Hillside Community Primary School

Number of pupils and Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)
Autumn 2015- Summer 2016
Total number of pupils on roll: / 173 Full-Time plus 40 Part-Time Nursery
Total number of pupils eligible PPG: / 110 Pupil Premium plus 1 Service
Percentage of whole school eligible PPG: / 61%
Amount of PPG received per pupil: / £1,320 Pupil Premium + £300 Service
Total amount of PPG received: / £145,200
Performance of KS2 pupils accessing Pupil Premium Grant Funding 2014 – 2015
Difference Made… (NA - National Average other)
Expected and Better / School / +/-
NA / Average
Points Score / School / +/- NA
% making Expected Progress in Reading / 100% / +8% / English
and Maths / 31.1 / +2.3
% making Expected Progress in Writing / 100% / +5% / Maths / 32.7 / +3.7
% making Expected Progress in Maths / 100% / +9% / Reading / 29.9 / +0.9
% making Better than Expected Progress in Reading / 71% / +38% / Writing / 29.3 / +1.1
% making Better than Expected Progress in Writing / 64% / +27% / GPS / 31.3 / +2.2
% making Better than Expected Progress in Maths / 79% / +42% / 100% PPG funded children madeExpected Progresswith a high percentage 60% plus making Better than Expected Progress’ - all higher than National Average (NA)
Performance of KS1 pupils accessing Pupil Premium Grant Funding 2014 – 2015
Difference Made…
KS1 Levels 2015
PPG funded children achieved significantly above National Average / KS1 2015
Average Points Score
Subject / Level / FSM6 / Subject / FSM6
Reading / L2B+ / +18% NA / All Subjects / +1.3 above NA
L3 / +10% NA / Reading / +1.7 above NA
Writing / L2B+ / +13% NA / Writing / +1.0 above NA
L3 / +6% NA / Maths / +1.2 above NA
Maths / L2B+ / +12% NA / PPG funded children achieved significantly aboveNational Average in all areas
L3 / +13% NA
Pupil Premium Grant Spending decisions at Hillside
Autumn 2015 - Summer 2016
Aims of Pupil Premium Grant Spending / Rationale (Evidence)
  • To ensure pupil premium children continue to achieve above National Average as measured by ‘Expected and Better than Expected Progress’ at the end of Key Stage 2.
  • To narrow the attainment gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium children in all year groups, focussing on both groups performing inline or better than National Average.
  • To provide enrichment so as to widen and deepen the life experiences of pupil premium children and impact positively on the quality of their teaching and learning.
  • To provide a safe, secure, inclusive environment that allows all children to reach their academic and personal potential by removing any social, economic and academic barriers to learning.
  • To support the families of pupil premium children, raising expectations and aspirations, knowledge and understanding of the educative system so that parents are more confident in helping their children achieve their full potential.
  • To ensure the attendance of pupil premium children continues to at least meet national expectations; children are supported to understand the importance of good attendance and punctuality as a life skill.
  • Evidence from DFE report(Feb 2015)links absence and attainment at KS2. Children with no absence are 1.6 times more likely to achieve Level 4 or above and 4.7 times more likely to achieve Level 5 or above than children who missed 15%-20% of all sessions.
  • Evidence from Education and Endowment Foundation indicates that social and emotional learning interventions have an identifiable and significant impact on attitudes to learning, social relationships and attainment (average 4 months additional progress)
  • Education and Endowment Foundation states that studies of oral language interventions consistently show positive benefits on learning. On average children who have oral language interventions make 5 months additional progress over a year.
  • Ofsted guide, ‘Pupil Premium’ (Jan 2013) identified the value of support given to ensure all children have full access to broad educational experiences such as residential course, competing in sporting events etc.

Record of Pupil Premium Grant Spending by Item / Project
Autumn 2015 – Summer 2016
Item / Project / Year Group / Cost
£ / Required Impact
Staffing for Intervention
Teaching Assistant support within individual year groups as identified through pupil progress meetings ½ termly.
Pupil premium consultation (termly)within pupil progress meetings / Whole School / £46,084 /
  • To identify barriers to learning for pupil premium children and offer small group gap intervention to ensure they attain academically and make at least expected progress annually.
  • To ensure interventions and actions closely match the needs of all pupils and that alternative teaching strategies and programmes are implemented as required.
  • To ensure children are engaged in their learning, know their next steps and understand how to improve their learning.

