From: South Charleston United Methodist Church

P O Box G

South Charleston, Ohio 45368


APRIL 2016


Corner of Church and Jamestown Streets


Sundays Worship: 9:30 AM

Children’s Sunday School following children’s message -Open for all Children

Youth & Adults Sunday School following fellowship time


Individual names omitted for privacy. Our Nation, and all our shut-ins. Also, remember those who are away serving our country.


Our list of Volunteers


APRIL 3 – Brittany Smith & Tanner Stoops

APRIL 10 – Blayne Ferguson & Kelton Keehner

APRIL 17 – Madison & Eli Goodbar

APRIL 24 – Adrienna & Helena Roach

Altar Flowers

APRIL 3 – Boysel

APRIL 10 – Peters

APRIL 17 – Saunders

APRIL 24 – Toops


APRIL 3 – Greta Call


USHERS – Becky Boysel & Tammy Stoops

GREETERS – Erin Bruggeman & Annie Toops



Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday – 8:30 AM Prayer Group

Every Tuesday – 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study

Every Wednesday - 9:30 AM Sewing Group (except April 27)

Every Wednesday – 5:30 PM Bell Choir

Every Wednesday – 6:00 PM Junior Choir

Every Wednesday – 6:30 PM Chancel Choir

Every Sunday in April – 6:00-7:30 PM Confirmation Class


Sunday, April 3rd - 9:30 AM UMW Sunday and Communion

Tuesday, April 5th – Worship Committee Meeting after Women’s Bible Study

Wednesday, April 6th - Late Arrival Child Care

Wednesday, April 6th - 7:30 PM Ad Council Meeting

Tuesday, April 12th – 11:00 AM Staff Meeting

Thursday, April 14th – 7:00 PM Martha Circle at Sally Riker’s home

Sunday, April 17th - 9:30 AM Annoor Sanatorium Update and Special Offering

Monday, April 18th – Church providing meal at IHN Family Shelter

Saturday, April 23rd – 9:00 AM Miami Valley Spiritual Growth Retreat

Sunday, April 24th - 9:30 AM New Sound System Dedication

Sunday April 24th - 2:00 PM April Showers UMW Tea

Tuesday, April 26th – 11:00 AM Staff Meeting

Sunday, May 1st - 4:00 PM Choral Festival of Praise and deadline for treats for Southeastern staff


Olivia Rose Conley was born on Monday March 7, 2016 weighing 10 lb. 2 oz. She is the daughter of T.J. and Megan Conley. She has two sisters, Lillian and Vivian Conley. Maternal grandmother is Alverta Rea. Maternal grandfather is Steve Rea. Maternal great-grandparents are Robin and Doris Rea.

Bear Bradley Keehner was born on March 9th, the son of Tom & Natalie Keehner. He weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 ½ inches long. He has a big sister, Evie. His grandparents are Bob & Helena Keehner and Doug & Mary Richey all from South Charleston.

Cooper Le’Del Call was born on March 10th, the son of Brian & Jaye Lin Call. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 ½ inches long. He has a big brother Chase. Grandparents are Alfred & Greta Call of South Charleston and Tom & Rita Waddle of Springfield.

Rivers Dove was born on March 21st, the son of Eric & Loren Dove. He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. His grandparents are Carol Dove of South Charleston and Chris & Mary Varvarosky of Columbus.


At a recent meeting, representatives of the churches donating to the food pantry decided that it would be more efficient as far as donations to have just one or two items specified per month. The items for April are Peanut Butter and Jelly. There is a box in the Narthex by the Missionary display that you can drop off your donations. Thank you!


Pastor, I’m going home to redd up the house, the woman said as she greeted me following the Sunday service. With a confused look I responded, “You’re going home to do what?” “To redd up the house.” Again in bewilderment I responded, “I’m not sure what that means.” She explained that she going home to clean up the house. I had never heard that term used in my life, but since have found it is part of a dialect that originated in Western Pennsylvania, primarily in Pittsburgh by folks who are commonly called Yinzers. I’m not certain, but I gather that the term means to ready up something, to make it ready to receive guests.

As followers of Christ, we are always to be ready. Ready for what? Ready to receive Jesus, ready for Christ’s coming, ready for our eternity, ready for our death, ready for the “end times,” ready for all that God has in store for us. Jesus tells his disciples, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” (Matthew 24:42) Jesus wants us to always be ready, always be on watch.

Springtime is an appropriate time to make things ready. As spring cleaning is done, as the ground is being prepared for planting, it also seems like a good time to redd up our spiritual houses. In order to help us be watchful and ready spiritually, I am going to be preaching on two spiritual preparation topics this spring. First will be a series of messages on The Apostles Creed. As Christian followers we need to make sure what we believe. In this series called “I Believe,” we will look more closely at our core Christian beliefs about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and how that belief influences our lives daily.

In the second series of messages, I will address a topic we as humans try to avoid, death. In this series entitled “Ready to Die,” I will seek to show what the Bible says about death and talk about some practical ways we should prepare ourselves for something all of us will face one day. I pray you will be blessed to have an open and frank look at this often overlooked topic.

As I close in on 60 in a couple of years, I find that I want to ensure I am standing on solid ground in my faith journey, strong in my beliefs and how those beliefs guide my life. This isn’t a time to be lazy about faith. I understand that at least two thirds of my life are behind me and that it won’t be so long until I make my final journey home. I want to be prepared, and I want those I love to be prepared for that day we will fly away to Jesus. I offer these series as a gift of love that we may all be prepared, that we may all be on watch for Jesus. Let us together redd up our houses for that day.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Jeff


We invite you to look at the Easter display in the back of the sanctuary. This year’s theme is “Jesus is…”, which shows the various names of Jesus and scriptures that illustrate these names and titles. This display will be here through Sunday, April 3rd.

