Step into K program – Survey Monkey Parent Follow-up (October 2012)

1.  Please tell us about your child’s first day in JK? (i.e how you think he was feeling, any issues, challenges etc. )


·  She absolutely loves Kindergarten!! She loved making new friends, singing the songs, and playing outside! :)
·  He was a bit nervous but he did very well at drop off time. Hardly any tears!
·  She was excited and happy and went willingly. No complaints
·  My daughter was very excited for her first day of school and was still excited when she got home. She absolutely loved it
·  He was super excited to be going to school, and when he came home he was full of stories and giggles, and a little tired.
·  At first he did not want to go, but as soon as the bus pulled up he walked on with no problems! When he came home he said he had a good day!
·  He was very excited to begin with about going to school, and it helped that he had older cousins that were already there. He really enjoyed it and there were no issues at all.
·  His first day went well. I think he was a little apprehensive at first, but went right in the school with the teacher when the bell rang. He came away at the end of the day having had fun and made some friends!
·  My child's first day went well. She was definitely nervous and feeling a little anxious, but she was really excited too. To my knowledge there were no issues or challenges.
·  It was great, she could not wait for her first day!
·  My son was very excited to go to school on the first day!
·  He loved it, the step into kindergarten program definitely eased his anxiety about starting school.
·  He loved it.
·  Went well. Step Into Kindergarten really helped her get ready for that first week. Some tears in the beginning but Teacher's said she was fine within 15 minutes or so.
·  My son had a very rough first day, he didn't want to go to school and stay there, the teacher had to pull him out of my arms and unwind his arms from around my neck. It was a very hard day, truth be told it was that way for the first two weeks of school.
·  He was excited and ready to go!
·  She found it a little hard to leave me, but I'm pretty sure it was due to the large amount of children/parents in the room and her being shy. I was told that as soon as I left she was in a great mood and had a wonderful day. She came home excited to tell us all about her time spent at school.
·  My child was nervous and timid the first day of Kindergarten. I feel that had it not been for the "step into" program she would have been much more scared and anxious. She was able to remain strong with very few tears and a little encouragement followed her class mates into start the year.
·  The first day was one that we all had a few nerves over. The Step into K program was more challenging than expected, emotionally speaking, for our daughter. So, we were fearful that the first day of JK would be filled with tears and anxiety for her. While she did have a little anxiety just as it was time to say goodbye to me, she went on her way and didn't have tears for the rest of the morning - which she was very proud of.
·  I was great. She was a bit confused about the fact that the teacher she had for the step into kindergarten is not her teacher but quickly got over it. I would suggest that each child at the end of the week get to see there class room if they are in fact not in the class they would be in for the year.

2.  Do you think that your child’s participation in Step Into K impacted his/her start in Kindergarten? How?


·  I think it helped her feel comfortable, and somewhat more confident entering the school knowing she has already spent some time there with some of the other kids.
·  The first three days of dropping my son off at Step into K he cried, yelled and would not let go of me. One of the amazing EA's had to pull him off of me so I could leave. He has been in daycare since he was 18 months old, but the new place and people made him very nervous. He didn’t know what to expect with School. Step into K gave him a chance to see just what School is all about. By the end of the week he gave me a high five at drop off time. His first day of school was still a bit nerve racking for him, but he did not really cry at all, was a bit worried, but not upset.
·  I think she is more confident and she was able to recognize a few of her friends.
·  She knew what to expect, no surprises or feeling lost on the first day
·  Gave him more concrete security in the routines of school, he knew right away in the morning that he was going and was very adamant about being on time, and making friends and seeing his teachers
·  I think he was familiar with the surrounding which made the transition easier.
·  I think it made the whole transition easier and not so overwhelming.
·  The step into K program showed him what to expect when he started school. He made friends and had familiar faces on his first day. He learned that mommy and daddy will always be back to get him at the end of the day.
·  Although she was still a bit nervous/anxious, I think the Step into K program helped a lot by allowing her to see the school and classroom. As well, she was able to meet teachers, EAs and other students so not all faces on the first day were strange. The introduction to school routines helped in letting her know a bit about what to expect.
·  I think that the step into Kindergarten program really helped my daughter feel comfortable and confident on her first day, she kind of knew what she was in for, so the whole first day of school thing was not so scary just super exciting for her.
·  He was a bit nervous about not knowing any of the other kids, his teacher and the routines. Step into K helped a lot - he was actually upset when the week was over and he had to wait another 2 weeks to start school!
·  He was ready and excited when school started in September. The program was a total success in our eyes. He went from not wanting to start school, to being excited, proud of himself.
·  He felt more confident about the school and the routine.
·  Prepared her for the day. Helped her to understand the schedule, comfortable with eating snacks brought from home, comfortable with room and new faces.
·  Yes and No, he really enjoyed the Step into K program and I think it made him feel special that he already knew where his cubby was and what he was supposed to do when he got into school. My only complaint was that it was so early, I feel like if it had of been the week before school then maybe he wouldn't have had such anxiety about going on the first day.
·  He was not scared at all. The program got him familiar with the routine of going to school and also gave him confidence.
·  My daughter is really shy and it often takes a while for her to warm up to new situations. She was really enjoying her time in the program and was very excited for school to start after it ended.
·  Gave her an understanding of her surroundings and a head start on what to expect from the class room setting
·  Step Into K gave our daughter an idea of what to expect. That way, when the anxiety of starting something new hit, she had some idea of what would be coming next and it wasn't so scary for her.
·  She was comfortable coming to school and excited. She knew what to expect and semi on where to go.

