Welcome to Camp Wah-Tut-Ca. This information is intended to acquaint you with the basic features of the camp program and to help you have a great week at Wah-Tut-Ca. To get the most from your troop's week at camp, careful planning is essential.

Camp Wah-Tut-Ca runs an "open program." This means that there are no merit badge "classes" (except for Waterfront) and no centralized program schedules. We believe that this system gives troops more flexibility and allows them to take full advantage of their time in camp. The central idea of open programming is that a scout is given the responsibility of planning and using his time to complete his goals for the week. All program areas are open from 9:00am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm, and 6:30pm-8:00pm (except during evening special programs). Whenever an area is open, a scout may walk in and work on a badge, learn a skill, earn an advancement requirement, participate in a special activity, etc. The one exception to this rule is the Waterfront, which must have scheduled times for instruction, merit badges, and recreation. In addition to the normal camp program, there are a variety of special areas and camp-wide programs.

Advancement in Camp

A scout may work on three different kinds of advancement during his stay at camp. Under the open program system, the advancement that a scout completes during the week depends on his own initiative and effort. Each program area maintains and reports a record of every scout's progress.

Rank Requirements

There are several ways to work on rank requirements while in camp: scouts may go to the program areas to work on rank requirements; Project Green includes several opportunities for rank advancement in each of the program areas; or scouts may work on requirements with their boy or adult leaders in site or using the equipment and facilities in the program areas. The program area staff supports the following rank requirements:

Merit Badges

To begin work on a merit badge, a scout needs a "blue card" signed by his Scoutmaster. The area staffs support the following merit badges:

Special Program Opportunities

In addition to the regular program and advancement opportunities available, Camp Wah-Tut-Ca offers several special program opportunities for scouts to extend or supplement their camping experience.

Project Green

This program is designed to provide first year scouts with a more structured introduction to the camp program, to assist these scouts in making the transition to the open program that makes Wah-Tut-Ca so great. It is not a "fast track" advancement program to speed scouts along to First Class. Rather it is a program that promotes both fun and learning basic skills in a patrol environment.

The program will run Monday through Thursday mornings from 9:00am - 12:00pm and/or 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Each day, scouts will meet in the Project Green area to spend some time in patrol/teamwork activities and learning skills, then move to a program area to master the skill and apply it in a patrol activity. The advancement requirements normally offered in the area will be covered, but in the context of learning and using the skills in a patrol setting. The Project Green staff will keep a record of advancement completed during the week.

Scouts may choose to use their other program time to complete other rank advancement requirements or merit badges or other activity of interest.

Aquatic Adventures (A2)

This special high adventure aquatics program is designed to provide older scouts with a challenging aquatics program. The program will focus on developing individual aquatic skills and knowledge using team concepts, with added emphasis personal development and teamwork. designed for scouts who like to get wet. Scouts will explore many areas of aquatic adventure as part of the program. Each group will vote on the course their adventure will take: water skiing, tubing, sailing, canoe racing, snorkeling, boating "out-of-bounds;" the possibilities are endless. Pre-requisites: 13 years old, Swimming Merit Badge, and Scoutmaster's approval.

CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)

CPR instruction is required for those boys completing work on Waterfront merit badges or BSA Lifeguard. Certified instructors will offer both instruction and certification courses. The only difference in the two courses is the cost for certification and a written test. Any other interested scouts or adults are welcome to take the instruction as well in this most important lifesaving skill.

Special Troop Programs

Your troop can extend its experience in camp by electing some of the many troop program opportunities available at Wah-Tut-Ca. Be creative in building your program! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Polar bear Swim
Safe-swim Defense / 8-man canoe expedition
Troop Adventure Award / Troop Cons project
Outpost camping / Sports challenges
Troop invites/challenges

Or anything else your troop would like to do!