Council Minutes (cont.)

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SEPTEMBER 12, 2017

Regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order by Mayor Meyerat 7:00p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall Plaza.

PRESENT:Michael Feirer, Nick Poeschel, Chris Jockheck, Gordon H. Earll, Ed Wagner, Tom Witzel, Rebecca Spiros, Tom Buttke, and Peter Hendler

EXCUSED:Alderperson Jason Zaleski

The flag was saluted and the pledge given.

No items were added to the agenda.


Ben Dorshorst, 1705 Marcy Court. He informed the Common Council of the efforts of a group that he is involved with that is working to have a referendum placed on the 2018 Spring Election ballot in the City of Marshfield. The group is called Marshfield United to Amend and they are concerned about the influence of unlimited corporate money on our political system. The Supreme Court has given constitutional rights meant only for individuals to artificial entities such as corporations, unions, non-profits and super pacs and has ruled that money spent to influence a political process cannot be limited. The desire a constitutional amendment which established that corporations are not people and money is not speech. They want the City of Marshfield to adopt a resolution calling for this constitutional amendment.

CC17-160 Motion byPoeschel, second byFeirer to approve the minutes of the Common Council regular meeting of August 22, 2017.

Motion carried


Employee Recognitions:

Joshua Johnson, Street DivisionSeptember 17, 20125 years

Brandon Fischer, Wastewater UtilitySeptember 17, 20125 years




Alderperson Jockheck informed the council about a meeting that will take place at the League Conference regarding 2-year UW campuses and how communities can help those campuses.

Alderperson Spiros thanked the Marshfield Utilities for sending a couple of their employees to Florida to help restore power.

On September 26, 2017 there will be an election of one person to the Marshfield Utility Commission to serve a 5-year term from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2022. Letters of interest have been received from the following persons:Alen Johnson, 2100 Adler Road and Kristine Johanek, 1901 South Cedar Avenue.




CC17-161 Motion byHendler,second byWagner to receive and place on file, approving allrecommended actions for the items listed on the consent agenda. Meeting Minutes/Reports:Central Wisconsin State Fair Board of April 17, 2017; Central Wisconsin State Fair Board of May 22, 2017; Fairgrounds Commission of June 1, 2017; Central Wisconsin State Fair Board of June 19, 2017; Central Wisconsin State Fair Board of June 26, 2017; Central Wisconsin State Fair Board of July 17, 2017; Community Development Authority of July 27, 2017; Library Board Personnel Committee of August 1, 2017; Central Wisconsin State Fair Board of August 8, 2017; Parks, Recreation and Forestry Committee of August 10, 2017; Community Development Authority Finance/Strategic Planning of August 15, 2017; Library Board of August 15, 2017; Airport Committee of August 16, 2017; Business Improvement District Board of August 23, 2017; Joint meeting between the Economic Development Board and the Marshfield Convention & Visitor Bureau of August 24, 2017; Board of Public Works of September 5, 2017 (1. Authorize staff to execute 10-year contract for refuse/recycling services with Advanced Disposal; and 2. Approve Resolution No. 2017-36 supporting Wood County’s request for state grant funds to conduct a Clean Sweep event in Marshfield in 2018); and Judiciary and License Committee of September 12, 2017 as read by the Clerk.

Motion carried

Second reading of Ordinance No. 1358 rezoning request by S.C. Swiderski, LLC., on behalf of Paul Lang, to rezone Parcel No. 250-2603-333-0968, zoned “TR-6” Two-Family Residential to “MR-24” Multi-Family Residential, located on the west side of North Hume Avenue extended, north of McMillan Street, to allow for future multi-family development.

CC17-162 Motion by Buttke, second by Witzel to approve Ordinance No. 1358. Ayes – 9

Motion carried

Second reading of Ordinance No. 1359 Municipal Code Amendment request by the City of Marshfield to amend Chapter 18, General Zoning Ordinance, Section 18-31, “(MR-12) Multi-Family Residential Zoning District” and Section 18-32, “(MR-24) Multi-Family Residential Zoning District”. The proposed amendment would modify the required minimum lot width for both districts, reducing the required frontage for multi-structure developments.

CC17-163 Motion by Wagner, second by Earll to approve Ordinance No. 1359. Ayes – 9

Motion carried

Second reading of Ordinance No. 1360amending Chapter 30 Official Master Street Map to be more consistent with State Statutes and adopting updated City of Marshfield Official Map.

CC17-164 Motion bySpiros, second byJockheck to approve Ordinance No. 1360. Ayes - 9

Motion carried

CC17-165 Motion by Witzel, second by Buttke to approve Resolution No. 2017-33, adopting initial City of Marshfield Street Plan.

Motion carried

CC17-166 Motion by Jockheck, second by Poeschel to approve Resolution No. 2017-35, adopting the assessment rate for 2017 assessments payable in 2018 for the Downtown Marshfield Business Improvement District. Ayes - 9

Motion carried

CC17-167 Motion by Buttke, second by Earll to refer Resolution No. 2017-37, vacating Franklin Street from Hume Avenue to Anton Avenue, to the Plan Commission for further consideration.

Motion carried

CC17-168 Motion byHendler, second by Wagner to approve Resolution No. 2017-38, approving a Certified Survey Map for the PCA property.

Motion carried

CC17-169 Motion byWitzel, second by Poeschel to authorize staff to enter into a 3-year agreement for legal services with Wolfgram, Gamoke & Hutchinson. Ayes - 9

Motion carried

Finance Director Strey gave an overview of the City’s 2018 Budget.

City Administrator Barg gave an update on the Communications Team.

CC17-170 Motion byWitzel, second byJockheck to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e) “Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.”

-Possible sale of property along East 24th Street

Roll call vote, all ayes. (Time:7:56 p.m.)

Motion carried

Present in closed session: Alderpersons Feirer, Poeschel, Jockheck, Earll, Wagner, Witzel,Spiros,Buttke and Hendler,Mayor Meyer, City Administrator Barg, City Attorney Wolfgram and City Staff (Jason Angell, Keith Strey and Deb Hall).

CC17-171 Motion byWitzel, second bySpirosto return to open session. Roll call vote, all ayes. (Time: 8:00p.m.)

Motion carried

No action was taken in open session regarding the closed session item.

Future Agenda Items


There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m.

Deb M. Hall

City Clerk