Learning Mentor
Pastoral Support Worker
Playground Pupil Voice Scheme
Development of playground resources based on child initiated needs and interests
AG&T Writing Project at Delphside with author alongside the towns Pupil Premium AG&T / Whole School / £32,438
£15,000 / To remove barriers to learning through learning mentor and pastoral support worker so as to further develop effective links between home and school.
(SWAT) Family Support, Home Visits for all families, Relationship building, Self-Esteem, Social and Friendship Skills - PSHE
  • To target attendance ensuring that Pupil premium families are supported to attend school regularly and on-time.
  • To monitor and mentor Pupil voice opportunities for Pupil Premium children through eg. Pupil Parliament / Peer Mediators / School Council / Arts Council Sports Council / AG&T

Speech Therapist
(1/2 day per week)
Speech and Language Intervention
(Speech and Language TA) / Early Years
Early Years
KS1 / Lower KS2 / £2,948
£11,919 /
  • To Benchmark Reception and Nursery children on entry through ‘Wellcomm’ so as to measure progress through Personalised Speech and Language support and provide‘Pathway’ Early Intervention.
  • To improve communication and language skills for identified children, ensuring a tailored programme with clearly measurable outcomes is matched to identified needs for all.

Children Centre Interventions and Initiatives
Forest School / Music and Me Sensory Bags / Toy Library / Early Years
(Reception) / £1,000 /
  • To ensure identified children have additional support to overcome barriers to learning so as to achieve inline with national averages as measured by Profile Scores within Reception.
  • To involve parents in Children Centre initiatives providing family support and parenting information to improve the overall engagement of parents in the educative system.

Holiday provision
Easter / SummerClub
Y6 Easter Club / Whole School / £2,915 /
  • To provide targeted study support for identified children.
  • To improve and maintain social relationships and friendships skills
  • To provide additional study support for identified Y6 children within key groups during the Easter holidays (AG&T / middle attainers / SEND)

Breakfast Club
ICT Study Support
Additional resources for use within Breakfast Club
TA support for key groups
iPads / APPs
TA additional hours
ICT and sport / Whole School / £13,228 /
  • To improve attendance and punctuality for all.
  • To improve nutrition so that children are ready to learn at the start of the day.
  • To develop social skills.
  • To provide personalised study support and opportunities for additional ICT.
  • To provide opportunities for targeted sports clubs so children can be active, working with a sports coach practicing and developing multi skills.

Interest,Targeted and Study Support After School Clubs
(University of Hillside)
TAs additional hours to support targeted clubs
Club consumable Resources / Whole School / £5,000 /
  • To improve communication and language and raise standards in reading, writing and maths through out of hours learning.
  • To further develop skills across the creative curriculum and to practice skills within school which children can share with parents within the home eg. ‘Let’s cook and eat together’ / healthy suppers.
  • To provide direct support for identified children through targeted study support in a range of contexts.

Curriculum Enrichment
Subsidised educational visits
Annual Residential (Aut Term)
Tower Wood / Whole School
Y6 / £7,525 /
  • To ensure all children have a wide range of first hand experiences through visits and visitors to school, impacting on engagement motivation and interest in Hillside’s creative curriculum.
  • To removefinancial restrictions so that all children are able to access the annual Y6 residential to Cumbria, so as to impact positively on social skills, independence and self esteem as well as curriculum enrichment and enhancement.

Reading Resources
  • Book ownership scheme
  • School Reading scheme
  • Out of hours ICT (TA support)
ipads & laptops for children with no ICT access within the home / VLE / DB Primary / Whole School / £5,000 /
  • To ensure children have the opportunity to choose and own five books per year supporting the acquisition of a ‘habit for reading’
  • To further develop the school’s reading scheme so that children have access to a full range of authors, genres and texts, encompassing ‘Bug Club’ DB Primary Virtual Learning Environment to supplement out of hours targeted reading through ICT.

Subsidisation of Wider Opportunities Music
KS2 Instrumental and Brass whole class Project
After school inclusion to Birch Green Brass Band and associated enrichment / KS2 / £4,500 /
  • To ensure children within KS2 have high quality music provision learning a brass instrument over a 3 year period to ensure a sense of success and pride in achievement.
  • To develop opportunities to play within a Brass Band out of hours and to entertain eg. ASDA / local care homes etc.
  • To provide parents with an opportunity to listen to their children play and to have a sense of pride in their musical achievements.
  • To provide opportunities for children to take part in enrichment opportunities accessing musical theatre, eg. Shrek / pantomime / visiting music groups

Teaching staff ½ termly year group meetings, INSET day Training town wide teaching and non teaching staff, ½ termly Forum Training (DHT, PP, SEND, Sp & Lang, ICT, EYFS) / Whole School / £3,300 /
  • To ensure all teaching and non teaching staff provide teaching and learning opportunities that meet the needs of all pupils through quality first teaching so that children make at least expected progress in all year groups.

Uniform / Clothing
Academic Resources
Food Bank / Whole School / £1,000 /
  • To ensure all children have required items to support successful school attendance and to remove identified barriers to learning outside school.

Total PPG: / £145,200
Total PPG Expenditure: / £151,857
The above does not represent an exhaustive list of provisions but is a reflection of the nature of school’s financial expenditure to remove barriers to learning so as to ensure that all children thrive and achieve their potential in line with all children nationally.