First assignment has been uploaded. Due date is 18th May 2017.
Audio file is available with name "Assignment NO 1 Spring 2017" on LMS's download section. Please find attachment.
Dear Students,
As you are well aware with the basic concepts of HCI and have good knowledge of “Conscient”mobile applications discussed previously. Now, it’s time to perform tasks using this mobile application. Tasks have been defined. You can comfortably perform these. There is a table below whose different fields and its related concepts have already been conveyed to you. For recap, I again present these concepts in audio file. This audio file also contains description of tasks assigned to you. This file tells what should keep in mind while executing tasks. This file also describes grading policy. This file tells about survey form whose link is given in assignment. This file also explains you the steps and sequence to solve this assignment perfectly.
So, it is recommended to listen audio file before solving this assignment. Audio file has been uploaded “Assignment NO 1 Spring 2017”.
You can access via LMS from” Download” Section.
Total Marks: 40,
- Marks Distribution: Word solution file uploaded to LMS = 20 Marks
- Google Docs: fill up survey form= 20 marks
- Note: solution will accept only if student will submit same solution in online form whose link is :
- Answer of every question except last two questions (number 17 and 18) should be from 0 to 1i.e “fuzzy value” (0- any value between-1).
- For example if you assign “0” then, it means not usable, “0.2” means 20% usable,” .5” means 50% usable, “1” means completely usable.
- You may assign value 0.5/.4/.35 etc whatever you think is appropriate in any specific question.
- Second last Question (number 17), where you will write down your experience of interaction.
- Last Question (number 18), where you can pick up one or more options as an answer.
- Indeed, context awareness is most relevant when the environment is highly dynamic, such as when the user is mobile. Do you think so? (0- any value between-1)
- Do you think that enabling devices and applications to automatically adapt to changes in surrounding physical and operational environments can lead to enhancement of user experience? (0-1)
Note: Go to “Experimental Execution and Steps by step guideline to solve Q.3 to onwards to get excellent grade” below.
Few example Scenario for question No 3 to Q No 12 are given below at the end of Questionnaire. You may use these scenarios in your solution. You are free to take some other scenario for question No 3 to question No 12.
- You used this context aware application in sitting at home/class/bus etc situation. At what extent do you think application interface in this situation is usable for you? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in walking with friends/family etc situationAt what extent do you think application interface in this situation is usable for you? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in selling orbuying in a market etc situation. At what extent do you think application interface in this situation is usable for you? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in driving a bike/car etc situation. At what extent do you think application interface in this situation is usable for you? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in Praying/listening holy verses etc situation. At what extent do you think application interface in this situation is usable for you? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application at workplace in a meeting/doing urgent work etc situation. At what extent do you think application interface in this situation is usable for you? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in playing cricket/football/badminton etc situation. At what extent do you think application respond intelligently in this situation? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in running to catch a bus/running for some rescue etc situation. At what extent do you think application respond intelligently in this situation? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in eating/cookingetc situation. At what extent do you think application respond intelligently in this situation? (0-1)
- You used this context aware application in jogging etc situation. At what extent do you think application respond intelligently in this situation? (0-1)
- Do you think while moving, the interface is convenient to you by providing suitable color scheme? (0-1).
- Do you think while moving, the interface is convenient to you by providing suitable font size? (0-1).
- Do you think while moving, the interface is convenient to you and multi touch gesture involve in this interaction are usable for you? (0-1).
- The context-aware computing approach enables one to create a context-aware application, where all situation-optimized designs are combined in a single design.
Do you think that this context aware mobile application respond intelligently in all situations-optimized designs are combined in a single design. (0-1).
- If you are given a task to evaluate interface/s of this context aware mobile application to make it more usable for yourself, Do you suggest any change? Just mention change (long paragraph)
- Reason/s of change?
Reason/s of change ( You may select more than options)
- What major issue/s associated with when using for different situations?
