* Civ Pro I = 4-unit (primarily) doctrinal course; Civ Pro II = 2-unit, following semester, skills course. CA bar
takers are strongly encouraged to take Cal Civ Pro—which is not only bar testable, but critical for practice.
• 1st day = Mon., Aug. 19—Mon. & Wed. 1:00-2:50 (Day: Rm ___) & 6:00-7:50 PM (Night: Rm ___).
• Daily assignments (videos, cases, rules, problems, online class hypos, etc.) are on the course webpage/e-book at:
<>. On that webpage, click Reading (for an e-copy).
There is no print book or supplement. You will be using an electronic book—the above website—as opposed to
purchasing a book and statutory supplement. The videos, case notes, and other web pages replace the writing
found in the traditional print law book. This version of the course reading may change periodically to reflect very
recent developments—an example of the utility of an e-course. I will announce important changes in class. The
online version of the reading syllabus is thus the official version.
• Learning Outcomes— On the above webpage, click Learning Outcomes. We will cover them on Day One.
• Videos—Please do not share User Name & Password info I have provided via e-mail.
On days where a Video is assigned, you will be required to ask me questions about it—at the beginning of class.
• Quizzes/Problems: We will end about half of our classes with a non-graded quiz (starting on Day 2). The other half
of our classes will, instead, feature (online) Problems. On the course webpage, click Prob/Hypos/Chart link.
• Note re Day 15: Take-home midterm due (with your student number), at the beginning of class on Wed., Oct. 9.
re Day 16: Read the book or watch the movie A Civil Action (John Travolta, 1995). I can place a copy on
reserve upon request, although a number of online movie distribution services offer this movie.
• Examinations:
—Midterm: On the course webpage, click Take-home midterm link. We will review the exam in class, after it has
been graded and returned, when time permits. See Midterm 20% webpage memo, which I’ll later address.
—Final: On the course webpage, click Prior final exams link, then click Civil Procedure I and/or II. These were
both doctrinal courses, and separately tested, until Spring 2013. We will go over one of these exams on Day
One, when we cover Learning Outcomes (link on course webpage)—and in more depth, before midterms (Day
• Attendance: I use a seating chart to take roll, rather than sign-in sheets. That helps me get to know you sooner.
Click course webpage Attendance-Prep Policy link.
• Preparedness: I use playing cards to call on people. Any time after the first class, you may combine into two to
three-person law firms. Any member of your firm can respond on behalf of the firm in our case-based role plays.
For each time a student is unprepared, where s/he has not notified the prof in advance, the student has a -.1
deducted from their final grade.
* Case Briefs: On the above course webpage, lower left corner, click Case Brief Format.
* Course Learning Assistant (whom I will introduce on Day One): She will hold weekly office hours, to answer
general questions, and to help you review the daily quiz or problem.


DAY 1: Subjects: Admin / Learning Outcomes / How to Prepare Civ Pro Class / Orientation

Reading: Mas—prepare rough written brief for discussion on how to assemble the vari-

ous pieces—videos, cases, rules, problems, online class hypos—for each class
Code: US Code §1332(a)(1)-(2) (peruse this statute on the course webpage, click Rules)

DAY 2: Subjects: Jurisdiction—Subject Matter Jurisdiction (SMJ).

Reading: • Video 1 (on above course webpage: click Videos, enter User name and
Password provided by e-mail before Day 1, click Video 1, click Launch

arrow, remove popcorn from microwave—repeat sequence for all videos)
• Federal Question: Gunn / Louisville Railroad
• Diversity Jurisdiction: Mas
Constitution/Code/Rule: Amend X /Art. III §2 ¶1 / §1331/ 1338(a) / §1332(a)(1)-(2) /
§1332(c) / FRCP 1 (click Rules for all such course materials)

DAY 3: Subject: Supplemental Jurisdiction

Reading: • Video 2
Gibbs / Aldinger / Owen / Allapattah
Code: §1367(a)-(c)

DAY 4: Subject: Removal Jurisdiction; Problem

Reading: • 4 removal hypos (click Prob/Hypos/Chart webpage)
• Knowles
• Problem 1

