I. Due Date:


II. Written Report:

·  Each student will submit a typed report immediately after the group presentation.

·  This one-page report will essentially consist of what the student recites during the presentation. Follow the typical essay format required in this class.

·  Resources = only “official” sites or our library’s databases.

o  NO Wikipedia or the like.

·  Paraphrase

o  The student will put IN HIS/HER OWN WORDS the information on a sub-division of the topic as decided upon by the group.

·  To cite borrowed or researched information, the student will simply put—after each idea—a set of parentheses within which s/he will place the author’s last name and page number (or subheading or paragraph number) -- (Smith 89). or (“Battle of Hastings Anniversary” par.4).

III. Works Consulted Page:

·  Alphabetically list all books, articles, and Web sites consulted for this project (1-3 credible sources).

·  Author’s name (last, then first). “Article Title.” Site. Date Posted. Date Accessed <URL>.

·  -10 pts. without

IV. Length of presentation:

·  Each person will speak for approximately 2 minutes.

·  This averages to 10 to 12 minutes per group.

V. Worth:

·  This assignment counts as a test grade.

VI. Topics:

Shakespeare’s death / Rocky / Norman Invasion / Dublin Easter Rising / Gulf War
Frankenstein’s “birth” / Star Trek / Great Fire of London / Dissolution of Soviet Union / Chinese Cultural Revolution
Roald Dahl’s birth / Oprah Winfrey Show / National Park Service / Pearl Harbor attack / Spanish Civil War

VII. Formats:

·  text: read prepared report

·  group PPT: bulleted points, photos, organized, appropriate theme (Prezi or PPT alternative)

Remember: This is not a speech class, so students will not be graded on their public speaking ability; rather, they will be graded, as a group, on organization, focus, and insight.