All Girls/Guys Contest Association

2016 Rules

Article I

(A) The association will be known as the All Girls/Guys Contest Association, Inc., a non-profit organization governed by Ohio State Law.

(B) All Girls/Guys Contest Association, Inc. was formed for the following reasons:

(1) To popularize and maintain contesting events in horse shows.

(2) To encourage more people to participate in gymkhana events in horse shows.

Article II

Officers are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary/Bulletin Editor, and Points Secretary. A majority vote will elect the officers. The terms of said officers and directors will be held for one year. They will hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. All officers must pay their dues before they can vote. A person must be sixteen years of age with parent’s permission to hold and office.


The President will preside at all meetings, and with the directors, will conduct the business of the association, by the rules of the association. The President will only vote if a tie occurs. The President’s duties include being a member of the committee, in charge of all money making projects, enforce penalties, and oversee all AGCA activities.

Vice President

The Vice President will perform the duties of the President in case of the absence or disability of the President. He/She is also in charge of the awards and banquet planning. An awards committee will assist. The Vice President has the right to vote and their name will appear on the checking account. The Vice President may not write checks to themselves without the board approval. The amount of money to be paid for services rendered will be disbursed with a majority vote from the board.


The Treasurer maintains and safeguards all records and funds of the association. Their name is to be on the checking account. The Treasurer cannot write checks to themselves without the board’s approval. The amounts to be paid for services rendered will be disbursed with a majority vote from the board. Receipts should be given and received whenever money changes hands. The treasurer has the right to vote. A monthly detailed treasurer report must be documented online for AGCA email members to view. A hard copy will be sent, along with monthly meeting minutes, to those who do not have internet access. The detailed treasurer’s report must show credits and debits to the account, as well as account balance.

Also, the treasurer is to submit a monthly report/breakdown as to how much award money is accumulated in each division and is to give to the secretary to submit with the minutes.

Secretary/Bulletin Editor

Secretary must keep the minutes of all meetings. There will be two copies of the meeting minutes; one kept in the book of minutes. At the expiration of their term, they will deliver all records by January 1st. The Secretary has the authority to approve all horse shows. If the secretary receives verbal approval for a show and feels they do not have adequate time to give all members a seven-day notice, he/she will not approve the show and must contact a director to confirm this non-approval. If the Secretary is not available for the show approval, the directors should tentatively take the show; however, the secretary should be responsible for obtaining the details from the show committee. The Secretary is responsible for publishing Monthly Bulletins within two weeks of the meeting date. Secretary must also submit the Treasurer’s Report and the Treasurer’s Award Money Report along with the monthly meeting minutes. The Secretary has the right to vote. If the President and the Vice President are unable to perform their duties or are absent, the Secretary is in charge. If the Secretary is absent, the directors may appoint a president temporarily.

Points Secretary

The Points Secretary will be responsible; for recording points from all shows and making sure they are published at least once monthly. The Point Secretary will publish top ten standings in the monthly bulletin or on the website. The Point Secretary has the right to vote.

PeeWee Director

The Pee Wee Director will be responsible for organizing fundraisers for the Pee Wee division, assisting with food lists and work lists for AGCA work shows. The Pee Wee Director will be available to discuss matters pertaining to the Pee Wee division. The Pee Wee Director has the right to vote.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors will consist of at least four members and will always be an even number. The Board of Directors will be in charge of scheduling shows, making up show bills, and keeping everyone informed if added money sponsorship is needed, with financial approval from the Secretary. Once a show is approved and scheduled by the Secretary, the directors will give the secretary a rough copy of the show bill, so he/she can get it copied and distributed. The directors will assign entry takers for each show. Should the occasion arise for representation at a show, three offices/ and or directors will be authorized to act. The Board of Directors may fill any officers/directors vacant positions by appointment within one month. All directors will have the right to vote.

Article III

Annual Meeting

There shall be one annual meeting per year held at the end of the show season. This is a mandatory meeting for all members to retain their positions in the standings, and the members must remain until the meeting is adjourned. Anyone sixteen years of age and over as of January 1st of the current year will be required to attend the meeting, regardless of riding Novice or Open Divisions. There will be a $15.00 fine for not attending the meeting. If a member shows good reason for not attending, they must have a written excuse submitted to a board member with a $15.00 fine that must be received within seven days after the annual meeting. An appeal may be submitted if their excuse is denied. Any member not submitting an excuse along with the $15.00 fine (within seven days after the meeting) will automatically forfeit all points accumulated for the show season. If a member has an excused absence, the fine will be refunded. There will be no changes or amendments to the rules after the annual meeting.

