Adding CBRE graphic and voting link to Outlook 2003 email signature

To determine the version of Outlook you are running, click the Help menu, then About. The window that appears will show clearly at the top whether it is Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007.

1). From the main Outlook 2003 screen click the ‘Tools’ menu, then ‘Options’.

2). Click the ‘Mail Format’ tab at the top, and then on the ‘Signatures’ button at the base of the window.

3). Ensure the correct signature is selected in the list, then click the ‘Edit’ button.

4). Click ‘Advanced Edit’, and then answer YES to the question box that appears saying “This will launch an editor that is not part of Microsoft Office Outlook. Do you want to continue?”

5). Microsoft Word is launched, and your selected signature is then displayed.

6). In Word click the ‘Insert’ menu, then ‘Picture’ and finally ‘From File’

7). Navigate to the folder where the CBRE graphic is saved, select the file then click the ‘Insert’ button.

8). The image will now be placed at the end of the signature.

9). Now right click the CBRE image and select the ‘Hyperlink’ option.

10). In the ‘Address’ field type in the below web site address, and click OK.

11). Move your mouse over the CBRE graphic to confirm the link has been attached correctly. A small text box will appear with the address it links to, as below.

9). Click the ‘File’ menu, then ‘Save’ to ensure your signature file is updated

10). Exit Word to return to Outlook. Confirm the image and web link have attached correctly by opening a new mail and inserting the signature. When you move your mouse over the CBRE image a small text box should appear with the address it links to, as below.