3.  What the Parent Information Session helpful?


YES – 19 NO - 1

4.  What additional information/resources would you like included in this program?


·  Not sure.
·  It might have been nice to get an idea of what JK is all about (Some ideas of units the kids might be working on or what skills the teachers will be working on through the year). I know it’s hard because each school and class is different, but I am sure most teachers work on similar thing (counting to 100, writing the alphabet etc..) The last day of the program the kids did a little song and party for the parents, I was unable to attend because of work commitments, if I had known about this when we registered I would have been able to make arrangements.
·  I think it was great and I really don't know what else you could have included.
·  I can't think of any
·  This is my fourth child going to school, so perhaps asking other new parents would be more beneficial. It was still a good review and confirmed any changes that may have occurred.
·  I don't think anything else was needed.
·  Not sure.
·  A discussion on what can and cannot be sent in lunches.
·  I think everything that was done was great.
·  Nothing. It was fantastic and although it was good for him it really also helped eased our minds.
·  None to be honest all questions were answered that day.
·  I think that it was very informative especially for the parents who were first time parents with their first child entering the school.
·  Nothing. It was wonderful.
·  I found that all the information that I received was lots. We were able to read through it and understand more about the program and ways to her get ready to start her journey at school.
·  The parent session was not helpful to me, ONLY because I have an older child that is already enrolled in school.
·  Perhaps more contact with the actual JK teacher.
·  My daughter has had a difficult time with the bus routine and how she is to behave on the bus. (Sitting, not yelling, and fouling around). Maybe one of the days they could have a quick little bus trip or at least get to go on a bus and talk about how to behave and what they are to do. (make a game of it)

5.  Additional Comments:


·  Great program! A really good idea, for the kids and the parents to help prepare and feel welcome starting school.
·  I had such a positive experience with this program and so did my child. The parent information session was great. The EA's at St. Joseph were amazing. I have very great things to say about the organization of this program!
·  My daughter enjoyed the program and it helped her adjust to leaving my side for the day.
·  I am thrilled with this program and hoping that my youngest who will attend school in another few years will get to experience it as well!
·  I thought it was a great program and I felt much more comfortable sending my son.
·  As a parent, I really enjoyed the time we had spent with the kids in their classroom the first day; I wished i could have spent more time watching them interact with new friends.
·  I think it was a great program! What a wonderful way to introduce the children to school. I really hope this program continues.
·  I really enjoyed the program; I think it is an excellent way to ease the kids into school. I really hope that the program continues I feel like my youngest daughter is really going to need this kind of program to help her become use to a new schedule/ new surroundings! Great job! Definitely made school easier!
·  Great program - very happy that my son was able to participate!
·  Keep up the great work!
·  It would be nice if there was some time spent with the children talking about their behaviour and how you treat other kids but also how to deal with kids when they are mean. My child went to school really not understanding mean as he had never been around it and it’s hard to explain until they are there.
·  Great program keep running it!
·  I really liked the program and was very happy that it was offered this year to me, I have 3 older kids in school but it had been 5 years since I was "starting kindergarten" so it was a nice welcome to the school and walk through how it worked and what changes that were made since the last time I was a new kindergarten parent. Thanks, Sara
·  This is an excellent program that I would HIGHLY recommend to any parent with a child heading into school for the first time!

DAC – Leeds and Grenville – November 2012Page 3