2016 CNBD Seed Grant Application

CNBD Seed Grant Application Guidelines

Please review the following list of seed grant guidelines before completing the application, which follows. Before you submit the application, you must sign in-agreement with the guidelines and complete the checklist at the end of the application.

1. The applicant must be a current graduate student or postdoctoral member of the Center.

2. The research proposal must be in the area of developmental behavioral neuroscience, and it must be central to the mission of the Center.

3. The research does not need to be conducted in the Center to be eligible for application.

4. The maximum award amount is $3,000.00 for a 12-month period. Once granted, the award can be withdrawn if research is not conducted as described in the application.

5. If for any reason the study has not begun within 6 months of the award date, the researcher will forfeit the award and it will be given to the next applicant in line. This applies in instances of the non-receipt of IRB approval.

6. Any equipment and/or software purchased by the grant will be the property of the Center following the completion of the proposed research.

7. A final progress report detailing the research results must be submitted at the end of the 12-month award period.

8. The grant recipient may be invited to speak about his/her research at a colloquium presentation.

9. Grant recipients are asked to acknowledge the CNBD in all presentations and publications that result from their seed grant research.

10. The Center will revoke any remaining award at the end of the 12-month grant period, unless the researcher applies for and is granted an extension.

11. There is a maximum extension of one year, which is not guaranteed and will be considered at the discretion of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).

Application Form

1. Principal Investigator’s Name

Academic Department

2. Project Title

3. Provide a short lay summary for the project. This summary may be shared with the CNBD community if your grant is awarded funding. Limit to one paragraph.

4. Attach a brief description (2-page maximum) that explains the project’s purpose, methods and goals. One additional page is allowed for including figures and/or references. The research description should use the following headers:

  1. Background, Significance, and Rationale
  2. Research Question, Hypotheses, and Specific Aims
  3. Methods

This includes sample size, selection criteria, measures, design, and analysis.

  1. Feasibility

Depending on the particular research proposal, this could mean feasibility of the timeline (for example, the number of subjects that can reasonably be expected to test in the set timeframe), the need for particular training, or letters of support from people whose involvement is crucial to the success of the project.

5. Total funding requested: $

Please attach a one-paged itemized budget for the project, including justification. Note: $3,000 maximum per award. Award is for research-related expenses only, such as participant reimbursement, equipment, assays, scan time, etc. Researcher travel or salary expenses are not allowed.

6. Please attach an explanation of the need for funding and of potential budgetary overlap. Specifically, please answer the following questions: Do you have any other grants to support this research? Is this study covered under your advisor’s research grant?

7. List the name(s) of all project collaborator(s). Project collaborators include mentors and advisors:

Please submit letters of support from all project collaborators.

8. Name of faculty advisor: ______

Please have mentor/advisor submit a Faculty Advisor Approval Form

9. Location of the research project:

10. If you plan to conduct your study in the CNBD, indicate below the number and type of testing rooms required, number of hours per week you anticipate testing, and the time of day that the testing will take place:

11. List any contributions (e.g., equipment or staffing) that will be provided by your home department for the completion of this project:

12. The use of human or animal subjects requires approval of the appropriate University of Minnesota subject committee.

Will human or animal subjects be used? YES NO

IRB status: Pending Approved

If approved, please complete the following information and attach the letter of approval:

Approval Date:

Assurance of Compliance Number:

Human Subjects Code Number:

If pending, please submit 1 copy of the IRB application.

By signing below, the applicant acknowledges that s/he has read and will follow the seed grant guidelines.


Application Enclosures

Attach the following to the original application:

  1. Principal investigator’s Curriculum Vitae
  2. Project description (2-page maximum; figures and bibliography may exceed the 2 page limit)
  3. Itemized budget, including justification (1-page maximum; $3,000 maximum request)
  4. Explanation of potential budgetary overlap (1-page maximum)
  5. Letters of support from each project collaborator, which should be addressed to CNBD Scientific Advisory Committee
  6. IRB approval letter or IRB application if pending approval
  7. Faculty mentor/advisor has submitted the Faculty Advisor Approval Form

Delivery Information

Please email all application materials (can include electronic signatures or scanned copies of originals) to or drop off a hard copy to the CNBD, located at 717 Delaware St. SE, Room 333.

Letters of support can be included in the emailed submission or emailed directly to .

Please address any questions regarding this application to .


You must complete the checklist before submitting your application.

  1. Have you completed the application in its entirety?
    Yes☐No ☐
  1. Have you read the list of guidelines?

Yes ☐No ☐

  1. Have you included your Curriculum Vitae in the application materials?
    Yes ☐No ☐
  1. Have you included a project description with the application materials? The project description has a 2-page limit; the addition of figures and/or a reference page may exceed that limit.
    Yes ☐No ☐
  1. Have you obtained letters of support from each project collaborator? Project collaborators include any mentors and advisors on the project.
    Yes ☐No ☐
  1. Have you had your Mentor/Advisor complete the Faculty Advisor Approval Form?

Yes ☐No ☐

  1. Is your itemized budget included in the application materials? The budget must clearly list and categorize each projected expense and must total $3,000 or less.
    Yes ☐No ☐
  1. Have you included a one-paged explanation of the need for funding and of potential budgetary overlap?

Yes ☐No ☐

  1. Have you included one original copy of your IRB approval or application, if your project is pending approval?

Yes ☐No ☐