In accordance with Section 21113A of the California Vehicle Code, It shall bean infraction for any person to do anyact forbidden, or fall to perform any actrequired in the following regulations. Violations may result in a citation and / orvehicle towed away at owner’s expense.


R101: No person shall fall to obey any sign or signal erected to carryoutthese regulations or the California Vehicle Code.

P102: No person shall operate a vehicle, motorized cycle, or bicycleon District property at a speedgreater than 15 MILES PERHOUR, except for emergencyvehicles.

R103: The driver of a vehicle or motorized cycle shall yield the right ofway to a pedestrian crossing any roadway.

P104: No person shall operate a vehicle, motorized cycle, or bicycleon any walkway, field, or landscaped area. Exceptions includeemergency and maintenancevehicles.


P201: All vehicles parked on Campusshall clearly display a currentparking permit in the front windshield of their vehicle, or use the sticker permit on the rear of their vehicle. A permiton any other area of the vehicle is a violation.

R202: No parking is allowed in any areathat does not have a clearlymarked stall.

R203: Vehicles parked within a stallshall not overlap the lines thatdesignate the stall

R204: No person shall park in an area,posted or marked for “DisabledParking Only”, unless a valid State disabled placard licenseplate, and a District disabled permitis displayed on the vehicle.

R205: No student or staff membershallpark a vehicle in an area posted“Visitors” or “Vendors”.

R208: No student shall park a vehicle in spaces designated for “Staff Only” except as posted.

R207: When signs or markings prohibiting or limiting parking areerected, no person shall park orleave standing a vehicle in violation of such sign or marking.

R208: No person shall park or leavestanding a vehicle on any walkway, landscaped area, drivewayroad, or field without prior approval of the District Safety Department and display of a validTemporary Parking Permit. Exceptions are emergency andmaintenance vehicles.

R209 Motorized cycles and bicycles must be parked in designatedparking areas, and are exemptfrom the required parking permit,if parked in designated areas.

P210: Painted curbs are an Indicationof restricted parking and the colordenotes the type of parking allowed as follows:

A. RED ZONE - indicates noparking or stopping anytime,whether attended or not

B. YELLOWZONE - Indicates anarea for loading and unloading of vehicles and the parking of service vehicles, there is a 10 minute time limit.

C. BLUE ZONE - indicates “DisabledParking ONLY”withspecial permit.

P211: All vehicles parked In the Auto-Diesel Complex must display avalid work order.

P212: All vehicles parked In the Auto-Diesel Complex over 24 hoursmust display a current parkingsticker.

P213: All vehicles shall be parked heading into a parking stall.

R214: No person shall park or leavestanding a motor vehicle blocking traffic lanes.

P215: No person shall sleep in, or remain overnight in any vehicleparked on Campus.

R216: No person shall leave any animals or minor children unattended in a vehicle.

P217: No person shall abandon, orleave standing, any vehicle ormotorized cycle on the District premises for 72 or more consecutive hours without permission of the District Safety Department. Violations will result in vehicle removal and storage underauthority of Section 21113A ofthe California Vehicle Code.

R218: Parking In metered parkingzones requires payment of correct fee as posted. Meter boxesare available in parking lots 8, 9and 11 at Santa Ana College. Individual meters are located in lot

2 at Santiago Canyon College