November 2014
Dear Parents,
Today your child learned about the importance of sitting in a booster seat in order to ride more safely in a car or truck.
Colorado’s new child restraint law states that all children under age 8 must be in a child restraint. Once your child outgrows a carseat, he/she will be safest in a booster seat until he/she is approximately 4’ 9” tall and can achieve proper seat belt fit. In many cases, this means children older than 8 are still safer in a booster seat.
For best possible protection, all children should ride in the back seat until they are ready to drive. It’s twice as safe as the front seat.
Tips for keeping your child in a booster seat:
  • Let your child help pick out a booster seat. Some include cup-holders, arm rests, and other cool features that will make it more fun for your child.
  • Let your child decorate the booster seat with fun stickers and his or her name.
  • Point out the better view and give your child special booster privileges, such as picking the radio station.
Please contact me if you have any questions about child passenger safety. My number is (970) 453-2474 and my email is ______. You can also go to for more information.
November 2014
Dear Parents,
Today your child learned about the importance of sitting in a booster seat in order to ride more safely in a car or truck.
Colorado’s new child restraint law states that all children under age 8 must be in a child restraint. Once your child outgrows a carseat, he/she will be safest in a booster seat until he/she is approximately 4’ 9” tall and can achieve proper seat belt fit. In many cases, this means children older than 8 are still safer in a booster seat.
For best possible protection, all children should ride in the back seat until they are ready to drive. It’s twice as safe as the front seat.
Tips for keeping your child in a booster seat:
  • Let your child help pick out a booster seat. Some include cup-holders, arm rests, and other cool features that will make it more fun for your child.
  • Let your child decorate the booster seat with fun stickers and his or her name.
  • Point out the better view and give your child special booster privileges, such as picking the radio station.
Please contact me if you have any questions about child passenger safety. My number is (970) 453-2474 and my email is ______. You can also go to for more information.
Today we showed your child what happens when they are in the vehicle seatbelt, but should be in a booster seat. I am sure they would love to tell you what they learned.
We weighed and measured ______.
(child’s name)
I AM ______FEET ______INCHES TALL.

I WEIGH ______LBS.
Your child requires a car seat or booster seat to
ride safely in a vehicle
Your child DOES NOT require a car seat or booster seat in order to ride safely in an automobile, but needs to buckle up in the back seat.
Today we showed your child what happens when they are in the vehicle seatbelt, but should be in a booster seat. I am sure they would love to tell you what they learned.
We weighed and measured ______.
(child’s name)
I AM ______FEET ______INCHES TALL.

I WEIGH ______LBS.
Your child requires a car seat or booster seat to
ride safely in a vehicle
Your child DOES NOT require a car seat or booster seat in order to ride safely in an automobile, but needs to buckle up in the back seat.