Code: §1441(a)-(b) / §1446(a) and (b)(1)-(2)

DAY 5: Subject: Due Process—In Personam Jurisdiction (IPJ)

Reading: • Video 3

Pennoyer / Hess / Int’l Shoe / Worldwide VW
Constitution: Amendment XIV §1, sentence 2 / Amendment V (“nor be deprived”)

DAY 6: Subjects: Personal Jurisdiction Continued—State Long-arm Statutes / Due Process
Notice of Suit / Due Process Opportunity to be Heard / Method of Service
Reading: • Video 4
Longines / Mullane / Fuentes / Nat’l Equipment
Rules: FRCP 4(k)(1)(A) / 4(k)(2)(A) / 4(e)(1)-(2) / 4(h)1 / 4(m)

DAY 7: Subject: Property Jurisdiction (IPJ in disguise, aka “rem” or “in rem” jurisdiction) /

Reading: • Video 5

• Harris / Shaffer

• Problem 2

Rules: FRCP 4(n)2

DAY 8: Subjects: Venue—Venue (P’s task) & Transfer (D’s option) / Problem

Reading: • Video 6

• Bates / Piper
• Problem 3

Code: §1391(a)-(c) / §1404(a)

DAY 9: Subject: Governing Law (aka “Choice of Law” or “COL” or “Erie”)

Reading: • Video 7

• Erie (state substantive law applies)

• York / Byrd (FRCP not expressly applicable)
• Hanna (FRCP is expressly applicable)
• York-Bryd-Hanna hypo (Prob/Hypos/Chart webpage)

Constitution/Code: Amend. X / §1652 / §2072




DAY 10: Subject: Civ Pro Exam Savvy

Reading: • Fall 2012 Civ Pro I final exam—on course webpage: click Prior final
exams, click Civ Pro I link, then click Fall 2012 link
• We will walk through issues we have covered that exam—with a view
toward reviewing and preparing for your midterm (and final); we will
evaluate actual exam writing decisions

• Prof’s presentation (time permitting): Exam Do’s & Taboos
(Prob/Hypos/Chart webpage)


DAY 11: Subject: Pleading—Evolution / Complaint / State-Federal Standards / Motion Dismiss

Reading: • Video 8
• Pleadings Charts: (1) Pleading; (2) Pleadings & Motions; (3) State-Federal
Fact/Notice Pldg; Garcia Motions–see Prob/Hypos/Chart webpg

• Iqbal / Garcia

Rules: FRCP 2 / 7(a) / 8(a)(1)-(3) / 12(b)(1)-(3) / 12(b)(6) / 12(f) / 12(e)

DAY 12: Subjects: Heightened Pleading Required / Counterclaim /Answer /Affirmative Defense

Reading: • Video 9
• Ross / White / Ingram / Great Lakes
• Review charts: Complaint & Responses—Version 1 or 2 (see Prob-Hypo-
Chart webpage)
Rules: FRCP 9(b) / 9(g) / 8(b)-(c) / 13(a)-(b)

DAY 13: Subjects: Amendments / Sanctions (lawyer) / Problem

Reading: • Video 10

• Amendments: Beeck / Krupski

• Sanctions: Rule 11 essentials
• Problem 4
Rules: FRCP: 15(a)(1) & (2) / 15(c) /4(m) /11(a)-(c)

DAY 14: Subjects: Permissive & Required Joinder

Reading: • Video 11

• Permissive: Ryder / Tanbro / Hypos (Prob/Hypos/Chart webpage)
• Required/non-feasible: Bank of California / Provident Tradesman + chart

Rules: FRCP: 20(a) / 42 / 12(b)(7) / 19

DAY 15: Subjects: [Midterm due] Problem / Intervention / Class Action

Reading: • Problem Five

• Video 12

• Intervention: Coalition
• Class action: Rule 23 Class Action Chart / Wal-Mart /
Knowles (peruse Day 4 case—focus 1332(d) CAFA elements)
Rules/Code: FRCP 24(a) / 23(a) / 23(e) / §1332(d)(2) & (d)(6)


