CHY4U Exam Review


Part A: Multiple Choice /16 Knowledge Marks 15’

Circle the letter that represents the best answer. Topics vary.

Part B: Timeline /10 Application 5’

Choose ten (10) events from the table and place them in proper chronological order on the timeline. (1 Mark/event) **From this list of 25 topics, only 15 will appear on the exam*

Machiavelli Publishes, The Prince / Russian Revolution Begins / Thomas Hobbes Publishes, Leviathan / Estates General Meet / Treaty of Westphalia
Battle of Waterloo / Robespierre is guillotined / Mona Lisa is painted / Henry VIII passes act of supremacy / Council of Trent Called
Congress of Vienna / The Last Supper is Painted / Committee of Public Safety Formed / Munich Pact Signed / Rousseau Publishes, The Social Contract
Edict of Nantes Published / Charles I is executed / Adam Smith publishes, The Wealth of Nations / The Tennis Court Oath / Treaty of Nanjing
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Adopted in France / Newton Publishes, Principa Mathematica / Ninety-Five Theses Posted / Darwin Publishes, Origins of the Species / Coronation of Napoleon

Part B Continued, Identify & State Significance: /15 Thinking 15’

From the table choose five (5) events. For each, give a description of the event and state reasons why it is considered important to our history. (5 x3marks each)

Part C: Primary Source Analysis /30 Thinking, Application & Commun.

The following questions are based upon the package of readings distributed prior to the exam. Answer the questions on foolscap paper. **Bring your readings with you to the exam. You can make notes in the margin that relate to definitions. Your readings will be handed in with your exam**

3 questions will appear on the exam.

Question #1- Nietzsche /10

Question #2- Freud & Einstein /10

Question #3- Hitler /10

Part D: Expository Essay Response /20 Knowl., Think., Comm., App. 30’

Write your response to one of the following question on foolscap paper. Use proper essay form and be conscious of the mechanics of your writing. Marks will be granted for all categories of learning. Topics will be based upon:

·  Which individual had the most positive impact on our world?


·  Which ‘ism’ had the greatest impact on our world?

Part E: Quotation Recognition & Analysis /19 Know. & Think. 20’

1. Match the quote to the historical figure who said it. (1 Mark each x 10= 10 marks)

2. Choose three (3) quotes. Identify and explain the historical situation that the speaker was referring to. (3 Marks each x 3= 9 marks)

Quotations on the exam will be taken from the following list of options:

·  “I think, therefore I am”

·  “Paris is worth a mass”

·  “Man was born free, and everywhere he is chains.”

·  “As soon as the gold in the basin rings, the soul to heaven immediately springs!”

·  “What is the third estate? Everything…What does it ask? To be something”

·  “The Jew today is the great agitator for the destruction of Germany”

·  “Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equals.”

·  “I am the state”

·  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

·  “…and yet it moves”

·  “Let them eat cake.”

·  "In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality."

·  “A specter is haunting Europe- the specter of Communism”

·  “I closed the gulf of anarchy and cleared away chaos. I purified the revolution.”

·  “if you have to make a choice, to be feared is much safer than to be loved.”

·  “With regret I pronounce this fatal truth: Louis must die so that the nation may live”

·  “I trust no one, not even myself”

·  “The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood!”

·  “Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me.”

·  “Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding”