Greek Leek Croquettes

2 medium leeks
1 clove garlic
1 Tbls butter
200mls chicken stock
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper
vegetable oil for frying
1L water
250g unsalted butter
500g plain flour
1 tsp salt
a pinch of nutmeg
10 large eggs
50g parmesan cheese
1 Tbls dill
/ Equipment
Deep fryer
Electric mixer
Measuring cups
Non-stick pot
Frying pan
Chopping board
Mixing bowls
Wooden spoon
1.  Wash and chop leeks. Heat butter in a frying pan and add leeks and sauté (fry) till soft.
2.  Add chicken stock, bay leaf, salt and pepper to pan. Stir. Cut a piece of baking paper to form a circle to fit the inside of the pan. Cover leek mixture and cook on a low heat for 25 minutes.
3.  Pulse leek mixture in food processor a few times and put into a bowl. Set aside.
4.  To make the pastry, put water and butter into a large saucepan and slowly bring to the boil.
5.  When mixture is boiled, add measured out flour in one go and mix well with a wooden spoon.
6.  Continue cooking over a low heat for about 8 minutes, until mixture is glossy and comes away from the sides of the pan in a smooth ball.
7.  Tip the pastry into an electric mixer and beat for a few minutes on a medium speed. Add leek puree and then eggs – ONE AT A TIME. Beating constantly.
8.  Add grated cheese and dill. Put mixture into the fridge to cool.
9.  Heat oil in deep fryer to 180 degrees. Roll croquettes into golf size balls.
10.  Place 5 croquettes at a time into hot oil and fry till golden and start to split.
11.  Continue with remaining croquettes and drain on paper towel.