European Commission, Directorate General Environment (EC – DG Environment) / DG environment of the European Commission proposes policies that aim to protect, preserve and improve the environment. DG Environment has also the important role to make sure that Member States correctly apply the European environmental law. /
European Commission, Directorate General Internal Market (EC – DG Market) / DG Internal Market and Services (DG MARKT) coordinates the Commission’s policy on the European Single Market and seeks the removal of unjustified obstacles to trade, in particular in the field of services and financial markets. /
European Parliament (EP) / The European Parliament is an important actor of the EU legislation process, together with the Council and the Commission. It is composed by 736 members directly elected by EU citizens once every five years. /
Council of the European Union – Consilium / The Council is the EU institution where the Member States' government representatives sit, such as the ministers of each Member State with responsibility for a given area. The composition and frequency of Council meetings vary depending on the issues dealt with. /
Committee of the Regions (CoR) / It is a consultative body, representing the regional and local levels in the European Union.
The Treaties oblige the Commission, Parliament and Council to consult the Committee of the Regions whenever new proposals are made in areas that affect the regional or local level. The CoR has 344 members from the 27 EU countries, and its work is organised in 6 different commissions. They examine proposals, debate and discuss in order to write official opinions on key issues. /
European Economic and Social Committee (ECSC) / The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body that gives representatives of Europe's civil society a formal platform to express their points of views on EU issues. Its opinions are forwarded to the larger institutions: the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament. /
Waste, environment and/or public sector
Cities and Regions leading the way towards optimal waste management and the sustainable use of resources / ACR+ is an international network of members who share the common aim of promoting sustainable consumption of resources and management of waste through prevention at source, reuse and recycling. It currently has nearly 100 members, mainly local and regional authorities as well as national networks of local authorities representing around 1100 municipalities.
ACR+ is based on three main principles stated in its founding Charter:
-Sustainable development;
-Prevention and recovery of waste;
-Partnership between public authorities, private sector and general public. /
ERRIN - European Regions Research and Innovation Network / It is a network of more than 90 EU regions and their Brussels-based offices. ERRIN facilitates knowledge exchange, joint action and project partnerships with the aim to strengthen its member region's research and innovation capacities and enhance their success in EU programmes.
ERRIN also aspires to influence EU policies in order to make them respond better to the needs of European regions and, to this end, engages in debate with EU institutions and participates in EU policy consultations. /
ISWA - International Solid Waste Association / It is an international, independent and non-profit making association, working in the public interest to promote and develop sustainable waste management worldwide. Members of ISWA can be: non-governmental organization (association, institute, federation or similar), public or private company or individual member. /
CEMR - The Council of European Municipalities / It was founded in Geneva in 1951 and it is the largest organisation of local and regional government in Europe; its members are over 50 national associations of towns, municipalities and regions from 39 countries. Together these associations represent some 100,000 local and regional authorities. /
CEWEP - Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants / It represents about 390 Waste-to-Energy Plants across Europe. Its members come from 17 European countries and one from the USA. They thermally treat household and similar waste that remains after waste prevention, reuse and recycling by generating energy from it. They deliver this energy (heat and electricity) to citizens and industry. Thus, replacing limited fossil fuels, such as coal, oil or gas used by conventional power plants. The waste treated by Waste-to-Energy Plants would otherwise be sent to landfill sites. This is how Waste-to-Energy Plants help reduce dependence both on land filling and on fossil fuels. /
RReuse - A Network Symbol of Sustainable Development in Practice / RREUSE is a European umbrella for social enterprises with activities in reuse, repair and recycling. RREUSE's members are national and regional social economy networks. Its objectives are:
-Environmental protection: waste prevention and sustainable management
-Social equity: social inclusion activities and affordable goods
-Economic viability: job creation and training opportunities /
EBB - European Environmental Bureau
Federation of Environmental Citizens Organisations / It is a EU federation of environmental organisations with 140 member organizations. Its aim is to ensure the EU secures a healthy environment and rich biodiversity for all. /
EPSU - European Federation of Public Service Unions / It comprises 8 million public service workers from over 250 trade unions. It organises workers in the energy, water and waste sectors, health and social services and local and national administration, in all European countries including in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. EPSU is the recognized regional organization of Public Services International (PSI). /
