We have a STORY to SELL!!!

You prospect wants Macro E now?

Get in with the $995 business kit!

We are creating a life changing income!!

Macro E 90 Day Supply SOLD OUT in 3 weeks creates a message…

“I’ve been with the Doctors for years. BOY, when we launch something, you better GET YOURS! What the Doctors bring to the market will be a game changer in the industry.”

Create the Buzz, the Demos! Tell your neighbors! Share Macro with a new tip… find ways to demo, share and create the buzz of your friends being THE FIRST to get theirs!

Set up BBL’s – Sign UP PC’s! “ Mary, you need to get on my Wait List!”

Join me in business? You have an amazing arsenal of products with a Huge Discount and this is only for a limited time! Who do you know, Mary… not just here, but in other cities? Who do you know in Canada?

Sell what is coming. . the only tool like this in the marketplace! You can make money off this!! Compare to Clari-Sonic… shows you how HUGE this company is going to be!

Scarcity Creates Demand – think of iPhone5, Cabbage Patch dolls…

People will want what they can’t have!

  • Position this news with potential business partners:
  • We had Record breaking enrollments in February… we will again in March!
  • Phenomenal addition of PC’s will happen again!
  • We have an amazing story for why NOW is the BEST TIME!
  • The launch of the Macro E exceeded all of our expectations!

Life Style Marketing… Hunting for new partners…

“I’m just curious….” Leigh Barnes opening line! Opens up Doors. Would it be ok if I leave you my card? Would it be ok if I get your email. Are you ok with working 40 hours a week here? Are you ok with being away from your kids?.....If they aren’t nice, you don’t want them on your team.. you’ll meet folks who are awesome and some that are not!

You get to work with the ones YOU WANT to work with!


Go Events and get registered!! Get your guests there!!

Read through the Macro E FAQ’s in Biz Dev Library. FAQ’s will answer your questions.

Explosion will be bigger if it didn’t happen!

Read Corporate’s email

Leslie Zann on Macro E:

"The month when a new product is launched, it’s not uncommon to see a nice bump in volume. Don’t be complacent. Now is not the time to relax. Now is the time to move forward as enthusiastically and consistently as possible.

All businesses have cycles. A new product launch creates a unique cycle as well. The 90 days following the launch deserve focus and consistent activity! You deserve to ride the wave! So jump in the water!

With your customers, capitalize on the excitement, the newness, and the chance to be the first! With your business prospects, reinforce how now is the time to position themselves to take the lead as the new product is introduced into the market place.

Yes, you can create immediate activity. And then … how do you sustain the business after the initial launch? In three key ways:

  1. Sponsoring: Consistent sponsoring will always be the answer. It’s the infusion of new, excited people who are enthusiastic about making a difference and building their own business.
  2. Language: Teach your team what to say to effectively sell and sponsor with the new product. Repetition is the key.
  3. Stories: Nothing sells like stories. Become a masterful storyteller. Product success stories will sell product. Business success stories will support you in sponsoring."

Language to share with Potential Business Partner:

“______, As you are trying to decide if this is a good “fit” for you, I want to share with you that you would be getting on board with Rodan + Fields during our most successful launch per date! I need you to look ahead, ______! What do you want your life to look like in the next 3 – 5 years?

What we have seen historically with the top leaders in this company, when they put their head down and worked consistently 15 hrs a week over the course of 3 years … they were able to transform their lives in to what they had always dreamed of We have had great products in the past and our numbers were through the roof ~~ 5 times more in a month than we made in a year in retail. This was BEFORE the Macro E. This is a whole NEW ERA! If this is exciting to you, we can help you run with it and leverage it!

There are 4 different ways to get started, ______. I’m going to focus on the two business building kits because you told me you wanted to get out of that job you hate.

The MACRO just flew out of here. The only way to get the Macro – is to do the $995

We’ll work together to get you a bunch of PC’s so they will be first in line for the Macro

$995… valued over $1600 and as soon as the Macro E becomes available you will receive one FREE.

$695… you’ll get a Macro E as they become available, but you’ll be lower in the Queue of who gets one …

“______, if the extra $300 is going to keep you making ends meet … then don’t do it… I don’t want you to be stressed out. If not, then you want the $995, you’ll get the Macro E; you’ll also get the Prospecting On the Go kit, Flip Book

When you join me in business AND you are coachable and willing to put your head down…My job will be to help you run out of the gates and get your return on your investment in the first few months.”

What has changed is the $1600 value and as soon as the second one becomes available, you will get it FREE!

I’m elated that the only way to get the Macro E is in the $995 Kit!!

Be SURE you are leveraging it this way… have new conversations with people!!

Leverage a New Product Launch

This IS absolutely THE TIME to BUILD your BUSINESS and ride this wave.Ride the Wave..you have 90 Days to take it by the Horns and RIDE IT!!

RomiNeustadt: “We WILL see a Feeding Frenzy again! AND if we do our jobs correctly and keep leading with the business, we will keep the VOLUME increasing!

Head into your weekend.

Celebrate your accomplishments! Congratulations to Elizabeth Haynes and Terri Schmidt’s teams for Month ONE Lexus Qualification!!!

Breathe in – Breath Out.. Set your sights on your Goals THIS MONTH!

Stick to it and Talk to new people…. REACH OUT and Talk to 7 people – 5 days a week! I’m a FOOL if I don’t! Make that commitment to yourself.

Don’t slow down and Ride THIS WAVE!!

Read your Team Newsletter ~ Get to the ReDefine Your Future Events and SPONSOR like never before!!

Let’s go make March Madness!!