Published Jan. 2015





In the event of any question about a meeting for SNR or New Jersey Support, call 609-392-1132 for a recorded message. If the meeting is to be cancelled, there will be a recorded message to that effect.





Nothing planned, but watch the weather. Hope to see you all.

NJ Support

Beginning in January there will be no meeting fee, just a contribution for the food.

The first meeting of the year went well, and almost paid for the food. The arrangements for the picnic in June and the insurance were discussed.

King of Prussia

The turnout was good for a January meeting. There were some new faces, and some returning faces. Due to the Keystone Conference, the date for the March meeting has been changed to March 28


A Fifth Saturday is coming this month, any ideas of what to do?

New members

If you contact anyone who might want to come to a meeting, remember the basic requirement is that you meet them before you tell them where we meet. Any member can bring a guest or prospective new member but you must meet them in person first.


The Rocky Horror movie was the main event. Some of the extras were modified to make cleanup easier and save the screen from damage. Some new members were present, and we hope they will be back.

Glamour Boutique

Voucher Code to use on whenever you wish to place an order is:

There is no minimum; no date expirationand our members can use the code over and over. The Code should be ordered when checking out - there's a Voucher field and once you add in the Code the deduction will be made. Alternatively, we have our phones open 7 days a weeks and girls are free to call us on 1-888 721 8688 to place orders or to ask any questions regarding sizing or anything else.

Tel: 973 226 5588 Fax: 973 226 5589


Jan. 24 Sigma Nu Rho


Feb. 7 New Jersey Support

Feb. 14 Valentine’s Day (Pat’s BD)


Renaissance - Delaware

Renaissance - Lehigh Valley

Feb. 21 Renaissance King of Prussia

Feb. 28 Sigma Nu Rho


She's single

She lives right across the street.

I can see her place from my patio.
I watched as she got home from work this evening.
I was surprised when she walked across the

street,up my driveway and knocked on the

I rushed to open it, she looks at me and said,
"I just got home, and I have this strong urge

to have a good time, dance, get drunk, and

get laid tonight! Are you doing anything?"
I quickly replied, "Nope, I'm free!"
She said, "Great! ....Could you watch my dog??

Being a senior citizen really sucks!


A mother is driving her daughter to a play date when the little girl ask,

Mommy, how old are you?

The mother answers that it is not nice to ask a woman her age.

A little later the girl asks,

Mommy, how much do you weigh?

The mother says, “Honey, you just don’t ask a woman her weight”

Still later the girl says,

Mommy, why did you and Daddy get divorced?

The mother says, “Honey, you wouldn’t understand”

A the play date the little girl say to her friend,

“My Mommy won’t tell me anything about herself.”

Her friend says, “Look at her driver’s license, it’s like a report card for grownups.”

On the way home the little girl says,

“Mommy, you’re 32 years old”

Child “And you weigh 130 pounds”

The mother says, “How do you know that”

Child “And I know why you and Daddy got divorced, you got an F in sex.”