- Ambiguous/unclear according to situation,
- Incomplete according to situation,
- Completely useless,
- Partially useless,
- It should wait until I came out the situation and then, ask me for display
- It should wait until I came out the situation and then display the interface
- Not effective color scheme, font size
- While in motion, app don’t provide help about next steps
- Multi touch gesture interaction are less usable
- Application don’t provide a usable interface to user
- application don’t evaluate properly in the field
- Evaluation method don’t identify user related flaws in different situations
- The evaluation method don’t contain situation analysis component
- application don’t properly identify user activity
- Application identified that the person is walking/running /vehicle using sensors but, don’t identify the situation in which user activity is carried on
- Application identified that the person is walking/running /vehicle using sensors also identify/can identify the situation (e.g. He is already on call) in which user activity is carried on but, application couldn’t infer the situation (contextual information) and simply display the interface.
- Application has only one interface to display in each situation
- Application don’t require to have multiple interfaces
- Application don’t respond.
- Application respond properly
- Any Other, please specify
Experimental Execution and Step by step guideline to solve Q.3 to onwards to get excellent grade:
Following sequence will help you to get excellent grades:
My previous uploaded files are already studied by you. If you still find some issue, please first listen the files: uploaded on Download section with the names below
- “Assignment1 introduction and execution plan spring17”
- “conscient context aware app”
- “Quiz material (context aware computing, mobile paradigm, usability) spring17”
- “Assignment1 related material spring17 textual files”
- Then, listen assignment and way to solve, understand table, pick up a “gesture” like sitting, move to next column “situation” pick up first situation “Sitting at home/class/bus” and then go to third column and pick up “example Scenario number 1, execute the scenario in your mobile and observe application interface and behavior and write down in two to three lines.
Table: Summary of task execution
Gesture / Situation / Example Applicable ScenarioSitting /
- Sitting at home/class/bus,
- Praying/listening holy verses etc situation (sitting/standing),
- Workplace in a meeting/doing urgent work etc (sitting)
Walking /
- Selling or buying in a market etc situation: (walking)
- Playing cricket/football/badminton etc (walking/running),
- Eating/cooking etc situation (sitting/walking), Walking
Running /
- Running to catch a bus/running for some rescue etc,
- Jogging (running)
Driving /
- Driving a bike/car etc situation: (in vehicle)
Bicycle /
- Bicycle:
- Then, go to question number 3, give value between 0 to 1. Similarly, again take up “sitting” gesture, pick up second listed “situation” which is Praying/listening holy verses etc situation (sitting/standing) and execute scenario in your mobile device, observe and note down its behavior and display, brainstorming and thought, how much it is usable for you in that situation and gesture, then, go to question number 4, rate the question and note down your experience in one to two lines just focusing what is problem here and what your suggestion to improve….
- Same procedure repeat until for last gesture and for last situation. And reply to questions accordingly.
- When all this done, send me word file containing your answers and noted behavior of application.
- At the end, by following your solution file, fill up the survey form and submit.
Survey form link:
(20 marks)
Example Scenario:
Scenario # 1:
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context “headphone plugged in” then (Action) play a song.
Description: When you are on call and you plugged in headphones.
Scenario # 2:
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context “headphone plugged in” then (Action) call to someone.
Description: When you are already on call and you plugged in headphones.
Scenario # 3:
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context “headphone plugged in and walking” then (Action) play a song.
Description: When you are on call and you suddenly walk for some reason.
Scenario # 4:
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context “headphone plugged in and walking” then (Action) call to someone. Add another fence with context “headphone plugged in and walking” then play a song.
Description: plugged in headphones and then walk
Scenario # 5: (running)
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context “headphone plugged in and running” then (Action) play a song.
Description: When you are on SKYPE important meeting call and you suddenly run to pick up some thing.
Scenario # 6:
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context “vehicles” then (Action) open GPS.
Description: When you are in vehicle but not driving and want to test this fence.
Scenario # 7:
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context “vehicles” then (Action) “friend locator”/any other app will be open.
Description: When your phone is in your pocket and you are in small office cabin.
Scenario # 8:
Pre-Condition: Activate a fence with context bicycling and action will be open the application “Shealth/any other”
Description: When your mobile phone is on bicycle shelf and you are on way by using bicycle.