Minutes of Regular Meeting May 2, 2017
The Grady County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, May2, 2017 with Chairman Elwyn Childs, Vice-Chairman Ray Prince, Commissioners LaFaye Copeland, TD David and Keith Moye in attendance. Also present were County Attorney Kevin Cauley, County Administrator Carlos Tobar and County Clerk Carrie Croy.
Chairman Childs called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and asked Mr. Prince to give the invocation, followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Mr. Moye made a motion to adopt the Agenda with Mrs. Copeland making the second. The Board approved unanimously.
Chairman Childs called for Public Comments. Mr. John Gainous, 1046 Cedar Springs Road, wanted to give the Board, Mr. Tobar, Mr. Cauley and Mrs. Croy a pep talk for the job they were doing in service to the Community. Mr. Gainous further stated he didn’t understand the Solar Panel Controversy but encouraged the Board to look to the Bible for answers.
Mr. John Brannon, 1220 Lake Jenna Drive, referenced a February 2016 email he received from Mr. Tobar stating there has been no co-mingling of funds. Mr. Brannon stated that was false as there have been regarding Aquatic Center expenses. Mr. Tobar provided an explanation. Funds expended for the Aquatic Center at lake were reimbursed when the Board of Commissioners decided to put the Aquatic Center at Barber Park.
Attorney Cauley thanked Mr. Gainous for his remarks and stated that his two items, Solar Panels and SPLOST, were on the agenda for discussion.
Mr. Mike Binion, Lake Authority Director, presented the Board with his 2016 Annual Report of activities.
Mr. Childs asked Mr. Stanley Elkins, Road Superintendent, for an update on the Road Projects. Mr. Elkins updated the Board on paving projects on Cedar Springs, Gainous and State Park Road. Mr. Elkins also stated the parking lot on Cedar Springs is being built and on the Old 179 project that about two miles of road have had shoulders cleared for widening.
The following correspondence was reviewed: * Calendar of Events * Thank you Note Received
Mr. Moye made a motion to approve the following Consent items with Mrs. Copeland making the second. The Board unanimously approved the following items, 5-0: * Minutes from the April 18, 2017 Regular Meeting and the April 18, 2017 Closed Session. * Approved Family Subdivision Plat for Kaye Nazeworth. * Approved Family Subdivision Plat for Jason DeMichael Coker.
Mr. Tobar advised on the following: *Received $32,364.00 from state for Tire Abatement Day on May 20, 2017. This amount will cover approximately six trailer loads. *Due to Federal Government mandates there will need to be new addressing in the County which has to be completed by 2020. There are three different issues to address. *Will be going out to bid for Reclaimer (rotary tiller) for the Road Department. It will be approximately $120,000.00. It was the consensus of the Board to solicit bids. * Quarterly report for $100K LWCF Grant (Barber Park Play Area) submitted to DNR; contract still not signed-need revised concept plan and budget from Cox Pools. Should be here this week. * Reported to DOT that as of last week 1.8 miles of Old 179 had shoulders widened.
The Purchasing Policy in regards to Bid Opening was discussed. The policy states that all bids over $2,500.00 must be sealed and opened before the Board. Administration feels this will cause a burden and delay. Attorney Cauley clarified that he had not recommended amending the current policy but to follow the current policy. It was the consensus of the Board to follow the current policy.
Discussion concerning Solid Waste Sites specifically the Pine Park Road Site occurred. The property owner has requested the cans be removed. It is not safe to move them closer to the road on County ROW. It is recommended that the cans be removed from Singletary, Pine Park East and Pine Park West and relocating them to the 20th street site once it reopens. Mr. Moye made a motion to accept the recommendation with Mr. David making the second. The Board unanimously approved the motion.
With the paving of 20th Street starting next week, it is the recommendation of Mr. Elkins, Road Superintendent to move the 20th Street site to the Livestock Pavilion until paving is completed. Approximately two weeks. Mrs. Copeland made a motion to move the 20th Street site temporarily with Mr. David making the second. The Board unanimously approved.
