WIPA Project Spotlights Submission Form

July 2016

WIPA Project Spotlights - Share what Works with your Peers

There is a great deal of valuable experience and collective wisdom within the world of WIPA projects and the WIPA Project Spotlights is a great way to share that knowledge with your colleagues. VCU’s National Training & Data Center invites WIPA personnel to submit information about things you are doing that further the mission of the WIPA initiative – promoting employment and enhancing financial stability for Social Security disability beneficiaries.Submissions could include:

  • Service strategies that solve a common problem faced by WIPA projects;
  • Techniques that improve the efficiency or effectiveness of WIPA services;
  • Creative resources such as outreach materials or informational hand-outs;
  • Success stories that illustrate the power of work incentives counseling;
  • Management techniques that improve the quality of WIPA services and support CWICs in the performance of their duties;
  • Useful tools for collecting beneficiary information, analyzing the impact of employment on benefits or communicating work incentives information with beneficiaries;
  • Time management tips for CWICs;
  • Beneficiary success stories that illustrate the power of employment in building financial independence; or
  • Anything else you have to share that might help another WIPA project or certified CWIC be more successful in meeting our shared mission.

To share your WIPA wisdom, all you have to do is provide some basic information to our staff using this submission form. Our staff will contact you to discuss your submission within several working days. We will share selected submissions with certified CWICs on a national basis through website postings and/or listserv announcements.


Tell us a little about yourself:

⁻Certified WIPA CWIC

⁻WIPA Project Manager


Name of WIPA Project:

Which State(s) does your WIPA project serve?

Which area would best describe the “wisdom” you are sharing?

⁻Service strategies that solve a common problem faced by WIPA projects.

⁻Techniques that improve the efficiency or effectiveness of WIPA services.

⁻Creative resources such as outreach materials or informational hand-outs.

⁻Success stories that illustrate the power of work incentives counseling.

⁻Management techniques that improve the quality of WIPA services and support CWICs in the performance of their duties.

⁻Useful tools for collecting beneficiary information, analyzing the impact of employment on benefits or communicating work incentives information with beneficiaries.

⁻Beneficiary success story.

⁻Time management tips for CWICs.


Please provide a brief description of the information you would like to share.

How can we contact you?



Please send your completed form to Lucy Miller at . If you have questions, feel free to call Lucy at 502-899-1391.

Thank you for your submission!

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