Convert your Online Classroom recording
into an MP3 or MP4 file

An Online Classroom recording can be converted into a downloadable format as an audio (mp3) or video (mp4) file from within Learnline.

MP4 Limitations

The mp4 version of the recording does not include everything that is visible through the Online Classroom. The converted recording will not include:

·  Webcam video

·  Chat

·  Participants panel

·  Polling

·  Emoticon feedback

·  Web tour

·  Anything that took place in breakout rooms.


Tip: Check with your students to see which file type they would prefer to download – mp3 (audio only) or mp4 and only convert that file type. This will help to speed the conversion process along as it can take some time depending on the length of the session.

1.  From within your Learnline unit, access your list of Online Classroom recordings by navigating to:
Control Panel > Unit Tools > Blackboard Collaborate > Recordings tab.

2.  Click the “Convert” text next to a recording – choose Audio (mp3) and/or Video (mp4)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Click the text once only or the conversion will error. If you do not see the text change to “Converting”, refresh your browser by clicking F5 on your keyboard instead of clicking “Convert” again.

3.  Wait for recording to convert.

–  The conversion process can take a while and you do not receive a notification when the conversion is completed. Visit the Recordings tab again to look for the Play button indicating the conversion has completed.

4.  After conversion is complete, click the Play button to listen/view and download if you wish to save your own copy. Students will also be able to do this.

File size

The sizes of mp4 recordings will vary based on the type of content it contains but expect at least 100MB per hour of video.

Figure 1: view of Online Classroom recordings tab in Learnline

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