Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board:December 2016 Update

“Through mutual trust, strong leadership, and shared values, we will improve the health and wellbeing of Surrey people”

About the Health and Wellbeing Board

Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Board is a forum for health and social care leaders in Surrey to come together and improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Surrey. The Board holds a meeting in public or a business meeting in private every month. It has several responsibilities:

Leadership: The Board leads partners in improving the health and care of Surrey residents.

Integration: The Board encourages health and social care organisations to work together and produce more joined-up, co-ordinated services.

Understanding Needs: The Board identifies the health and social care needs of Surrey’s residents. This information informs its strategy.

The Health and Wellbeing Board: December 2016

The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board held a meeting in public on 8 December 2016. This update provides a summary of the meeting.

What was discussed:

  • Sustainability and Transformation Plans and Commissioning Intentions
  • Surrey Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report
  • Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report

Who was there:

Councillor Helyn Clack (co-chair), Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health, Surrey County Council

Dr David Eyre-Brook (co-chair), Guildford & Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group

Helen Atkinson, Strategic Director of Adult Social Care & Public Health, Surrey County Council

Dr Andy Brooks, Surrey Heath Clinical Commissioning Group

Councillor Clare Curran, Cabinet Member for Children and Families Wellbeing, Surrey County Council

Councillor Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence, Surrey County Council

Garath Symonds, Assistant Director Commissioning and Prevention, Children, Schools and Families, Surrey County Council

Dr Claire Fuller, Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group

Tom Kealey, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council

Peter Gordon,Healthwatch Surrey

Dr Andrew Whitfield, North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG

Councillor John Kingsbury, Leader, Woking Borough Council

Heidi Fahy, East Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group

Dr Charlotte Canniff, North West Surrey CCG

Deputy Chief Constable Gavin Stephens, Surrey Police


Michael Wilson, Sussex and East Surrey STP

Geraldine Hoban, Sussex and East Surrey STP

Bob Peet, Surrey Heartlands STP

Giselle Rothwell, Surrey Heartlands STP

Simon Turpitt, Independent Chair, Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board

Board Business

Surrey Police have seen an increase in the number of calls they are receiving from hospitals in Surrey. The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has requested the Board‘s support to address this as Surrey Police feel that the incidents could be reduced if the health system as a whole tackles this. Deputy Chief Constable Gavin Stephens of Surrey Police highlighted some of the reasons for the calls along with possible system issues which could be causing this.

The following resolutions were suggested by the Board:

-For the issue to be considered by the Local Health Resilience Partnership as this is largely a business continuity issue.

-Michael Wilson, Chief Executive of Surrey and Sussex Hospital Trust, requested to be sent a copy of the letter.

This will be followed up as an action outside of the meeting and progress reported at the March 2017 meeting.

The Board reviewed a protocol which outlined working arrangements between the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Community Safety Board, the Children and Young People’s Partnership, the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board and the Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Board to ensure the most effective delivery of priority five: Safeguarding the population, of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Approval of this is subject to more detail relating to the working arrangements with the Community Safety Board being included.

Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has provided a briefing to the Health and Wellbeing Board on proposed changes to inpatient mental health services in North West, Mid and East Surrey. Following discussion, the Board felt it was most appropriate for this to be taken forward by commissioners of these services and will be progressed outside of the meeting.

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) and Commissioning Intentions

Presented by:


Michael Wilson and Geraldine Hoban, Sussex and East Surrey STP

Bob Peet and Giselle Rothwell, Surrey Heartlands STP

Dr Andy Brookes, Frimley Health and Care STP

Commissioning Intentions:

Each Board members that commissions services presented their 2017/18 commissioning intentions.

What was discussed:

Each year commissioners are required to set out their priorities for the coming year and how they will improve the health of the communities they serve. The Health and Wellbeing Board is required to consider these commissioning intentions and discuss how they are aligned to the Surrey Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This is a duty of the Board as set out in the Health and Social Care Act (2012)

Alongside individual organisations’ commissioning intentions, NHS organisations are required to produce Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). These are place-based, five year plans built around the needs of the local populations. These plans can be viewed online here.

The Board discussed both STPs and commissioning intentions and agreed that all strategic planning across the health and care system is aligned to the Surrey Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

What was agreed:

  • The Board noted the current status of the three STPs and organisational commissioning intentions and agreed that they were aligned to the Surrey Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
  • An update on STPs will be given at the March 2017 public meeting

Read the full report here which provides full detail of the plans for health and social care services in Surrey for 2017 – 2019 and beyond.


The Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory responsibility to receive the annual reports of both the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board and the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board.

Surrey Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2015 - 2016

Presented by:

Garath Symonds, Assistant Director Commissioning and Prevention, Children, Schools and Families, Surrey County Council

What was discussed:

The Board heard a summary of the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board’s annual report. Key areas highlighted from the report included:

-The production of a document which helps partners to understand the levels of need in relation to childrens safeguarding and how to access support.

-A conference “Beneath the Radar” successfully highlighted abuse that often goes undetected such as female genital mutilation and child sexual exploitation.

-Ofsted has reported some steady progress in relation to safeguarding in Surrey which was supported by the HM Inspectorate inspection who reported similar findings.

-Improvements have been seen in GP training, the sharing of information and having a collaborative looking at safeguarding.

Read the full report here

Surrey Safeguarding Adults

Board Annual Report 2015 - 2016

Presented by:

Simon Turpitt, Independent Chair, Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board

What was discussed:

Simon described the key achievements of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) in 2015/16. These included:

  • New policies and procedures have been written to ensure compliance with the new statutory responsibilities under the Care Act (2014). All agencies involved in safeguarding have been trained in the new responsibilities, policies and procedures. This means that residents will receive a consistent service and will be kept safe whether they are in their own home receiving care, in a hospital or care home.
  • The SSAB learnt lessons from when adults have not been properly safeguarded so that adults at risk are better protected and less likely to experience abuse or neglect.
  • The Board has a greater understanding of what is working and what improvements are needed through a new quality assurance process when people have been safeguarded in Surrey. This means that people will be able to experience an improved safeguarding service.
  • General awareness has been raised of adult safeguarding via radio adverts, bus stop posters and newsletters so that staff are better informed residents know how to raise a safeguarding concern.

Read the report here.

What was agreed:

The Board agreed to receive this item earlier next year and the forward plan will be updated accordingly.

Spotlight on: Stay Well This Winter – Be prepared.

Despite relatively mild winters in recent years, each winter season sees an average of about

500 excess winter deaths in Surrey alone. Excess winter deaths are related to cold temperatures and living in cold homes, as well as infectious diseases, such as influenza. The health effects of the cold are mostly medical and it is thought that 40% of cold related deaths are due to cardiovascular disease, and 33% due to respiratory disease.In addition to excess winter deaths, there is also a significant burden on GPs and hospital emergency departments during the winter.

People with long term health conditions such as COPD; bronchitis, emphysema; diabetes; heart or kidney disease, in particular, are encouraged to see their pharmacist if they start to feel unwell, such as developing a cough or a cold on top of their existing condition, before it becomes more serious.

It is important to keep warm in winter – both inside and outdoors as it can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression. We encourage people to heat their homes to at least 18°C (65°F) if they can, or they might prefer the living room to be slightly warmer. Everyone should keep an eye out for elderly relatives and neighbours and support them during the cold weather by checking on them and keeping in touch. They may need a bit of extra help with stocking up food supplies and ensuring they have the necessary medication before the Christmas holidays start or a spell of bad weather.

Further information and helpful tips and advice for the public is available.

Further seasonal signpost advice is available for frontline health and social care staff. Resources are available on request for people who are visually impaired, contact public health for advice on obtaining these.

What the Board will focus on next

The Board will hold a business meeting in private on 12 January 2017. Items on the agenda include:

  • An integrated approach to identifying and assessing carer health and wellbeing
  • Focus on health inequalities
  • Joint Health and Wellbeing Priority updates: Developing a preventative approach and promoting emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Public consultation and engagement

Find out more

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For information about health and wellbeing in Surrey, visit the Board’s website:

Follow us on Twitter: @healthysurrey

Read the minutes

To read the minutes of previous formal Board meetings, visit the Surrey County Council Website:

Attend the board meetings

The Board regularly holds meetings in public. Anyone is welcome to observe these meetings, and ask the Board members questions about the items discussed. To find out details of the next meeting, visit the Board’s page on the Surrey County Council website:


If you have any questions or comments about this update, please contact us:


Phone: 03456 009 009

Text: 07527 182 861