Courtney Harver

Saturday, December 20th, 2015
8:00-9:00am-Breakfast with Santa and Story Time
9:30-10:30am-Holiday Stocking Decorating
11:00-12:00pm-Christmas Trivia
2:30-3:30pm-Operation Christmas
6:30-8:00pm-Holiday Sweater Party

Breakfast with Santa and story time-

Program Goal/Objective-For residents to enjoy a nice breakfast with family, be able to visit with Santa, and listen to the Christmas tales while reminiscing of their old Christmas traditions.

Program Purpose- To help residents get into the Christmas spirit and enjoy a nice breakfast with their family.

This program will start at 8:00am. Recreation Therapists will need to start getting residents with the help of nursing staff at 7:30 am. While that is being done someone need to be in the dining hall getting the food set out. Santa is set to arrive at 8:15am in the dining hall. His number is (434)837-0000 in case of emergency. Residents families have been invited to join us for breakfast so someone needs to stay in the dining hall at all times to make sure they are welcomed and know they are in the right place. Food will be free of charge for all family members and residents. Also, security at the front desk has been notified and will be telling them where to go. Once all the residents arrive and are sat with their families we will begin to serve the food. This includes eggs, fresh fruit, a bread tray, and grits. Dietary needs must be checked before a resident is allowed to eat. The dietitian will be present to monitor resident intake. Christmas music will be playing in the background. Residents and their families are free to take pictures with Santa any time during this gathering. When it seems people are finishing up their meal Santa will begin to read classic Christmas stories that he has been asked to bring. Residents are allowed to stay as long as they’d like and families are invited to our next activity. Santa is set to leave at 9:00am and will just slip out as everyone is gathering.


·  High functioning residents will help serve the food that has been prepared for breakfast and will help clean up when everything is over.

·  Mid Functioning will decide what they want to eat and have a seat at the table

·  Low Functioning will need some assistance eating but will still enjoy being with the group.

Domains-Social, cognitive, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual

Holiday stocking decorating-

Program Goal/Objective- For residents to use their fine motor skills and decision making to decorate felt stockings for their door.

Program Purpose-To allow residents to be creative and have something they made to decorate their door with.

This program will take place in the main activity room. Residents can be brought straight from breakfast and other residents will be asked if they would like to participate. This activity will be a craft for the resident’s door. They will each receive a felt stocking and will have craft supplies such as glitter glue, puffy paint, stickers, fabric markers pom-poms and tape. They are allowed to do whatever they would like for their stocking and once they are finished and dried they will be hung on each residents door. On Christmas Eve the recreation therapist will go around and put something small in each residents stocking for a Christmas surprise.


·  High functioning residents will be able to fully complete their stocking with no help from the recreation therapist.

·  Mid functioning residents will have some help but will mostly be completing the task on their own.

·  Low functioning residents will have someone with them to help them complete their stocking, but not completely do it for them.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, physical, mental

Christmas trivia-

Program Goal/Objective- For residents to use their cognitive functioning to recall answers to trivia questions related to Christmas.

Program Purpose- To allow residents to show their knowledge of the season as well as get them out and socializing within their group.

This program will hold place in the same common area as the crafts. A projector will be set up in a place that it is safe and far enough from residents for them to see. The residents will be split up into two groups of mixed ability in each group. A slide show of Christmas themed questions will be presented to the residents. This slide show will include true and false questions, multiple choice questions, name that tune, and name that movie. The questions will be read aloud as well as projected on the screen.


·  High functioning residents will be able to answer the questions without much prompting.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to answer most of the questions with the help of an assistant.

·  Low functioning residents will be able to answer the questions by picking between two answers with help from an assistant.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, mental

Operation Christmas-

Program Goal- To keep residents active during sun downing as well as to get them to use fine and gross motor skills by packing these gift bags for a local shelter.

Program Purpose-To allow residents to help others by sorting and filling gift bags for families in need.

This program is designed for residents to have something productive to do that will benefit others for Christmas as well. They will have a table full of objects/gifts in front of them. They will be helping put together gift packages that will be given to folks at a local homeless shelter.


·  High functioning residents will be able to pack the gift bags with little help.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to choose what they want to put into the bags and pack them with some help from staff.

·  Low functioning residents will use the help of a staff member to make decisions on what to pack and the staff will help them put the gift bag together.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, physical, mental

Holiday sweater party-

Program Goal/Objective- For residents socially interact with one another and get some physical activity in with some dancing.

Program Purpose- For residents to enjoy the company of others, participate in singing and or dancing and just having a good time.

This program will have snacks, music, dancing and a holiday sweater contest. Residents will mix and mingle with each other, staff, volunteers, and other resident’s families. The music will be played off an IPad and there will be prizes for the best sweater.


·  High functioning residents will be able to dance and sing along to the songs and will be able to participate in voting on who wins the sweater contest.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to dance with some supervision and sing along to the music while participating with the dress contest.

