified individually, unless you specify otherwise. You will receive an email with your answers, and of course you may share that as you wish.

a.  Programmatic

Check all the Program Areas in which your organization is active. Those areas that are checked will ask for the specific metrics listed under each program area. If the program area is not checked, those metrics will not appear.

Active/Not active?

¨  Advocacy for policy change

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

# of campaigns you led

# of campaigns you supported

# of policy campaigns you led that achieved or are likely to soon achieve their policy goals (or a substantial portion of them)

Please rank your agreement with following statements.

4  - strongly agree; 3 –agree; 2 - disagree; 1- strongly disagree o Unknown or N/A

1.  Our organization is committed to engaging in activities related to influencing public policy and local decisions related to water.

2.  Our organization is an active participant in settings where public policy is discussed and local decisions are made related to water.

3.  Our organization takes time to identify and implement concrete tactics and strategies to help us reach our particular policy goals.

4.  Our organization participates in coalitions and partners with key stakeholders that help us reach our particular policy goals.

5.  Our organization communicates effectively with media and uses a variety of mechanisms to promote our policy or advocacy goals. (e.g. earned media, social media, direct outreach)

6.  Our organization raises a diverse array of financial resources to support our engagement in policy making or advocacy.

Active/Not active?

¨  Community organizing

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

# of people regularly contacted by mail and/or email for a particular issue.

# of community events your organization hosted or organized

# of participants who attended activities or events you hosted

# of people who took action on an issue because of your organizing

#of people who have become spokespersons on issues because of your organizing

Active/Not active?

¨  Regulatory compliance and enforcement

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

# of permits commented on

# of regulations (draft or final) your organization commented on

# of enforcement or regulatory actions that official entities took as a result of your efforts

Active/Not active?

¨  Watershed Planning

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

# of plans on which your organization took a leading role

# of plans on which your organization participated

# of plans for which you led the implementation

# of plans you assisted in implementing

Active/Not active?

¨  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

# of sites monitored

Did you monitor and assess the human health impacts of contaminated surface or ground water?


Describe how your monitoring data has been used to inform, educate or effect change – narrative box

Active/Not active?

¨  On the ground watershed restoration and pollution prevention

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

Coastal habitat - #acres restored (ie. tidal wetlands, living shorelines, oyster beds)

Forests and wetlands - # of acres restored (ie. urban reforestation and greening, riparian projects)

Watershed buffers - # of acres of buffers created

Urban bio-retention – #sq. ft. infiltrated (ie. stormwater retrofit, rain gardens)

Agriculture - # of acres under conservation practices

Stream - #linear feet restored

Trash removed - # of pounds collected

Toxics removed - # of pounds

Other - Narrative box

Active/Not active?

¨  Water Conservation

Was a minimum instream flow for rivers and streams established in your watershed. (Y/N)

Were new water conservation measures established or applied in the watershed. (Y/N)

(Please explain more on next page.)

Did you promote water conservation in the watershed? (Y/N)

# of gallons saved from water conservation measures.

Active/Not active?

o  Public Education and Outreach

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

# of programs offered

# of children reached in these programs

# of adults reached in these programs

Are participates/attendees reflective of the diversity of your community? yes/no

Active/Not active?

¨  Public attitudes and behavior change

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

What behavioral changes have you seen? Narrative box

How do you measure those? Narrative box

Active/Not active?

¨  Land Preservation and Recreational Access

Please give us some measures of what you achieved during the last fiscal year.

#Acres permanently preserved (easements or fee-simple)

# of recreational sites planned

# of recreational sites built

# of recreational sites managed

Thanks for humoring our passion for numbers. Now, in your own words, please describe your programmatic accomplishments in the last year? - Narrative box

Organizational Data Reference the most recent fiscal year.

Staff, volunteers and Board.

How many full-time paid staff members do you have?

How many part-time paid staff members do you have?

What percentage of your senior staff are women?

What percentage of your Board members are women?

What percentage of your staff are racially or ethnically diverse (e.g., non-white)?

What percentage of your Board members are racially or ethnically diverse (e.g., non-white)?

In the last year has your Board evaluated the executive director or lead staff person?

How many volunteers led activities last year?

How many volunteers participated in activities last year?

How many Board members do you have?

How many Board meetings were held in the past year?

How many new members officially joined the Board in the last fiscal year?

Have the Board members who joined in the last year participated in a formal orientation program?

How many active committees do you have? (Active is defined as meets regularly, has a chairperson and a workplan.)

Board Term Limits

Do you limit the number of years a Board member can serve? If yes, click here o

How many years can Board members serve before they are required to step down?


Do you track membership dues separately from individual donors? If yes, click here o

How many dues paying members did you have?

How many of the members you had last year were new?

Are your members organizations, individuals, or both?


How do you keep track of information for the questions above? Drop down box

Finance and Fundraising

How much money did you spend for programs and organizational expenses, excluding monies you received as fiscal agent for other organizations or ‘pass-through’ monies, in the last fiscal year?

What is your total programmatic and organizational budget, excluding monies you’ve received as fiscal agent for other organizations or “pass-through” monies, for the current fiscal year?

Has your organization had an external audit or other financial review in the last year?

How many months of operating expenses can you cover with your financial reserves?

How many individuals (members or other donors) donated money to you in the last fiscal year?

How many Board members donated money to the organization in the last fiscal year?

How much money did you raise in the last fiscal year?

Of that amount, what percentage was unrestricted money? (not tied to a grant deliverable)?

Please report the PERCENTAGE of your total income for last year that you received from each of the following sources (the numbers you enter should total 100.):

·  % from Dues paid by members

·  % from Individual donations beyond dues

·  % from Events

·  % from Private foundation grants

·  % from State government grants

·  % from Federal grants (including 319 funding)

·  % from Local and other governmental funding

·  % from Corporate or business sponsors

·  % from All other sources


Which of the following current written planning documents does your group have?

·  Annual Budget

·  Annual Work Plan

·  Strategic Plan

·  Fundraising Plan

·  Board Recruitment Plan

·  Communications Plan

·  Watershed Plan or similar vision

·  Water Quality Plan

·  None of the above


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