2009 Winter Director’s Meeting

February 1

CALL TO ORDER: President, Craig Sweet, called the winter meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. at the Iowa State Tree Nursery, Ames, Iowa.

ROLL CALL: Answered by 4 Officers; 14 Directors; 1 proxy; 3 Directors at Large; NTA Director, George Scalf; FTA Director, Gene Purdy; TIP Director, Jeff Kempf; DNR Representative, Ron Andrews; and Legislative Representative, Lyndon Sutcliffe.


·  No new directors

·  Dave Plueger has not met his obligation to remain a director and a letter of termination should be sent out to him. Kaare Sanness was suppose to receive a letter of termination last fall.

·  Craig has been contacted by interested parties for new directorships in district #10 and district #7. Neither one was here today. They are invited to attend the April meeting.


·  Jim O’Bradovich would like to be moved up behind the Treasurer’s report and Dwayne Kay would like to be moved up from New Business into the Directors’ Report.

·  Motion: Approve the Agenda made by Jeff Kempf.

·  Seconded: Dennis Johnson - Motion carried.

·  Executive Council Meeting Minutes:

·  August 30 – Spencer Hill called Craig to advise that a 20” Flat screen TV with a DVD player was on sell for $277.85. Approval was given by Craig.

·  Motion: Reimburse Spencer for the purchase by Jeff Kempf.

·  Seconded: Tex Adams - Motion carried.

·  September 17th – 7:03 am. Phone conference with Craig Sweet, Mike Sells, Randy Mitchell, Gene Purdy, and Ed Clouse to discuss having a booth at Pheasant Feast in Madison, WI. The cost of booth $625.00.

·  Motion to attend by Randy Mitchell

·  Seconded: Mike Sells - Motion carried.

·  Acceptance of action was requested from the Board; however, discussion was asked for by George Scalf.

·  Attendance of the function was mentioned at the August Convention. No action was taken. He feels that this was not an emergency situation. Recently learned that the Feast had requested the Iowa Trappers Assoc to do a seminar and that was why the Director Board was contacted to make a decision. A time element had been created.

·  Motion to approve the decision to go to the Pheasant Feast by Jeff Kempf

·  Seconded: Dennis Johnson - Motion carried with one no vote.

·  December 22nd - 7:00 am. Phone conference with Craig Sweet, Randy Mitchell, Gene Purdy, Mike Sells, Ed Clouse, and Patty Kempf to discuss the Maine Lynx Law Suit. Discussion commenced. Maine is in need of funds to defend the law suit. Motion to send the agreed amount to the Maine Trappers ear marked for the defense in the Lynx Law suit by Gene Purdy.

·  Seconded: Ed Clouse - Motion carried.

·  Motion to accept the decision by Cody Hutton.

·  Seconded: Jeff Kempf - Motion carried.

·  #2. Hiring of Jim O’Bradovich for the Lobbyist at State House. Fee of $1500 for representation. The fee could be up to $3500 if paperwork needs to done completed for action.

·  Motion for the hiring by Ed Clouse

·  Seconded: Randy Mitchell - Motion carried.

·  Acceptance of decision by the Board by Cody Hutton.

·  Seconded: Jeff Kempf - Motion carried.

·  January 31, 2009 – Executive Council met at the Heartland Inn in Ames to do the audit of the Treasurer’s books and do 2009 budget. Present was Craig Sweet, Randy Mitchell, Gene Purdy, Ed Clouse, Mike Sells, and Chris Grillot. After review, books were signed as accurate and complete.

·  Motion to accept the Executive Council minutes by Jeff Kempf

·  Seconded: Dwayne Kay - Motion carried.

·  Motion to approve the Fall 2008 and Special Meeting Minutes with no corrections by Chris Grillot

·  Seconded: Gene Purdy - Motion Carried.


·  Office materials were received on October 4, 2008. Training from Dita occurred on October 24th in Jamaica. The current membership is at 1398 members. 2 new lifetime members since October.

·  Need updated e-mail address or address corrections. Biennial report is needed to be completed by Treasurer for state filing as well.