Notice of a Meeting

The Secretary will mail a notice of any special meeting to each member at least seven days prior to the meeting date. All directors’ meetings will be held on a monthly basis. A spring membership meeting will also be held in the spring, before the start of the show season. At that time, the issue as to whether or not to have an AGCA Finals for the year will be voted on. There will be no meetings at horse shows unless it is to discuss a dispute arising that day. Director’s meetings will be posted in the monthly bulletins. Any member may attend. When the meeting is held at someone’s residence, the person’s phone number and address will be posted in the bulletin.


Any person, regardless of age, race, or residence is eligible for membership with AGCA. A release form must be signed by a parent or guardian for all persons under eighteen years of age for membership.

All parents/legal guardians, of AGCA juvenile members participating in any division, must adhere to all AGCA rules. Parents are subject to all disciplinary actions within, including fines. If a parent is noncompliant in paying a fine within two weeks of the offense, their child will not accumulate points until the fine is paid. Release forms (membership applications) will include a parental agreement statement to support this rule. Statement will read, “in signing this membership form, I/We (as a parent/legal guardian) agree that I/We will adhere to all AGCA rules/guidelines.”

The secretary will obtain the release forms for all members to keep on file. The release form shall be included with the membership application.


Annual dues for membership twelve years of age and older are herby fixed at $20.00, if paid after the spring meeting. A discount of $5.00 will be given to past members if membership fee is paid before the spring meeting. Anyone eleven years and under, wishing to run in the Open or Novice division must pay the $20.00 membership fee (or $15.00 if renewing a membership before the spring meeting). Pee Wee membership fee is $7.50 for ages eleven and under. Family membership will be $40.00 if paid by the spring meeting and $45.00 if paid after the spring meeting. Previous years members must have their dues paid before the first show starts to receive points that day.


All protests must be accompanied by a $10.00 fee and in the form of a written letter. Absolutely no verbal protests, at any time, will be accepted. A protest letter must be filed with an officer or director. It is the responsibility of the receiving officer/director to notify all other officers/directors of the protest’s contents and related information, as soon as possible. A special meeting will be called to discuss the protest within ten (10) days of receiving the protest. All protests will be printed in the monthly bulletin along with the board’s decision. In case of emergency, protests will be handled at the horse show. The board’s decision will be final. Each protest must have only one signature. If a member is under eighteen (18) a parent or guardian must file the protest. If the protest is decided in the filer’s favor, the $10.00 fee will be refunded. If not favored, the money will be forfeited and deposited into the treasury. Any member may attend a protest meeting, with input only; however, only the officers and directors can vote. There should be no outside discussion of the incident.


Any member making a nuisance of themselves by constant fault finding or found to be dishonest may be dropped from the AGCA membership or penalized by the board of directors. Two (2) officers or directors will confront (counsel) the member, with a verbal warning. All officers should be aware of the situation. A verbal warning should be given before a written warning is issued. Any member not in good standings (owing fines, sponsor money, dues, etc) cannot run and/or accumulate points unless they pay what is owed. If not paid by the deadline, their points will be dropped; they will start from the beginning after their fines/dues are paid. Any member owing a former fine may not join again until all previous fines are paid. If a penalty is to be issued upon a member, he/she must be charged with seven (7) days of the offense. The Secretary will send the letter to the accused person, a copy of the letter will go to the President and a copy will be retained for the club records. If the Secretary is involved, a letter must be sent by certified mail.

General Rules

1. Only one show can be approved by AGCA on the same day. Therefore, members must contact the secretary as soon as possible to ask if we can approve a show on a certain date and send the secretary an approval request. All events eligible for approval must be submitted to the members seven (7) days prior to the show date. The Secretary must have verbal approval from the directors and send written notices to the members with in seven (7) days of the approved show. If the seven days are not fulfilled, then the points for that show are not counted. If the show committee cancels for any reason, AGCA will also cancel their classes. Money will be refunded for classes not yet run. The points for the classes that already ran will be counted for that division, but not for ALL around points. If they cancel a show after it has begun, points will be awarded in the classes that were completed. The majority of the board will meet with the show committee to decide a legitimate cancellation. Arena conditions will affect the cancellation of classes. Each rider will decide whether to ride in any given class. If a show committee cancels a show, then decides to have the show, the officers and directors will vote whether or not to run the AGCA classes for points. Their decision is FINAL.

