SCH3U / Unit 4 Test
Solutions & Solubility / Name: / /7 K / 24 I /11 C /14 A /55

PART A: Multiple Choice (11 marks)

Circle the best possible answer for the following questions

  1. In aqueous solution, salts exist in the form of:
  2. Molecules
  3. Atoms
  4. Electrons
  5. Ions
  1. The solubility of AgCl in water is 8.9 x 10-4g/100mL at 45°C. If a solution of AgCl at 45°C contains 1.4 x 10-5 g/100mL it would be described as:
  2. Supersaturated
  3. Saturated
  4. Unsaturated
  5. Concentrated
  1. Which of the following changes the solubility of a solid in a saturated solution?
  2. Stirring the solution
  3. Grinding the solid
  4. Changing the temperature of the solution
  5. Adding more solute
  1. In which of the following is concentration expressed in percent by volume?
  2. 10% (v/v)
  3. 10% (m/v)
  4. 10% (m/m)
  5. 10 %
  6. In a concentrated solution, there is:
  7. No solvent
  8. A large amount of solute
  9. A small amount of solvent
  10. No solute
  11. Identify the FINAL step to follow when preparing a stock solution from a solid?
  12. Mass out the solute and add it to the flask.
  13. Add more solvent until you reach the required amount.
  14. Mass out the solvent and add it to the flask.
  15. Add about half the required volume of solvent to the flask.
  16. What is a characteristic of an Arrhenius acid?
  17. It reacts with water to form hydrogen ions.
  18. It accepts a pair of electrons.
  19. It turns phenolphthalein solution red
  20. It donates a proton
  1. When an ionic equation is written for the double displacement reaction between H2PO4 (aq) + FeSO4 (aq) 

thespectator ions are …….

  1. H+and PO43-
  2. Fe2+and SO42-
  3. SO42-and H+
  4. Fe2+and PO43-
  1. Which of the following would produce a bright red flame?
  2. KNO3
  3. LiCl
  4. CuSO4
  5. Ni(OH)2
  1. Which of the following solutions would be blue?
  2. LiNO3
  3. KCl
  4. NiSO4
  5. Cu(OH)2
  6. You have a solution containing Co2+, Fe3+, H+, & Ag+. 10 drops of hydrochloric acid are added – a precipitate forms! What is the precipitate?
  7. CoCl2
  8. FeCl3
  9. HCl
  10. AgCl

PART B: Match-Up (45 marks)

____ 1. / An example of a solution of gases / A. / Bronze
____ 2. / A solution which will not dissolve any more solute / B. / Aqueous solution
____ 3. / An alloy of copper and tin used in making statues / C. / Water
____ 4. / Sugar does this in tea or coffee / D. / Air
____ 5. / The Universal solvent / E. / Pressure
____ 6. / A solution in which water is the solvent / F. / Base
____ 7. / Name given to the dissolved substance / G. / Solute
____ 8. / A factor affecting the amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent / H. / Solution
____ 9. / A substance which produces OH- in water / I. / Mole
J. / Dissolves
K. / Saturated

PART C: Short Answer (45 marks)

Answer all questions in the space provided. For full marks, show each step in calculating your solution for numerical problems & watch sig digits.

  1. If 22.2 g of potassium sulfate is dissolved in 500mL of water, what is the concentration of K+ions in the solution?). [I-4]
  1. a) By the addition of water, 40mL of 8.0M H2SO4 is diluted to 3.0L. What is the concentration of H2SO4 after dilution? [I-3]
  1. Use the solubility curve below to answer the following questions:

  1. At what temperature is the solution of Pb(NO3)2 70g? ______
  2. At what temperature are the solubility of NaCl and KNO3 the same? ______
  3. What is the predicted solubility of KClO3 at 75°C? ______
  4. Describe the degree of saturation (ie. sat, unsat, supersat) of the following:
  5. 30 g/100mL of KCl at 50°C ______
  6. 70 g/100mL of KNO3 at 40°C ______
  7. What mass of CaCl2 is needed to saturate at 10°C a solution that already contains 45g/100mL of CaCl2.
  1. If 1.0 g of NaOHis dissolved in 250mL of water, what would the pH of this solution be?[I-4]
  1. a) If 25.0mL of acetic acid (HC2H3O2) solution was added to a flask with phenolphthalein and 24 mL of 0.62 M Ba(OH)2 are added to reach the titration end-point, what was the concentration of the acetic acid solution?[I-4]

b) Whatcolour was the solution at the end point? [K-1] ______

  1. Compare and contrast the effect of opening and drinking a can of icy-cold cola to the effect of opening and drinking a can of warm, totally non-refreshing cola in terms of amount of fizz. Explain what is happening in terms of solubility of carbon dioxide in each can. [C-4]
  1. When 200 mL of 0.300 M AgNO3 and 300 mL of 0.300 M KI are mixed, how many grams of AgI are formed in the reaction mixture?[I-6]
  1. Classify each reactant in the following equations as either a Bronsted-Lowry acid or base:
  2. F(aq) + HSO3-(aq)  HF(aq) + SO32-(aq)


Conjugate Acid: Conjugate Base:

  1. HCO3-(aq) + C2H3O2-(aq)  HC2H3O2 (aq) + CO32-(aq)


Conjugate Acid: Conjugate Base: