Being a member of the Community Standards Board

The Community Standards Board raises awareness about Wentworth’s Student Code of Conduct, and seeks to establish and promote personal integrity and a sense of community on the Wentworth campus and its surrounding areas.

Along with the Office of Student Affairs, we seek to promote personal growth in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the Leopard’s Oath. We accomplish this task by advocating responsible decision making through the process of intentional sanctioning.

Community Standards Board Job Description

The Community Standards Board (CSB) works in conjunction with faculty and staff members to educate and to resolve alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct. This group receives campus reports and documentation from Student Affairs, Public Safety, Boston Police and Residential Life regarding behaviors that may violate Wentworth Community Standards.

Using a standardized approach of statements and questioning, the Board determines if a student should be held responsible for a policy violation and what sanctions should be imposed.


  • Members will participate in conduct hearings, interview students and witnesses in order to determine responsibility and impose sanctions.
  • Members will participate in outreach programming aimed at raising awareness around the Student Code of Conduct. Programming will be active and passive.
  • Members will participate in trainings that help them understand:
  • their personal values
  • the purpose of a discipline process
  • the Wentworth Student Code of Conduct
  • procedures for hearing a case
  • effective questioning of a witness
  • Members will sign Confidentiality Agreement, stating that all information presented within the hearing will not be discussed outside of the hearing room. Board members failing to adhere to the Confidentiality Agreement or the policies of the Student Code of Conduct will be removed from the board and subject to disciplinary action.
  • Members will participate in hearing off-campus incidents as well as high-level on-campus violations. The CSB is afforded the right to recommend sanctions up to and including Institute Suspension. The CSB may make recommendations for expulsion; however the Dean of Students ultimately makes the decision to expel a student from the Institute.
  • Members will co-facilitate WIT Hero Training Sessions in both the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Members will attend monthly meetings with the Coordinator of Community Standards.
  • Promote Wentworth’s Bystander Intervention Program and all initiatives it supports


  • Attend trainings on September 17th from 5:00-7:00 and September 18th from 5:00-7:00pm
  • Dependent upon number of violations that occur each semester
  • Maximum of 5 hours/weekly (this could include ongoing training or actual hearings)
  • Monthly one hour meetings
  • Attend WIT Hero “Train the Trainer” Sessions (4 hours total)
  • Facilitate WIT Hero Sessions (Creating Proactive Community – 1.5 hours and Standing Against Sexual Violence – 2 hours): Students will be paid $11 an hour to facilitate trainings.
  • Programming
  • Support Campus Wide Initiatives (Consent Fair, Commuter events, etc)
  • Develop passive programs to promote Community Standards
  • Know the Code Week
  • One large program a semester


  • Student leaders need to have completed 2 semesters at Wentworth and be in good discipline and academic standing.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0.
  • Must be able to maintain confidentiality, remain objective, and have the highest level of commitment to behaving in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Student leaders must completed Phase I of the Wentworth Leadership Institute.
  • Returning members must complete Phase II of the Wentworth Leadership Institute.
  • Students must complete WITHero: Creating a Proactive Communityand WITHero: Standing Against Sexual Violence by August 18, 2018.