2. Any person who complies with the rules of the association may ride in an approved event. Each person rides at their own risk and must sign an insurance waiver. Parents/Guardians must sign for their child (under 18 years of age.)

3. Points will begin after dues are paid. No shows will be scheduled before March 1st, no shows will be scheduled after September 30th. An annual meeting will be held not later than one month before the awards banquet.

4. An open division person may ride as many horses in one event, but points will only be awarded to their first run. Payback will be awarded on as many places as they finish.

5. Points are to be as follows: Each person will receive points for every horse that they beat, plus themselves (each person will receive an extra point for participation). Example: 20 horses in a class, first place receives 20 points + 1 point for participation = 21 points. Second place receives 19 points + 1 point for participation = 20 points. Third place receives 18 points + 1 point for participation = 19 points and so on for the top 10 places. Points will be given up to ten (10) places for the first ten (10) AGCA members. Any member that crosses the starting line will receive a participation point. Non-members will receive money only. There will be a top fifteen (15) for any division if there are thirty (30) or more riders that compete in 1/3 of the shows. If there are less than thirty (30) competing in 1/3 of the shows, there will be a top ten (10) awards. It will be decided by September 1st if there will be a top fifteen (15) or top ten (10).

6. All payback money will be determined by AGCA will be 3 or 4D depending on entries. Adult riders pay $10.00 entry fee, payback on $7.00 with $3.00 going to AGCA treasury. Youth riders pay $8 pay back on $5.

7. All results of approved events must be submitted to the Point Secretary within seven(7) days after the close of the said event in order for the points to be counted. This is the responsibility of the person taking the entries. A current membership list will be kept in the money box. All point standings and individual show results will be available for viewing at the AGCA entry booth. However, if you want a copy of the points, you must contact the secretary and she will bring a copy to the following show. They will also be available on the website. Carbon copies will be provided by the club, one to be given to the point secretary and the other to the treasurer. A current membership list with the dates paid will be sent to the point secretary and kept up to date.

8. There will be no refunds for entries except for (1) an injury to a rider or horse (2) a cancellation of class or classes.

9. You must run in 1/3 of shows as of September 1st to determine if there will be a top ten (10 or top fifteen (15) standings. There will be a top fifteen (15) if thirty (30) or more members ran in one event in 1/3 of the shows.

10. A saddle must be used in all AGCA approved events.

11. If a tie occurs, contestants will not re-run; they will divide the money and points.

12. In the event the timer fails, you will get a re-run just as if it were your first run. You have the option of getting your entry fee refunded instead of running again. It is the rider’s choice when their re-run will take place in the class. Breaking the timer, after you have totally completed the run, by crossing back through the timer, will be considered a no time, unless the person taking the times has had enough time to record the time before the fault was made.

13. Money and entry forms must be at the show at least one hour prior to the first AGCA class to run. No checks will be accepted for member’s entries. No bills larger than $20.00 will be accepted. The board will penalize a member who is supposed to take entries and does not make attempts to get someone to take their place. Those assigned to take entries will be held accountable for money discrepancies. The club will furnish all entry supplies. No entries will be accepted after the first horse has run in the class.

14. If two (2) meetings in a row are missed by an officer without a good excuse, they will be replaced. Excuses will be determined by the board.

15. We will not accept a show if AGCA has to run all classes after the show is over. We can run before a show starts and also during a show’s intermission. The only way we can run after a show is if it is decided upon before the show is accepted.

16. There must be two (2) people (one adult) in the timer booth, whenever possible, during AGCA classes.

17. All members and non-members are required to wear nice shirts or blouses while competing in an AGCA event. Button up shirts must be buttoned high enough not to reveal underlying garments. No body suits, muscle shirts, tank tops, advertisements with abusive/profane print. Nice looking jeans or dress pants, and boots must be worn, unless physically unable to wear them. Helmets or cowboy hats are optional to wear. Ball caps may be worn if they are nice looking and not obscene. In the case of bad weather, suitable outerwear is acceptable. If a contestant is in violation, he/she will receive a warning from a board member before a penalty is assessed.