MIDS Cost Considerations Checklist

Capital equipment – select level of inclusion for transfer pricing / Yes / No
Transfer pricing will fully absorb the costs of all capital equipment / □ / □
Transfer pricing will only absorb the costs of replacement capital equipment – maximum threshold of $200,000 / □ / □
Transfer pricing will exclude capital equipment replacement considerations / □ / □
Direct Costs / Inclusion
Yes / No
Salaries and wages of all Medical Imaging staff / □ / □
Salaries and wages of Medical Imaging VMOs / □ / □
Labour on-costs of medical imaging staff / □ / □
Pathology costs directly associated with MI procedures / □ / □
Pharmaceuticals directly associated with MI procedures / □ / □
Prostheses directly associated with MI procedures / □ / □
All other medical and surgical supply costs directly associated with MI / □ / □
All other goods and services directly associated with MI / □ / □
Hotel services directly provided to MI / □ / □
Leasing costs of MI equipment / □ / □
Depreciation of MI capital equipment / □ / □
Overhead cost / Inclusion /
Yes / No /
Allied Health Administration / □ / □
Biomedical Engineering / □ / □
Central Sterilising and Supply Department / □ / □
Cleaning Services / □ / □
Clinical Information / □ / □
Computing / □ / □
Corporate Management Fees / □ / □
Document Transmission & Storage / □ / □
Energy Supplies / □ / □
Executive Services (Management) / □ / □
Financial Administration / □ / □
Financing Costs (including interest) / □ / □
Food Services (patients) / □ / □
Fringe Benefits Tax / □ / □
Grounds and Gardens / □ / □
Health Information Management / □ / □
Hospital Management and Administration / □ / □
Hospital Specific Service Management & Administration / □ / □
Hospital Staff Catering / □ / □
Human Resource Management / □ / □
Infection Control / □ / □
Insurance / □ / □
Insurance – Property / □ / □
Insurance – Professional Indemnity / □ / □
Interpreter Services / □ / □
Legal Services / □ / □
Library Services / □ / □
Linen & Laundry Services / □ / □
Maintenance, Engineering & Repairs / □ / □
Medical Management & Admin / □ / □
Medical Management & Admin Specific Service / □ / □
Medical Records / □ / □
Nursing Management & Admin / □ / □
Nursing Management & Admin Specific Service / □ / □
Occupational Health and Safety / □ / □
Other Administrative Services / □ / □
Other Hotel Services / □ / □
Other Overheads / □ / □
Patient Administration / □ / □
Patient Residential Accommodation / □ / □
Patient Transport – Admitted / □ / □
Patient Transport – Non Admitted / □ / □
Payroll / □ / □
Payroll Tax / □ / □
Porters & Orderlies / □ / □
Printing, Postage and Stationery / □ / □
Property Services / □ / □
Public Relations & Marketing / □ / □
Quality Assurance / □ / □
Redundancy Payments / □ / □
Security – Other / □ / □
Security – Patient / □ / □
Staff Accommodation / □ / □
Staff Development / □ / □
Stores/Supplies & Transport costs / □ / □
Telecommunications / □ / □
Transport of Personnel / □ / □
Volunteer Services / □ / □
Water / □ / □