Welldon Park Primary School

High achievement takes place in the framework of high expectations

Welldon Park Primary School Health & Safety Guidelines

In order to ensure the safety of everyone at Welldon Park Primary School, staff will receive annual training on e-safety, fire safety, child protection and health and safety.

Training is via in house presentations, reading of relevant documentation and advice from post holders of areas, online training and attendance at training run by Harrow Council and/or other external providers.

E – Safety:

·  Information is provided via a policy that includes an additional guidance for parents/visitors during performances to safeguard pupils.

Fire Safety:

·  No smoking is allowed on the school site – this includes e cigarettes.

·  Please refer to the white laminated card in each area titled IN CASE OF FIRE detailing fire instructions and a map showing the exit route to vacate the area, assembly points and communication methods.

·  If the fire alarm bells ring assume there is a real emergency.

Bomb Threat:

·  In case of a bomb threat, once assembled in the playground, evacuation will be via the back gate to an assembly point the location of which will be decided by a member of the School Incident Management Team.

Extreme Weather Conditions:

Premises manager will issue advice as to how the school community should proceed safely during extreme weather conditions I. e Snow, High Winds and Heat Waves.

During normal wet weather it is important to note that the ground may remain slippery after the rain has stopped for example and it may be that areas are cordoned off, including play- ground equipment.

Security of the Perimeter:

·  The external gates to both playgrounds will be locked during the school day and after 4pm.

·  School staff can enter using their personalised fob.

·  Visitors can access the school by pressing a buzzer and school staff will release locks so gates/doors open to allow entry.

·  Do not admit anyone into the school if they are not bona fide visitors.

·  Challenge any visitors within school on site without school identification and report details to the school office.

·  Staff are responsible for their fobs and any keys they have been given and must report any loss as soon as possible to the Premises Manager and IT Technician.

·  Pupils are not allowed on the playgrounds unless supervised by an adult.

·  Classes of pupils moving around the school should also be supervised by an adult (adults) and walk in an orderly manner.

·  When classes or groups of pupils or individual pupils move from one site to the other they must always be accompanied by an adult and the pupils wear HVIS during these times and use the route via the Key Stage 2 back sliding gates.

·  Staff using any gates to enter the site should wait for the gates to close and/or check they have closed before the gates are out of view. In this way any failing in the system can be reported to the relevant member of staff, to be rectified as soon as possible.

Safeguarding Children:

·  No inappropriate touching of children. Pupils may be cuddled if hurt or in distress and this action noted in your diary. Children must not be encouraged to cuddle adults or sit on laps.

·  In an emergency contact headteacher / office / medical room.

·  Report any incidents, however minor, to the appropriate person.

·  All staff should be aware of the medical needs of children in their care.

·  If a child is unwell in class they must be escorted by another pupil (or an adult – in very serious cases) to the medical room.

·  Unless in an emergency, first aid is only to be administered by a qualified first aider.

·  All medicines must be handed into the medical room.

·  Parents will be advised by a hand written slip, issued by the staff in the medical room, of any incident which left a mark on a child or could have further repercussions. This is in addition to the standard head bump letter.

·  Any pupil needing to change their clothing due to minor mishaps (medical related) should do so behind a screen. If the pupil needs assistance because the change of clothing relates to their undergarments, then it is advisable that two adults to be present, with only one assisting. The pupil’s personal dignity should always be respected. (Staff have to use their professional judgement to make the situation as safe and comfortable for all involved.)

·  Pupils must obtain permission to leave the classroom.

·  There should be at least two pupils in the classroom with one adult (unless discussing a confidential matter).

·  Pupils must not bring valuables into school.

·  Only pupils walking home alone will be allowed to bring mobile telephones to school and these must be handed in to the school office at the start of the day.

·  Staff must never use their personal phones to take photographs of the pupils for any reason.

·  Photos taken for school use, marketing etc. should only be taken using the school equipment assigned for these purposes.

Personal Safety:

·  The welfare of staff is paramount. Staff must advise the headteacher if work conditions cause concern or need modifying.

·  Always lock valuables away and/or carry them with you.

·  No hot drinks allowed in the classroom unless in a suitable thermostatic/insulated cup.

·  Everyone must either sign in or, in the case of Welldon Park Primary School staff, use fobs to register attendance on site.

·  Under normal circumstances, staff must vacate the premises by 6pm.

·  Do not see parents without an appointment.

·  If arranging an appointment which may be difficult ensure a colleague is aware of the situation and hold the meeting in an area with visual contact e.g. with a window in the door and/or ask another colleague to join you in the appointment.

·  In an emergency telephone the school office.

·  Notify any hazards as soon as possible.

·  Move / carry equipment safely. It is normally advisable if any doubt to seek the guidance of the Premises Manager. Pupils must only carry light weight items that are suitable in size related to their age and height.

·  Do not stand on chairs - always use ladders. Never use a ladder when alone.

·  Suitable clothing must be worn at all times.

·  Staff are responsible for the safe use of ICT at school and at home – the latter applies when recommending web sites for example.

·  Any items brought to school from home must be in good working order and electrical items must not be brought in for use at work unless authorised by the Headteacher.

·  Latex and vinyl examination gloves are available for use by all staff and are stored in the medical room.

·  All accidents / incidents, however trivial, must be reported to an appropriate person.

·  If an accident / incident in work results in a visit to the doctor or hospital the relevant forms must be completed. These forms are available in the medical room and a report to the local authority is forwarded by the Welfare Assistant.

·  High visibility vests must be worn by all staff on lunchtime duty and any member of staff on traffic management duty.

·  When unwell you must take appropriate action.

·  Staff must only return to work after an absence when fully fit.

·  Return to Work Interviews will be apply for all health related absences.

·  If an absence is long term or stress related staff may be required to go to occupational health prior to returning to school.

Your legal duties include:

Ø  Taking reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do.

Ø  Ensuring that anything provided for your health, safety or welfare is not misused or altered.

Ø  Co-operating with the school on matters of health and safety.

It is essential to ensure the safety of pupils at all times.

Read and understood

Signed…………………………… Name (printed)…………………………. Dated…………

Note: Staff, in the context of H&S guidelines, extends to professional staff visitors, University students on placement & Governors