ETUC - European Trade Union Confederation / It was set up in 1973 to promote the interests of working people at European level and to represent them at EU level. ETUC’s objective is an EU with a strong social dimension that safeguards the wellbeing of all its citizens. At present, ETUC has in membership 83 National Trade Union Confederations from 36 European countries, as well as 12 European industry federations, making a total of 60 million members. /
BEUC – The European Consumers’ Organisation / Created in 1962, BEUC promotes consumers’ rights, namely: Safety, information, choice, representation, redress, education, satisfaction of basic needs, clean environment. Main priorities are: Energy & Sustainability, Financial Services, Food, Health, Safety, Consumer Contracts, Digital Environment, Consumer Redress. /
IEEP – Institute for European Environmental Policy / It is an independent research organisation concerned with policies affecting the environment in Europe and beyond. Its aim is to disseminate knowledge about Europe and the environment and to analyse and present policy options. They undertake research and consultancy on the development, implementation and evaluation of environmental and environment-related policies in Europe. /
ECOS – European Environmental Citizens’ Organisation for Standardisation / It is a consortium of Environmental NGOs created to enhance the voice of environmental protection in standardisation and other technical processes. ECOS aims at increasing the ecological performance of products, ensuring sound measurement methods for pollutants, greening management systems in businesses and improving consumer information towards sustainable consumption. /
ECN – European Compost Network / The Network is a collaboration of partners, promoting sustainable practices in composting, anaerobic digestion and other treatment procedures for organic residues across Europe. Members of ECN encompass organic waste experts, treatment plants and bio-waste organisations working for, or with, the sustainable recovery of biomass. /
CEEP - Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public services / The association represents Enterprises and employers’ organisations with public participation and enterprises carrying out activities of general economic interest. /
EUROCITIES / It is the network of major European cities. It aims at reinforcing the role of local government in a multi-level governance structure. Its activities address a wide range of policies concerning economic development and cohesion policy, the provision of public services, climate change, energy and environment, transport and mobility, employment and social affairs, culture, education, information and knowledge society, as well as governance and international cooperation. /
ClientEarth / It is an organisation of activist lawyers committed to secure a healthy planet and propose solutions to key environmental challenges. /
Assembly of European Regions (AER) / The Assembly of European Regions is the largest independent network of regions in Europe, bringing together over 270 regions from 33 countries and 16 interregional organizations. AER’s mission is to promote the subsidiarity principle and regional democracy; increase the regions' political influence within the European institutions; support the regions in the process of European enlargement and globalisation; as well as facilitate interregional cooperation across Europe and beyond. /
CEN – European Committee for standardisation / It is the only recognized European organization according to Directive 98/34/EC for the planning, drafting and adoption of European Standards in all areas of economic activity. CEN's 31 National Members work together to develop voluntary European Standards (ENs). More than 60.000 technical experts as well as business federations, consumer and other societal interest organizations are involved in the CEN network. /
Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) / It is a worldwide network of more than 500 NGOs working to prevent climate change and promote sustainable energy and environment policy in Europe. /
Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) / Friends of the Earth Europe campaigns for a sustainable society and for the protection of the environment. It unites 30 national organisations with thousands of local groups and is part of a larger environmental network, Friends of the Earth International. /
Greenpeace Europe / Greenpeace European Unit is part of the international Greenpeace network, active in over 40 countries worldwide. Based in Brussels, they monitor and analyse the work of the EU institutions. Greenpeace seeks to protect biodiversity, prevent pollution and abuse of the earth, end all nuclear threats, promote peace, as well as global disarmament and non-violence. /
Health and Environment Alliance / The Health and Environment Alliance aims to raise awareness of how environmental protection improves health. Its members include citizens, patients, women, health professionals and environmental organisations across Europe. /
WWF European Office / It supports WWF’s global mission to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. Its aim is to shape EU policies impacting on the European and global environment. /
The Bellona Foundation / The Bellona Foundation is an international environmental NGO based in Norway. /
ESWET - European Suppliers of Waste to Energy Technology / ESWET is the European Association representing manufacturers in the field of Waste to Energy Technology. Its main purpose is to foster the development and the dissemination of the Waste to Energy technology. /
FEAD - European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services / FEAD is the European Federation representing the European waste management industry. FEAD’s members are national waste management associations covering 21 Member States. FEAD represents about 3000 companies with activities in all forms of waste management. These companies employ over 295000 people who operate around 1800 recycling and sorting centres, 1100 composting sites, 260 waste-to-energy plants and 1100 controlled landfills. /