DAY 16: Subjects: Intro to Course Parts III-VI / Initial Core Disclosure / Supplementation of
Responses / Sanctions

Reading: • Video 13
• Discovery blueprint (see Prob/Hypos/Chart webpage)

• Harriman

• See movie or read book A Civil Action (John Tavolta, 1995)

Rules: FRCP 26(a)1(A) / 26(f)(1) / 26(e)(1)(A) / 37(a)(1) / 37(b)(2)(A) / 26(b)(1)

DAY 17 Subjects: Depositions / Interrogatories / Production of Documents / Examinations;
Requests for Admission / Use of Discovery at Trial

Reading: • Video 14
Blackhorse / O’Connor / Zubulake / Schlagenhauf (diagram Prob/Hypos/Ch pg)

Rules: FRCP 30(b) / 33 / 34(a) / 26(b)(2) / 34(b)(2)(E) / 35(a) / 36(a) / 37(c)(2) /

DAY 18 Subjects: Work Product / Problem
Reading: • Video 15

• Work product: Hickman / Perry

• Problem 6

Rules: FRCP 26(b)(1) / 26(b)(3)(A)-(B) / 26b(4)(A)(B)(D) / 26(g)(1)

DAY 19 Subject: Summary Judgment / Problem

Reading: • Video 16
• Coble / Adikes / Celotex
• Problem 7

Rule: FRCP 56(a) / 56(c)(4)

DAY 20 Subjects: Disposition Without Trial—Voluntary Dismissal / Involuntary Dismissals /
Default Judgment

Reading: • Video 17
• McCants / Shehyn / Aura / Greenup
Rules: FRCP 41(a)(b) / FRCP 4(m) / FRCP 37(d)(3) / 37(b)(2)(A)(i-vi) / 55(a)(b)

TRIAL (Part IV of VI)

DAY 21 Subjects: Right to Jury / Exceptions / Waiver

Reading: • Video 18
Beacon / Dairy Queen / Japanese Electronics / Atlas
Const/Rules: Amendment VII / FRCP: 38(b)(1) / 39(b)

DAY 22 Subjects: [Student Evaluations] Discovery & Right to Jury Review / Jury Selection

Reading: • Problem 8 (primary focus)

• Batson / Garcia (limited class coverage)

Rules: none

DAY 23 Subjects: Motions Attacking Evidence / Instructions / Verdict / New Trial / Problem

Reading: • Video 19

• Motion(s) for Judgment: Galloway / Denman
• Instructions: Mitchell and Hypos (Prob/Hypos/Chart webpage)

• Verdict: Problem 9

Const/Rules/CA Code: Amend. VII (end) / FRCP 50(a)(b) / 51(a)(1) / 49(b)(1) & (3)
/ FRCP 59(a)(1)(A) & Cal. Code Civ. Proc. §657 / FRCP 61


DAY 24 Subjects: Pre-judgment Appellate Review

Reading: • Video 20
• Less than all claims: Curtis-Wright
• Collateral orders-Joint discretion: Mohawk
• Writ route: Cheney
Rule/Code: Big 4: FRCP 54(b) / §1292(b) / §1651(a)
Sidebars: §1291 / FRCP 23(f) / 38 USC §7265 / §1292(a)(1)

DAY 25 Subjects: Timeliness /Problem
Reading: Problem 10

Rules/Code: FRAP 3(a)(1) / 4(a)(1)(A)


DAY 26 Subjects: Suit One impact on Suit 2— Res Judicata / Collateral Estoppel

Reading: • Video 21

• Res judicata—Rush / Matthews
• Collateral estoppel—Bernhard / Parklane (+ Hypo Prob/Hypos/Ch webpage)

Rule: FRCP 8(c) bullet 15

DAY 27 Subject: Prior Suit (continued) / Course Review Problem

Reading: • Problem 11 (prior suit)

• Problem 12 (start course review)

DAY 28 Subject: Course Review (continued) / Ethics Problem

Reading: • Problem 12 (finish course review)
• Problem 13 (ethics)

• Q & A (time permitting)

Last rev: 10/24/13

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