Case Study Template for PebbleBash 2018
This case study template is designed to guide rather than constrain your submission. The hints under each heading are suggestions only – they are not intended to be prescriptive. Please feel free to deviate within the recommended fields, or to add your own. When evaluating the case studies for acceptance the broad criteria will be:

  • relevance to the conference theme;
  • the extent to which the case study demonstrates a maturity of practice and/or a focuson delivery at scale;
  • the originality or innovativeness of the solution/intervention;
  • learning generated which has utility for others.

Case Study Title
Provide a descriptive title for your case study
Provide author names and affiliations
The Organisation
At which organisation(s) did this take place?
The faculty, school or department
Was this located in a particular school, department, across the organisation, or beyond it?
In this section you should describe the context for the case study e.g. discipline/profession area, desired outcomes, drivers – internal and external, learner characteristics, etc.
The Problem
What was the issue or problem you wanting to address? What were the drivers for change? What were the outcomes you were aiming for?
The Approach
What did you do? What was your solution/intervention? How was PebblePad used to address the identified problem?
The Results
What were the outcomes of your intervention? What evidence do you have that the identified issues were addressed and the desired outcomes achieved?
Lessons learnt
What did you learn from this? What barriers did you face? What would you do differently next time? What can others learn from this?
In brief
What are your key take-home messages about ‘Scaling-up’? [3-5 dot points]
Should conform to the APA guidelines for citations and references – see examples below this table for guidance.

Case studies should aim for roughly 2000 words. This template currently contains 201 words.

All case studies should conform to the APA guidelines for citations and references. The following examples are provided for clarity; however, authors should consult the APA guidelines for specific formats, indentation, in text referencing, etc.

Articles: Moreno, R., & Valdez, A. (2007). Immediate and delayed effects of using a classroom case exemplar in teacher education: The role of presentation format. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99(1), 194 – 206.
Books: Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chapters: Watson, C.E., Zaldivar, M., & Summers, T. (2010). ePortfolios for learning, assessment, and professional development. In R. Donnelly, J. Harvey, & K.C. O’Rourke (Eds.), Critical design and effective tools for elearning in higher education: Theory into practice (pp. 157-175). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Web Pages: Anderson, J.R., Reder, L.M., & Simon, H.A. (1995). Applications and misapplications of cognitive psychology to mathematics education. Retrieved from

PEBBLEBASH 2018 RESOURCES: Case Study Template