Medical Terminology

Integrated Instruction 1/4/2012

TOPIC: Chapter 8 Cardiovascular Systems


·  Define, pronounce, and spell medical terms.

·  Recognize relationships among illness, diagnostic, and procedural terms.

·  Read, interpret and discuss medical and clinical scenarios.

·  Decode medical documents by identifying, pronouncing, breaking down and defining prefixes, suffixes, anatomical terms, pathological terms, procedural terms, lab tests, and abbreviations.

·  Use medical dictionary and medical abbreviation books to locate, define and pronounce medical terms and abbreviations.

·  Demonstrate appropriate communication skills, orally and in writing, including:

o  Actively listening and participating in classroom discussions.

o  Summarizing and paraphrasing assigned texts

·  Apply a variety of reading strategies as applied to academic texts and related course materials.

·  Practice effective test-taking strategies.

Teacher 1 / Teacher 2 / Model
15 min
Handout and go over directions for PreQuiz Chapter 8 / Monitor understanding. Make sure everyone gets down to task quickly.
Take Attendance. / Monitoring
10 min / Announcements: Out-of-class quiz will include Chapter 8 – due in one week from today by 1:00.
15 min
Point out visuals in text
Check in with partner sets as they work through this process
Report out # 1 and 3 / Handout and give directions for
Chapter 8 Preview with a Partner Activity
Find a partner and 1) describe the cardiovascular system and processes; 2) list some combining forms related to the cardiovascular system; 3) list some examples of cardiovascular disorders.
Report out #2 / Traditional
20 min
Cardiovascular System Lecture with Lecture Guide
·  Ss take notes on lecture guide / Circulate to monitor use of lecture guide. If necessary, use the lecture guide overhead to model the process. / Monitoring
10 min
(Split class into two groups. Take learners who have trouble with dictation.)
Orchestrate Simplified Medical Record Dictation
T reads dictation of medical record.
Ss follow Dictation process – First: listen for content; Second: write key terms; Three: fill in anything missed.
Ss compare notes with partner / (Split class into two groups. Take learners who excel at dictation.)
Orchestrate Complex Medical Record Dictation
T reads dictation of medical record.
Ss follow Dictation process – First: listen for content; Second: write key terms; Three: fill in anything missed.
Ss compare notes with partner / Differentiated Split
30 min
Cardiovascular System Procedures/Disorders – Jigsaw Activity –
Give Directions:
In groups of four, create a description of a cardiovascular system procedure that you would relate to a patient. You will need to use the medical terminology as well as any layman’s terms to describe this procedure.
Jigsaw: Disorder/Procedure Groups
1) EKG and Echo (Echocardiogram) (diagnostics)
2) Angioplasty and CABG (cabbage) – Coronary Arterial Bypass Graft (treatment)
3) angiography, aortagraphy, venography (diagnostics)
4) cardiac enzyme studies and lipid panel (lab tests)
Monitor production. / As Disorder/Procedure Groups are listed, do a check in for comprehension from Ss. Elicit key terms, ask for definition of four procedure types.
Monitor production. / Complementary
5 min
(Split learners randomly into two groups. Work with one group to ensure understanding of activity and content.)
Orchestrate Ch. 8 Learning Activities
·  In pairs, Ss compare answers to Medical Records 8-1, 8-2
·  Learning Activity 8-2
·  Learning Activity 8-3 / (Split learners randomly into two groups. Work with one group to ensure understanding of activity and content.)
Orchestrate Ch. 8 Learning Activities
·  In pairs, Ss compare answers to Medical Records 8-1, 8-2
·  Learning Activity 8-2
·  Learning Activity 8-3 / Parallel
5 min
Engage other teacher in conversation about how the blood, lymph and immune systems are related. / Engage other teacher in conversation about key difference of the blood, lymph and immune systems. / Collaborative
5 mins
Review homework assignment for next week
Read Introduction to Chapter 9 using study guide– Blood, Lymph and Immune Systems. / Model taking down notes for homework on class schedule. / Supportive

Lesson Plan adapted from work by Carlynn Miller-Gore (St Paul ABE) December, 2011