Worship Committee


Ladies, the UMW has planned a special tea this year. It is being help on Sunday, April 24th at 2:00pm. It is an "April Showers bring May Flowers" tea. We had some trouble scheduling it around Mother's Day so we decided to change the theme. We are asking you to bring a parasol and we will award the most beautiful and the ugliest one that are brought. As a special treat, we are having the men of the church serve us. If anything, that should be a reason to show up. We are hoping all you ladies will join us and bring any family and friends you would like. We only ask that you try to set reservations with Enid Saunders, Teresa Webb, Kathy McGrath or Kathy Smalley so we can let the men know about how many people to cook for. Please mark your calendars for this date and plan on joining us for this wet and flowering event.


During the month of April, we will be collecting snack and treat items for the Southeastern staff. These items will be delivered on Monday, May 2nd to the various groups of the staff. The snack items can be, however, are not limited to: small bags of chips, individually wrapped cookies/cakes, candy or candy bars, mints or any other items that you would eat as a snack. There will be a box in the Narthex to collect these items. Please have these items to the church by Sunday, May 1, 2016. We appreciate your support of this project and want to show our appreciation to the Southeastern staff for their work with the children in the area.

Worship, Education, and Outreach Committees


It's Kairos Cookie Time again. The Kairos team has asked us to donate cookies for their upcoming prison weekend at London Correctional. Please bring your cookies to the church by 10 am on Thursday, May 5th.

For those not familiar with the instructions: The cookies need to be a uniform 2 inches in size each. No nuts in them or sugar or decorations on top. Favorites are chocolate chip, Peanut butter or Sugar cookies. Snickerdoodles are fine as long as sugar is left off of the tops. You can also purchase frozen cookies (10 dozen in a package) at Gordon's foods to take home and bake.

Whether you purchase the frozen cookies to bake or bake homemade ones, no matter how many dozen; all are appreciated. The cookies are to be packed in zip lock bags, a dozen to each bag.

For more information or questions, please call Barbara Patton at 462-8921.


Did you know that your newsletter can be sent via email instead of through the mail or at the church? Delivering it in this fashion saves mail and printing costs. The newsletter is sent in a word document and PDF file in hopes that all recipients can retrieve it. If you would like to have it delivered via email, please let the church secretary know by calling 462-8043 or by emailing the office at . Thank you!


The Worship Committee wishes to acknowledge graduates from either high school, college or any advanced educational institution. If you have a family member or friend that will be graduating this year, please submit the following information:

1)  The student’s name

2)  Name of the school

3)  Your name

4)  Their relationship to you.

We will acknowledge their accomplishment in the newsletter and in the bulletin in

May. Please have this information to the church office by Friday, April 22, 2016. We appreciate your help with this recognition of these student’s accomplishment.

Worship Committee


The United Methodist Women will have a Bake Sale on May 7th at Shoemaker's at 9:00 A.M. Please mark your calendars nowand plan to donate a baked item for the sale.


Our churchwill be hosting a Choral Festival of Praise on Sunday,May1 at 4 P.M. Musicians from several churches in the area will be performing individually and then will be joining together as a massed choir.After the service, there will be a time of sharing over cookies and punch. Please come and join us for this inspirational time as we praise God through music. For more information, please contact the church at 462-8043.


On May 29, Memorial Sunday, we will remember members, constituents, and close family members who have passed away in the last year. If you have lost someone close to yousince last Memorial Day and you would like them included in our remembrance ceremony, please contact the church office by May 13.


Jeri Severt will provide an update on the Annoor Sanatorium and a special offering will be taken on Sunday, April 17th, for our annual gift.


Bring in boxes of gently used clothing and household items by May 8th. Boxes are stored in the northeast room of the Education Wing.


UMCOR ‘s Midwest Distribution Center will provide a truck in June during Annual Conference to collect health kits assembled by local congregations in the West Ohio Conference. Health Kits are to include:

·  1 hand towel

o  15 x 25 inches to 17 x 27 inches;

o  Kitchen, cleaning, and microfiber towels not acceptable.

·  1 washcloth

·  1 comb

o  Comb needs to be sturdy and longer than 6inches long;

o  No pocket combs or picks please;

o  Rattail combs and combs without handles are acceptable with a minimum of 6 inches of teeth.

·  1 metal nail file or nail clippers

o  No emery boards, please.

·  1 bath-size soap

o  3 oz. and larger sizes only;

o  No Ivory or Jergens soap due to moisture content;

o  Do not remove from original packaging.

·  1 toothbrush

o  Adult size only;

o  Do not remove from original packaging.

·  6 adhesive bandages

o  ¾ inch to 1 inch-size;

o  Common household Band-Aids.

·  1 plastic bag

o  One-gallon size sealable bag only.

·  $1.00 to purchase toothpaste

Assembly Directions: Lay out the hand towel flat on a table. Lay the washcloth flat in the center of the hand towel. Place all remaining items on top of the washcloth. Fold over the sides of the hand towel to cover all of the items. Fold over one end of the hand towel so that it covers all of the items. Grasp the bundle of items tightly and roll over the remainder of the hand towel tightly. Place the tightly rolled bundle in the plastic bag, with the $1.00 on top. Remove as much air as possible and seal the bag. Health Kits will be collected in April and May in the red crate on the mission shelf in the narthex.