Government: Executive Branch Exam

Directions:Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks.

Column A

______1. President is elected by this
______2. The CIA is an example of this
______3. Rule makers for the public good
______4. President Departmental Adviser’s
______5. National Security Council
______6. Presidential Address
______7. Pardon someone from federal prison
______8. Commander in chief of the armed forces
______9. A Constitutional power of Congress

Directions:Mark the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. Which is the correct order of the levels of the executive branch top to bottom?
  2. Executive office, cabinet departments, congress
  3. Cabinet departments, agencies, executive office
  4. Executive office, cabinet departments, agencies
  5. Agencies, executive office, cabinet departments
  1. Which of the following is NOT a formal qualification for president of the United States?
  2. 35 years of agec. 14 years of residency
  3. Occupation is a lawyerd. Natural born citizen
  4. Which of the follow is NOT an EXECUTICVE power of the president of the United States?
  5. Removalc. Executing the law
  6. Ordinanced. Prosecutorial
  7. The Amendment that deals with Presidential Succession (next in line) is the ______.
  8. Fifty-first Amendmentc. Twenty-first Amendment
  9. Fifteenth Amendmentd. Twenty-fifth Amendment
  10. The president has the power to appoint…
  11. Top ranking officials c. Local judges
  12. Governors of all fifty statesd. Speaker of the House
  13. The president has the power to remove…
  14. Any federal employee
  15. Only members of his political party
  16. Anyone from office who he has appointed
  17. Justices from the bench
  18. The most important duty of the president may be to ensure that all…
  19. Citizens have homesc. laws are “faithfully executed
  20. Military bases are in used. Congress members control spending
  21. Which of the following is NOT a legislative power of the president of the United States?
  22. Veto any law sent to him by Congress
  23. Recommend ideas for laws to Congress
  24. Create and approve a law without Congressional approval
  25. Present the State of the Union address to Congress every year
  1. Which of the following is NOT a step the president may take when a bill is presented to him?
  2. Pocket vetoc. Veto the law
  3. Sign it d. Place the bill on referendum
  4. Students with disabilities may have their needs met through this department.
  5. Department of Justicec. Department of State
  6. Department of Health and Human Servicesd. Department of Education
  7. The Social Security Administration is part of this department.
  8. Department of the Interiorc. Department of State
  9. Department of the Treasuryd. Department of Health and Human Services
  10. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is…
  11. A government corporationc. part of the Executive Office of the President
  12. An independent agencyd. a regulatory agency
  13. Which of the following is NOT a judicial power of the president of the United States?
  14. Indictmentc. Commutation
  15. Amnestyd. Reprieve
  16. This person presides over the Senate
  17. Presidentc. Speaker of the House
  18. Vice Presidentd. Whip
  19. The maximum time a president can be elected to serve is .…
  20. 10 yearsc. 4 years
  21. 8 yearsd. 2 years
  22. Presidential candidates who have this political philosophy have the best chance of being elected.
  23. Liberalc. conservative
  24. Moderated. very conservative
  25. How many electoral votes must a candidate for president need in order to become president of the United States?
  26. 270c. 528
  27. 435d. 100
  28. Electors are elected by popular vote, but the president is elected by…
  29. Congressc. Popular vote
  30. Political partiesd. the Electoral College
  31. This group advices the president on military and foreign policy.
  32. Executive Office of the Presidentc. Council of Economic Advisers
  33. National Security Councild. National Economic Council
  34. The president’s salary is called
  35. Central clearancec. Presidential Succession
  36. Electoral voted. compensation
  37. Following the vice president, the next in succession for the presidency is the…
  38. Speaker of the Housec. president pro tempore of the Senate
  39. House Whipd. majority leader of the Senate
  40. A President cannot exceed this number of years in office.
  41. 6 yearsc. 4 years
  42. 10 yearsd. 8 years
  43. The first woman nominated by a major party for high office was…
  44. Madeleine Albrightc. Margaret Chase Smith
  45. Susan B. Anthonyd. Geraldine Ferraro

Directions:Mark T (a) if the statement is true or F(b) if the statement is false.

  1. As Commander in Chief, the president may send troops into combat to keep the nation safe.
  2. As Head of State, the president is responsible for foreign policy; however treaties, ambassadors, etc…must be approved by both houses of Congress.
  3. According to the Patriot Act, searches of homes and business do not need a search warrant.
  4. As Head of the Executive Branch, the president has the power to hire and fire those people who work in the White House.
  5. Treaties are formal agreements between two or more sovereign states.
  6. Executive agreements, like treaties must have a 2/3 vote from Congress.
  7. The purpose of the “Cabinet” is to advise the president on any subject he may require relating to the duties of their respective offices.
  8. A regulatory agency is a government department that has the authority to arrest people violating any laws.
  9. The presidential candidate who wins the popular votes becomes president.

Directions:Use the answer bank to match the roles with its description.

  1. This role allows the president to submit ideas for new laws for the United States
  2. This role allows the president to ensure that the laws of the nation are carried out fairly.
  3. This role allows the president to establish foreign policy with other nations.
  4. This role of the president infers that the president is the moral leader and figurehead of the United States.

Directions:Use the answer bank to match the executive office with its description.

  1. Assist the president in overseeing the preparation of the federal budget.
  2. Establish policies, priorities and objectives for the nation’s drug control program.
  3. Advise and assist the president on national security and foreign policies.
  4. Provide the president with objective economic analysis and advice on the development and implementation of a wide range of domestic and international economic policy issues.

Directions:Choose the item that best completes each sentence or answers each questions.

“No [business] shall discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability… in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge [firing] of employees….”

—from the Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990

  1. Based on the excerpt, the Americans with Disabilities Act is most concerned with
  2. social equalityc. national security
  3. consumer protectiond. student education

“No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned… unless by the lawful judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land.”

—Magna Carta, 1215

  1. Which of these constitutional protections is based on the principle described in the excerpt above?
  2. the right to petition the governmentc. the right to a trial by jury
  3. the right to voted. the right to bear arms

Study the political cartoon below. Then answer the following.

  1. With which of these statements would the cartoonist most likely agree?
  2. The media should stop covering elections.
  3. Voters should be aware of voting trends on Election Day.
  4. The media should wait until all polls close before projecting winners.
  5. Voters should stop voting for candidates who advertise on television.

Read the quotation below.

“… let us resolve to wage an unrelenting [continuous] battle against poverty and for shared prosperity so that no part of humanity is left behind in the global economy.….”

—President Bill Clinton, at the United Nations, September 21, 1999

  1. Which of these topics is most related to the excerpt?
  2. arms reductionc. military deployment
  3. climatic changesd. development assistance