Another busy season of athletics in the county completed but regretfully no obvious solution to the recruiting and retention problems within the sport has been found. Whilst there are some encouraging signs of some officials wishing to progress up the levels the county still is very short of qualified officials particularly on the Track, whilst all other disciplines would benefit from more recruits.

Congratulations are in order to the following who have gained advancement through the Levels since the last AGM:-

FIELD to Level 4:- Andrew Rumley

TIMEKEEPER to Level 4:- Ian Humphreys

FIELD to Level 2:- Philip Croucher & Kevin Dibble

FIELD to Level 1:- Jonathan Chivers & Alice Grosjean.

Somerset were one of the better represented South West Counties at the Para World and World Championships in London this year with four representatives from the County.

Amy D'Arcy (Level 2 Field) was in the Call Room for the Para World Championships.

Rowena Ferrier (Level 4 Field) was in the Call Room for the World Championships but officiated in the field for the Para World Championships.

Sally Higman (Level 4 Field) was in the Call Room for the Para World Championships but officiated in the field for the World Championships.

Nick Higman (Level 4 Field) officiated in the field for both Championships.


Level 1 Courses for Field, Starter/Starter Assistant & Track were held at Millfield School on Sunday 12th November, together with the Health & Safety and Generic Courses. It is regrettable that, once again, the Somerset contribution was disappointing with only 6 candidates out of 18, the remainder coming from surrounding Counties, ensuring the Courses were viable.

We welcome those candidates who have attended various Courses over the year and look forward to seeing them in action in 2018.

We are grateful for the County Network in funding these Courses.

Both Nick & I have also delivered additional Field, Health & Safety and Generic Courses in Exeter and Salisbury during the year. Having attended the New Level 1 Tutor Training Course in January, we are both now fully familiar with its more interactive format and presentation.


This year The South West Officials Conference was held in Exeter at the Isca Centre together with the England Athletics Annual Award Evening. Whilst not a huge turnout for both, there were some interesting topics discussed in the first instance and some very fitting rewards in the latter.

The annual National Officials Conference was once again held, using the usual, format at Kenilworth in April with approximately 200 officials attending.

I will be attending The South West County Officials Secretaries Annual Meeting at Exeter on 25th November along with Nick Higman (our Field representative on the Midlands & South West TRNG) If anyone has topics that they wish me to raise at this meeting, please contact me as soon as possible. This year County Secretaries have also been invited together with Council Members and TRNG representatives.


Whilst the continued cooperation between SCAA & SSAA is showing benefits for County officials with several turning out for most events to assist. Just as last year, I still have concerns, given the number of events for which officials are now required that the overall response for individual Meetings is dwindling and new recruits are vital for all disciplines. To this end I make no apology in once again appealing to all clubs to encourage and continually recruit potential helpers/officials to ensure that not only County Meetings but local league meetings have the requisite number of officials to comply with league rules. Where there is sufficient demand, I will ensure that Courses will be put on to the benefit of all.

Please also note that there is an online facility to make yourself available for any Schools Meeting via the Somerset Schools' website

(maintained by Brian Baker)


Throughout the year Somerset have been fully represented at National, Inter-County and County level and I am pleased to state that particularly in the South West our officials take a leading role in the majority of Meetings. Indoor Meetings in Cardiff are increasing in support from the South West year on year and they are a good place to hone your officiating skills. Our SW Indoor Championships are held here each year and anyone interested should go to the Welsh Athletics website to make themselves available or contact me, for further information.


The sixth Somerset County Social was held on 17th November this year, whilst the low response was a shame but no lower than previous years, everyone who attended seemed to thoroughly enjoy the occasion.

The Somerset Officials Scene Newsletter continues to be issued in the Spring and Autumn containing as much relevant information as is available at the time on Courses, Conferences and Meetings etc.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has given up their time and put in so much effort for the County throughout yet another most successful season.

Sally Higman

SCAA Officials Secretary November 2017.