·  Transition period is a little overwhelming; however, glitches from the turn over of the office are under control.

·  Motion to accept the Secretary Report by Ed Clouse.

·  Seconded: Dennis Johnson - Motion carried.


·  Chris Grillot passed out the Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statements for September 30th and December 31st. It showed the 2008 total Liabilities and Equity balances.

·  Due to the maximum deposit amounts, accounts have been established at a second bank, First Central State Bank in DeWitt. 3 CDs have been set up.

·  Motion to roll the 6 month CD to a one year CD by Randy Mitchell.

·  Seconded: Cody Hutton

·  Motion carried.

·  The check for the Iowa Conservation Alliance Dues has not been cashed since February 08. There has been discussion between Craig and Rick Tebbs and ICA does not know where the check is. The affiliation is in trouble and it was decided not to send them any more money.

·  Motion to place a Stop Payment on the initial payment and wait to see how things fair out by Tom Gilman.

·  Seconded: Dwayne Day - Motion carried.

·  The FTA Affiliation has a 10 cent a member fee. Chris will get that sent in.

·  Iowa Sportsman Federation due has a $100.00 fee. We normally pay that in December.

·  Motion to retain our affiliation with the two previous organizations and pay the appropriate amounts by Gene Purdy.

·  Seconded: Dennis Johnson - Motion carried.

·  US Sportsman Federation has not sent their information yet.


Chris sent out the check to the FFA for the Outdoor Recreation Award. The information for the Judging and the Dinner was sent too. Craig is aware and he will do both functions.

·  The Ronald McDonald House is requesting a donation.

·  Motion to give Ronald McDonald House $100.00 by Jeff Kempf.

·  Seconded: Tex Adams - Motion carried.

·  No rebate from the Fur Harvesters has been received. However, Chris stopped by Wayne Funke’s and learned that there is a re-bate check from NAFA.

The National Convention report was reviewed.

LEGISLATIVE: Jim O’Bradovich indicated that there were three issues to watch for.

·  Possible fee increase for the hunting and fishing license

·  Possible increase in the sustainable funding that would be 3/8 of 1 cent dedicated to the outdoor recreation.

·  Possible open season for Bob Cat.

·  Randy Mitchell discussed the 2009 Budget meeting. Everyone has a report to review.

·  Motion to accept the Budget Report for 2009 by Cody Hutton.

·  Seconded: Tex Adams - Motion was carried.


·  Mike Sells brought up the DNR officer of the Year Award. It was decided that Randy Mitchell, Jeff Kempf and Dennis Johnson will review names of the nominees and give their recommendation later in the meeting.

·  Cody Hutton has a letter from Boy Scouts Pack #119 out of New Virginia. They are requesting the Iowa Trappers to be present and give a demonstration and their event from May 1 – 3, 2009. There is a possibility of 400/700 boys. Cody will be the coordinator and will take any ideas on what to present.

·  Spencer Hill has literature from the Sportsman Alliance. There is also an animal right’s movement. The other item was the HR45 Gun Legislation that everyone needs to be aware of.

·  Eric Rector received a request from Charlie Bray. He would like some updated furs for the fur case that he uses. He needs a coon and a mink. It was noted that several fur donations had been given at the convention and these should be sorted through first.

·  Motion to help furnish Charlie the needed furs by Jeff Kempf.

·  Seconded: Ed Clouse - Motion carried.

·  Correspondence was received from the UNI Panthers requesting a donation to their Athletic Scholarship. After lots of discussion, Cody Hutton made the motion to send a Bob Cat print. He would pay the postage.

·  Seconded: Spencer Hill - Motion carried.

·  FBU sent a flyer indicating their 50th Annual Banquet will be held in Lima, OH. There are 3 Regional Conventions: Williamstown, NC, Jamestown, PA and Lewiston. MT.

·  Motion to send $100 to each regional convention by Dwayne Kay.

·  Seconded: Ed Clouse - Motion carried.

·  Motion to donate $300 towards the sponsorship of the purchase for a gun for the 50th Annual FBU convention by Jeff Kempf.

·  Seconded: Dennis Johnson - Motioned carried.

