The Amazing Properties of Water Labs
Instructions: You will perform several experiments today in order to observe the amazing properties of water in action. Carefully follow instructions for each experiment. Be sure to clearly label each section and write down your responses to the “Questions and Data Analysis” sections on a separate sheet of paper.
Thermal Properties
Datalogger with temperature probe OR Thermometer
hot plate
Procedure: Use a hot plate to heat the water, taking the temperature every minute (precisely). Once the water is boiling, continue to take the temperature every minute for 5 minutes.
Questions and Data Analysis:
1. Graph the temperature change of the water.
2. Explain the shape of the graph in terms of the thermal properties of water.
Cohesive Properties
How many drops of water fit on a penny?
Questions and Data Analysis:
1. Explain your observations in terms of the properties of water.
Solvent Properties
Part A: Diet Coke and Mentos. (This will be done as a demo outside)
Questions and Data Analysis:
1. What gaseous substance is dissolved in Diet Coke?
2. Explain your observations in terms of the properties of water.
Part B: What dissolves in water?
Design a procedure to test the solubility of the following substances in water. Then perform your procedure and record your results: Sugar, Salt, Vegetable oil…
Questions and Data Analysis:
1. Describe your procedure in detail.
2. Explain your observations in terms of the properties of water and the properties of the substances tested.
Full Lab Report
You will INDIVIDUALLY design your own investigation on the properties of water. In order to do this, choose one factor that you wish to investigate. Write a design (following the lab report format) that will allow you to test how this factor influences a property of water of your choosing. Make sure your procedure allows for the collection of sufficient relevant quantitative and qualitative data. Tomorrow, bring in any materials that you will need that are not already found in the lab.
You will perform your individual experiment. You will complete an entire lab report, including Design, Data Collection and Processing, and Conclusion and Evaluation.