BIR – Bureau of International Recycling / Founded in 1948, BIR represents over 700 member companies from the private sector and 40 national associations in more than 70 countries. It promotes materials recycling and facilitates free and fair trade of recyclables in a sustainable and competitive world economy. /
AIM – European Brands Association / It represents the branded goods industries in Europe on key issues which affect the ability of brand manufacturers to design, distribute and market their brands. AIM's mission is to create for brands an environment of fair and vigorous competition, fostering innovation and guaranteeing maximum value to consumers. /
CiAA / It aims to promote and represent the interests of the Food and Drink Industry in the EU and beyond. CIAA’s priorities are: Increase consumer confidence in the food and drink industry, guarantee the smooth functioning of the internal market, strengthen food and drink industry competitiveness, sustainable development through enhanced competitiveness and more responsible corporate practices. /
Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) / It is a Brussels-based non-profit making organisation regrouping the European pulp and paper industry. Its mission is to promote the member’s business sector by monitoring and analyzing activities and initiatives in the areas of industry, environment, energy, forestry, recycling, fiscal policies and competitiveness /
Electronics associations
WEEE Forum / The WEEE Forum is a European association of 39 electrical and electronic waste collection and recovery systems. Its aim is to provide a platform for these producer responsibility organisations, or take-back systems, to foster ideas and share best practices while optimising environmental performance through a proper management of electrical and electronic waste. /
European Electronics Recyclers Association (EERA) / It is a non-profit organisation that promotes the interest of recycling companies who are treating waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Europe. EERA aims for the harmonization of national and international regulations for WEEE recycling in order to obtain a free market for demand and supply of services. EERA calls for environmentally sound operating practices for WEEE recycling activities. Its members are signatories to the rules of conduct to safeguard protection of human health and the environment. /
Weee-PIN - Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment - Public Interest Network / It was created within ACR+ and represents local and regional public authorities on WEEE issues at European level. The WEEE-PIN aims to involve local authorities in the revision process of the WEEE Directive 2006/92/EC and to make their voices heard in the debate. It believes that local and regional authorities have lots of expertise indeed in the collection and recycling of waste, but they are suffering today from an insufficient application of producer responsibility and from the confusing and inconsistent way the European WEEE Directive has been implemented throughout Europe. /
CECED – European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers / CECED represents the European Industry of domestic appliance manufacturers. CECED member companies produce small and large household appliances as well as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment, mainly for residential use. /
DIGITALEUROPE / It is the advocacy group of the European digital economy acting on behalf of the information technology, consumer electronics and telecommunications sectors. DIGITALEUROPE is dedicated to improving the business environment for the European information and communications technology and consumer electronics (ICT and CE) sector, and to promoting the industry's contribution to economic growth and social progress in the European Union. /
Packaging associations
FEVE – The European Container Glass Federation / FEVE is the official voice of the glass container industry at European level. Founded in 1977, FEVE currently has over 60 company members and 22 corporate groups across the European Union, Switzerland and Turkey. /
Beverage Can Makers Europe (BCME) / It is a non-profit-making trade body that represents Europe's leading drinks can manufacturers. Its main goal is to maximise market opportunities for the beverage can and proactively support the image of can in comparison to other beverage packaging alternatives through coordinated marketing, environmental, legislative and technical initiatives. /
European Plastics Converters (EuPC) / EuPC is the trade association representing European Plastics Converters. Its members manufacture plastics semi-finished and finished products for a wide range of industrial and consumer markets, the automotive electrical and electronic, packaging, construction and healthcare industries, to name but a few. /
PlasticsEurope / It is the trade association representing the European plastics manufacturers. /
EUROPEN - European Organization for Packaging and the Environment / It is an industry organization dedicated to resolve the environmental challenges facing the packaging supply chain, while favouring harmonised European and national packaging regulations in an EU Single Market for packaging and packaged goods. EUROPEN promotes the benefits of packaging and best practices concerning lowering of its environmental impact, and supports packaging policies which are environmentally, economically and scientifically sound, as well as socially and politically acceptable. /
EXPRA - Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance / It is the umbrella organisation for packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling systems that are owned by obliged industry. It was founded in 2013 and aims at ensuring the recovery and recycling of packaging waste in the most economically efficient and ecologically sound manner. /