·  Low functioning residents will be able to enjoy the company of others while listening to the music.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, physical, mental

Sunday, December 21st, 2015

8:00-9:00am-Bible Study with Breakfast
9:30-10:30am-Sunday Paper Reading and Couponing
11:00-12:00pm-Rockin Around the Christmas Tree
3:30-4:30pm-Ornament Decorating
7:00-8:00pm-Christmas Caroling

Bible Study with breakfast-

Program Goal- For residents to have a nice comfortable breakfast while hearing the scriptures they would get at a church service.

Program Purpose- To provide a place for the residents to worship as they did when they had full access to a church.

This program will begin with getting the residents ready for breakfast and bringing them down to the dining room at 7:30 am. Breakfast will be served by food staff this morning in the dining room. A minister will be present to read scripture and pray with the residents during the allotted time.


·  High functioning residents will be able to eat without the help of an assistant and will be able to interact with the minister.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to eat relatively on their own and will be able to listen to the minister and make comments if able.

·  Low functioning residents will be able to eat their breakfast with the help of a staff member while listening to the minister.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, mental, spiritual

Sunday paper reading and couponing-

Program Goal/Objective- For residents to use their processing skills by reading, completing crossword puzzles, or clipping coupons.

Program Purpose- To provide residents with a typical Sunday morning activity to bring them back to things they used to do as a comfortable activity.

This program will provide a place for residents to discuss current events or quietly read on their own. It will foster all residents. Clipping the coupons will be one of the many options along with reading the comics, doing the crossword puzzles and word search, and just reading while enjoying the company of others.


·  High functioning residents will be able to choose which of the activities they would like to do and can do them on their own and work with lower functioning residents.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to choose which they would like to do but might need some assistance with the activity depending on what they choose.

·  Low functioning residents will have the paper read to them or will be helped to complete a crossword puzzle or clip coupons.

Domains-Social, cognitive, mental

Rockin’ around the Christmas tree-

Program Goal/Objective- For residents to work out their muscles in a welcoming, festive environment.

Program Purpose- To engage the residents in some fun physical activity that may not even seem like physical activity.

This program will be held in the main gathering room. There will be Christmas music playing for a Zumba like class. This will be an exercise, but fun experience for the residents. It is an adapted version of Zumba for residents who are and are not ambulatory to enjoy that goes with the beat of Christmas music. The instructor is scheduled to show up at 11:00am. In case of emergency her number is 804-829-0938


·  High functioning residents will be able to follow along with the instructions provided by the instructor.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to follow along with most of the moves with little help from staff.

·  Low functioning residents will be able to follow along with some prompting and assistance from staff.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, physical, mental

Ornament decorating-

Program Goal/Objective- For residents to use their fine and gross motor skills by decorating these ornaments and hanging them on the public tree for all to enjoy.

Program Purpose- To engage residents in a craft that will be something for them to be proud of completing.

This program will be done in the same gathering room. The facility will have a Christmas tree up that will be decorated with the ornaments that residents create or decorate. Residents will be given a choice between a clear or colored ball, specialty shaped, construction paper, or cookie forms of ornaments. They will also have glitter, pain, glue, markers, glitter glue, puffy paint, pipe cleaners, beads, safety scissors, pom-poms, and googly eyes. They are allowed to create whatever they would like to get hung on the tree for all of the facility to admire. Once they are all finished and dried residents will be asked to help hang them exactly where they want their ornament on the tree.


·  High functioning residents will be able to make multiple different ornaments and hang them on the tree with minimal assistance from staff.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to create a few ornaments with the help from some staff if needed.

·  Low functioning residents will be able to make at least one ornament in the allotted time with the help from staff.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, physical, mental

Caroling with the children from daycare-

Program Goal/Objective- For residents to interact using intergenerational and sing the timeless songs that are associated with Christmas.

Program Purpose- To engage the residents in an opportunity for social growth between themselves, the children, and staff as well as emotionally while they recall these songs.

This program will include residents, staff, children from the daycare, parents, and families. We will gather in a large area with lots of windows so we can see outdoors. We will take recommendations on songs to sing and they will be played off an iPad by request or randomly selected based on crowd response. Lyrics to the songs will also be projected on a screen for people who don’t know the words to be able to see them.


·  High functioning residents will be able to recognize the song and sing along while interacting with the children and families.

·  Mid functioning residents will be able to hum along or sing when prompted by staff if unable to do so on their own.

·  Low functioning residents will sit with the group to enjoy the music and company singing when they can with some encouragement from staff and family.

Domains-Social, emotional, cognitive, physical, mental

Trivia Questions:

1. What was the name of the star above the stable where Jesus was born? The star of David
2. Santa Claus is also known as Saint who? Saint Nicholas
3. What are the two main colors of Christmas? Green and Red
4. What is the name of the popular play that Children (from some countries such as Great Britain) act out at Christmas? The Nativity Scene
5. What date is New Year's Eve? December 31st
6. Complete the two missing words from these song lyrics 'I'm Dreaming of a ...... '? White Christmas
7. What was Scrooge's first name? Ebenezer
8. Which bush beginning with the letter 'H' is associated with Christmas? Holly Bush
9. How many doors are there on a standard advent calendar? 24
10. What was the first name of Jesus' mother? Mary

What Christmas movie is this clip from?

Charlie Brown

What Christmas song is this?

Silent Night