·  Craig Sweet indicated a break for lunch at 12:15 pm and to reconvene at 1:00 pm.


·  Dwayne Kay, District 15, had received many complaints about Pre-staking of snares and traps in public right of ways from people in his district. Gene Purdy, District 2, had also received complaints from his area trappers. Craig Sweet received a letter from Dean Hoffman stating Pre-staking was a huge problem in his area. These complaints have occurred over many years. Ron Andrews indicated that the DNR was going to address the Pre-staking of snares or traps on road right-of-ways this year.

·  Motion was made by Dwayne Kay that the ITA feels that no Pre-staking or Pre-placing of traps on public road right-of-ways should occur before 8 a.m. opening morning, but would not include private land.

·  Seconded: Spencer Hill

·  A roll call vote was requested. The outcome was 10 yes; 9 no, and 1 abstained vote. Motion carried.

·  Gene Purdy was contacted in early January by Jason Sandholt acting Chief of Enforcement for the DNR to see if the ITA, Iowa Coon Hunters Association and DNR would like to meet again as they had in the past. A February 20th meeting has been set.

·  Virgil Davis brought a guest: past president Lewis Hoffman.

·  No other Director reports.


·  Gene gave more information on the Maine Law Suit. $12,000 was given to the USSA for the MN/ME law suit. The FTA dues have gone up. Their convention will be in Mena, Arkansas this year on June 11 thru 13th.

·  Motion for the ITA to donate $1000 to the FTA Circle of Friends by Dwayne Kay.

·  Seconded: Dennis Johnson - Motion carried.


·  George indicated the NTA was requesting a donation for the 2009 Sweepstakes. After discussion, a Bob Cat Print may be donated. They now have a Group Health Insurance Plan in place. Amy Carlisle is now on board for the NTA. George indicated that FBU is having a banquet at the Hotel Ottumwa on March 21, 2009, and that Cody is heading up the FBU banquet on March 14, 2009, in Pleasant Hill, IA.


·  Jeff indicated that the organization met on September 29 and reviewed the previous minutes. $1450.00 in rewards had been given out to the persons who had given information towards the prosecution of poachers. The January 10th was postponed until January 31st; however three board members did meet and 19 claims were approved. On January 31st, there was a meeting in Pella and 3 claims were approved for $950.00. TIP will be present at the Iowa Deer Classic as well as the Eastern Iowa Uni-Dome Convention. Their Internet Technology is coming along. They have given out 160,000 license holders to date. The next meeting is on April 11th.



·  Lyndon Sutcliff would like to host a Breakfast at the Iowa State House for the Legislators on Thursday, March 12, 2009, from 7:00 to 8:45 am. He would put a small display of fur. Lyndon indicated that he would supply the breakfast sausage but would like the ITA to pay for the coffee and donuts.

·  Motion to allow to spend up to $200 for coffee and donuts by Tom Gilman. Dennis Johnson seconded. Motion carried.

·  On February 17th there is going to a Legislative discussion regarding the sustainable resources and if anyone can be at the State House from 9-11 am that would be great.


Ed Grillot indicated that Tom Walters has agreed to do it again this year. The ITA usually kicks in $600 to complete the project.

·  Motion to continue the giving of the fur coat by Gene Purdy.

·  Seconded: Jeff Kempf - Motion carried.


·  Ron Andrews indicated the motion that was just passed by the Board of Directors will be taken to the Department. He did not know what would happen after that since the voting was so close.

·  Live Coyote Market - there is a push to use the ruling from the North American Wild Life Management. The rule is to release immediately or reduce to possession by euthanasia. This is brought about due to diseases being transferred. It is the Coyote pen owners that should be monitored.

·  River Otter limit has been raised to 500 for a State Wide Limit.

·  The Bobcat limit stayed the same.


The advertising states until Noon on Sunday. However, there are many vendors that do not stay until that time. It is not fair to the late comers that a percentage of the vendors have packed up and left. Suggestions to take to the committee were to put the vendors who will stay the duration into one close building. The deposit or a portion could be refunded if they stay till close of convention.