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to adopt the 2018 Budget Calendar with Mr. Moye making the second. The Board approved unanimously.
Mr. David made a motion to purchase baseball uniforms from Syrup City Sports in the amount of $2,712.10. Mr. Prince made the second with the Board unanimously approving. This was a sole bid, however requests were sent to four other vendors with no response.
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to approve the purchase of battery components for AutoPulse from Zoll in the amount of $5,940.00. Mr. Moye made the second with the Board unanimously approving. This was a sole bid and EMS Director Rodney Gordon was present for questions.
Mr. Moye made a motion to purchase box culvert from the low bidder, Forterra Pipe & Precast, in the amount of $17,971.50. Mrs. Copeland made the second with the Board approving unanimously, 5-0, to purchase the box culvert. Other bids received were: Standard Precast in the amount of $22,608.00 and Bates Precast in the amount of $49,500.00. GTIB and LMIG funds will be used for purchase.
Discussion of the 2008 SPLOST occurred. When Auditor Tom Carmichael presented the Audit results to the Board on April 18, 2017 it was advised that the County owed the City $212,574.00. Councilman Jimmy Douglas asked the Board for the funds owed to the City. It is believed that the error occurred because the 2008 SPLOST was not “tested” during the earlier audits. Mr. Carmichael advised to wait until all projects were complete before disbursing net proceeds. The Board directed Mr. Tobar, through consensus, to meet with Mr. Addleton, City Manager and Mr. Carmichael and make sure all accounts were accurate. Attorney Cauley stated the County just needed to get it right. Vice-Chairman Prince asked Mr. Tobar if the number owed the city would change – it was stated no. After discussion, Mr. Moye made a motion to pay the City $212,574.00 from the 2008 SPLOST proceeds with Mrs. Copeland making the second. The Board unanimously approved, 5-0, the motion.
Discussion of the Solar Panel Moratorium occurred. The current Moratorium has expired. Mr. Tobar advised that ground prep work has begun on the Hwy 112 project. Mrs. Copeland made a motion to reissue the permits already applied for and to re-start the moratorium on May 3, 2017 until the May 16th Public Hearing was held. Mr. Moye seconded the motion with the Board approving unanimously.
Commissioner David discussed the Solid Waste project that he and Commissioner Moye were working on for alternatives to current practice. Recent pictures of dump sites were shown. It is Mr. David’s opinion that the best solution would be to go to manned sites that are monitored. Former Commissioner Renaud, from the public, stated that there was a plan prepared several years ago. Mr. David stated that the 20th Street site works well because you have a place for everything, i.e. tires, appliances, etc. Possible consolidation to 6-7 manned sites would work.
Sheriff Young was present for the discussion and stated he has asked his deputies to police the sites. Sheriff Young is advertising the fines for illegal dumping in the paper this week, but stated to police the sites as needed that he would need to add two additional full time deputies to staff. Signs for each site would also be posted. Attorney Cauley will assist with the language for the signs. Magistrate Judge Pat Pollock explained the process once the case arrived in Magistrate Court.
Mr. David asked if any thought had been given to the TSPLOST. Mr. Tobar advised there was no regional TSPLOST so it would be the Board’s decision to pursue, but advised the Board would soon be discussing the next SPLOST.
The following Departmental Reports were reviewed: Buildings and Grounds – March 2017 Code Enforcement – March 2017
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing Personnel. Mr. Davidmade the second with the Board unanimously approving going intoClosed Session.
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to come out of Closed Session with Mr. Prince making the second. The Board unanimously approved coming out of Closed Session. As a result of Closed Session, Mrs. Copeland made a motion to increase VFD Chief Richard Phillips’ annual salary to $60,000 and EMS Director Rodney Gordon’s annual salary to $65,000. Mr. David made the second with the Board unanimously approving the increase to salaries.
Mr. Prince made a motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting with Mrs. Copeland making the second. The Board unanimously approved adjourning the meeting.