Klamath Falls Police Department

Citizen’s Academy

The Citizen’s PoliceAcademy is a program which was developed by the Police Department to establish a better relationship with the community through education, awareness, and communication.

The Citizen’s Academy’s goal is for the community membersto better understand the actions of the department and the actions of our police officers. The police officers also receive the opportunity to become familiar with community members and are able to learn more about the needs of the citizens they serve.

Each student must fill out an acceptance application in its entirety and submit it to the Police Department with an authorization for a background investigation.

*Due to the sensitive nature of law enforcement, the Klamath Falls Police Department reserves the right to decline any application submitted for this program. All documents submitted become the property of the Klamath Falls Police Department. Applications will not remain on file for future academies after students have been selected.

Citizen’s Academy

Course Outline

Classes will be held one day a week for 10 weeks. Classes will vary in length but most are about two hours long.

Classes will be taught by a variety of Klamath Falls Police Officers who have expertise in the topic they specialize in.

Some of the topics may include criminal and traffic law, use of force, crime scene investigation, firearms training, patrol procedures, specialized units, crime prevention, and others.

Students may participate in two ride-alongs with police officers during their shifts. This may occur at the beginning and upon completion of the academy.

After completing the Citizen’s Academy, students will receive a certificate of completion.

Student Qualifications

-Students must be at least 18 years of age, unless accompanied by an adult or have been cleared prior to class. All unaccompanied juvenile students will be accepted on a case by case basis.

-Students must have no pending criminal cases.

KFPD Citizen’s Academy

Application and Waiver Form

Name: ______Date of Birth______


Address: ______Home Telephone: ______

Employer: ______Work Telephone: ______

Occupation: ______Driver’s license #:______State: ______

Soc. Sec. #: ______Date of Application______


Explain your interest in the Klamath Falls Police Department Citizen’s Academy


What do you expect to gain from attending this Academy?


What experience have you had with law enforcement?__Positive__Negative

Briefly explain:


I authorize the Klamath Falls Police Department to conduct a complete records and background check of me for consideration of my acceptance into the Citizen’s Academy. I understand that any information of an adverse or criminal nature may disqualify my application and I agree that the police department has absolute and unqualified discretion regarding its decision to accept or disqualify my application. I further agree with and will knowingly and voluntarily sign the required Release and Hold Harmless Agreement releasing the Klamath Falls Police Department and the City of Klamath Falls from any and all liability.


Signature of ApplicantDate

Rules and Regulations

The intent of the rules and regulations for the Klamath Falls Police Department Citizen’s Academy is to create a safe, orderly environment conducive to an educational setting. Because some of the activities require physical exertion and in some cases can be potentially hazardous, academy participants must adhere to strict guidelines so a safe learning environment can be maintained. The Klamath Falls Police Department would like each participant to have a safe and enjoyable time while attending the Citizen’s Academy.

  1. All academy students will conduct themselves in an orderly and non-disruptive manner while attending academy classes.
  2. Academy students will not use alcohol beverages during classes or breaks and they will not use illegal controlled substances at any time.
  3. Academy students shall not be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal narcotics while participating in any Citizen’s Academy class or activity. (The use of prescription medication shall be declared at the time of application to the Citizen’s Academy.)
  4. There is no smoking or tobacco use in the Klamath Falls Police Department or department vehicles.
  5. Academy students will follow instructions given by each academy instructor.
  6. Academy students will not horseplay, ignore academy rules, fight, or create any unsafe or disruptive academy environment.
  7. Academy students will not manipulate, play with, or operate any equipment without the expressed permission of an academy representative.
  8. Any academy student who is excused from more than one class for violation of any rule or regulation shall be terminated from the Citizen’s Academy and will not be eligible for future Klamath Falls Police Citizen’s Academies.

Academy instructors have the authority to excuse any academy student from their course of instruction at any time. If a student is excused by an instructor, the academy director shall be notified immediately. The Klamath Falls Police Department reserves the right in its sole, unqualified discretion to terminate any student from the Citizen’s Academy. Termination will be the responsibility of the Citizen’s Academy Director in conjunction with the Chief of Police.

I have read and understand the rules and regulations of the Klamath Falls Police Department Citizen’s Academy and I agree to abide by them. I also understand that if I violate any rule or regulation, I may be excused from a class and may be terminated from the Citizen’s Academy.


Name (print)SignatureDate


Police witness (print) SignatureDate