INCPEN / NCPEN is a non-profit, research-based organisation dedicated to analysing the environmental and social effects of packaging, creating a better understanding of the role of packaging and minimising the environmental impact of packaging. Its members are international and British companies involved in all aspects of the packaging chain, from raw material suppliers to packaging manufacturers, branded goods producers and retailers. /
PETCORE - PET containers recycling Europe / It is a non-profit European association fostering the use and development of PET containers and facilitating both PET recycling and the development of recycled end material. Its members are from many business sectors: resin producers, containers manufacturers and bottle end-users. Petcore assists local authorities in establishing PET containers recycling programmes and maintains close relationships with European national associations dedicated to the recovery and recycling of PET containers. /
Pira International / It provides market research as well as strategic and technical consulting for the packaging, printing and paper industry supply-chains. /
PRO EUROPE s.p.r.l. (Packaging Recovery Organisation Europe) / It is the umbrella organisation of European packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling schemes which mainly use the "Green Dot" trademark as a financing symbol. PRO EUROPE is the general licensor of the "Green Dot" trademark. It also represents the interests of all packaging recovery and recycling organizations. /
APEAL - Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging / It is a federation of four multi-national producers of steel for packaging funded in 1986. Its objective is to contribute to the EU policy development in the areas of packaging, waste, recycling and recovery. /
Eurometaux – European Association of metals / It is the Brussels based EU association of the non-ferrous metals industry, representing the main EU and international metals producers and commodity groups, as well as national metal federations. /
ACE – The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment / It is the European platform for beverage carton manufacturers and their paperboard suppliers. ACE members work together to demonstrate that beverage carton packaging is a smart green choice. /
National Representations in Brussels
Mission of Norway to the European Union / It represents the Norwegian government on all EU-related issues. Its role is to follow the development of EU-policies in those fields which are of importance to Norway and to promote and support the positions of the Norwegian government at EU level. /
Samband – Local authorities association in Iceland / It safeguards the interests of Icelandic local authorities in the European Union and in the EEA co-operation. The Office disseminates information on European affairs to Icelandic local authorities and facilitates the participation of municipalities and their regional associations in European programmes. /
European Office of the Bavarian local authorities- Germany / The European Office of the Bavarian Local Authorities in Brussels represents the interests of more than 2.000 towns and municipalities, 275 cities, 71 counties and 7 districts. Its objectives are:
-Early information on EU initiatives and legislative procedures, calls for proposals in EU-funding programmes, ECJ rulings of relevance to local authorities;
-Inform on EU-related developments of local relevance;
-Provide guidance on EU Funding Programmes;
-Organization of meetings for the local authorities’ associations and their members in Brussels;
-Lectures on EU topics of local relevance. /
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union / Its main task is to ensure that Swedish interests and policies are pursued as effectively as possible in the EU. An important task of the Permanent Representation is to supply analyses and assessments to the Swedish Government Offices, which contribute to shaping EU policies. The Representation also acts as the Swedish Governments day-to-day communication link with the EU institutions. /
German National Associations
The German Association of
Cities / It is the largest national local authority-organisation. It comprises 5 500 cities and towns with a total of 51 million inhabitants. It represents the interests of cities and town dealing with the Federal Government and the European Union. It advises its members and informs them about all matters and trends of importance to local governments. The German Association of Cities and Towns facilitates the exchange of experience between its members and promotes it in numerous official bodies. /
BDE bundesverband der deutschen entsorgungwirtschaft / German only /
DStGB Deutscher Stadte und Gemeindebund / German only /
ITAD Interessengemeinschaft der Thermischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen Deutschland / It is the Association of more that 70 German Waste-to-Energy and RDF plants. /
Austrian National Associations
Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband (ÖWAV) / German only /
UK National Associations
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) / It is the representative voice of Scottish local government and it also acts as the employers’ association on behalf of all Scottish councils. One of its highest priority is to maintain and enhance relationship with member Councils. /
Green Alliance / It is an environmental think tank working to ensure UK political leaders deliver ambitious solutions to global environmental issues. /
Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) / It represents the collective interests of local councils and facilitates. NILGA seeks to promote, strengthen and modernise the local government sector. The Association is supported by all 5 main political parties in Northern Ireland with 25 of the 26 local councils as members. /
Belgian National Association
FEBE – FEGEM Federation of Enterprises dealing with the environment / FEGE represents private companies active in the Belgian waste management system and in the remediation of polluted soils. FEGE members are active in collecting, sorting, recycling and treating waste and contaminated soil. /