
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

The Scientific Revolution (2 pts each)

1. In which field of study did the Scientific Revolution begin?

a. medicine and health.c. chemistry

b. astronomy.d. government.

2. Medieval scholars (scholastics) based their thinking and beliefs on all of the following


a. Aristotle and a few select ancient thinkers.

b. Personal observation and experimentation.

c. the Bible.

d. Church doctrine.

3. Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo all helped further the idea that

a. government was based on natural laws.

b. blood circulates throughout the body.

c. all matter consists of smaller elements that combine together.

d. the sun was the center of the solar system.

4. According to the English thinker Francis Bacon, truth can only be obtained by

a. mathematics.c. intuition and faith.

b. the scientific method.d. the knowledge of others.

5. Which of the following bestdescribes how Enlightenment thinkers viewed their universe?

a. a frightening place ruled by magic and mysterious forces.

b. a universe that was out of their control and understanding.

c. an ordered system that was governed by a set of fixed natural laws.

d. a thing that could only be understood by deep faith in God.

6. All of the following are men who developed scientific instruments to aid in the study

of different scientific areas EXCEPT

a. Andreas Vesaliusc. Zacharias Janssen

b. GabrielFarenheitd. Evangelista Torricelli

7. Which of the following discovered the law of gravity which led to the idea of an

ordered universe which operated according to natural law?

a. Isaac Newtonc. Robert Boyle

b. Rene Descartes d. Edward Jenner

8. The Scientific Revolution of the 17th century led thinkers to

a. revive the religious view of the world of the Middle Ages.

b. completely abandon their religious beliefs.

c. become less tolerant of other religions.

d. apply reason and the scientific method to all problems.

9. All of the following were causes of the Scientific Revolution EXCEPT

a. the Renaissance which created a spirit of curiosity in people.

b. the Church which pushed thinkers to apply reason and natural law to all

spiritual questions.

c. the Reformation which began a process of questioning established beliefs.

d. the Age of Exploration which made Europeans keenly aware of their own

ignorance of the world and its other inhabitants.

The Enlightenment (2 pts each)

10. Which was NOT one of the five core concepts of the Enlightenment?

a. progressc. faith

b. libertyd. nature

11. The intellectual/cultural capital of the Enlightenment was

a. Venice.c. London.

b. Paris.d. Moscow.

12. Which of the following best reflects the theories of John Locke?

a. The best form of government is an absolute monarchy.

b. Under natural law, society would be violent and chaotic.

c. People do not have the right to overthrow their government under any circum-


d. People have natural rights that the government must protect; if not, the people

should replace the government.

13. Which of the following did NOT help to spread the ideas of the Enlightenment?

a. The nobility and Church officials.

b. The salons.

c. Denis Diderot’s Encyclopedia.

d. The recently literate middle class who read newspapers and supported the

Enlightenment ideas.

14. In the mid-1700s, philosophes widely admired the constitutional monarchy of

a. France.c. Russia.

b. Britain(England)d. Prussia.

15. The predominant style of art/music/literature during the Enlightenment was

a. Gothic.c. Neoclassical.

b. Baroque.d. Romantic.

16. Which of the following BEST describes the thoughts of the Enlightenment

concerning religion?

a. People were becoming more tolerant of different religious beliefs, realizing

that no one faith should be claimed as the one true religion.

b. People were becoming less tolerant of other religions, believing that only

theirs was the one true faith.

c. Most thinkers were atheists who believed there was no God.

d. People tended to look more to the traditional leaders of their Church for


17. Which of the following first became widely popular during the Enlightenment?

a. the sonnet.c. the short story

b. the novel.d. the research paper.

18. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke agreed on all of the following ideas EXCEPT

a. Man, not God, created government to protect his own self-interests.

b. Government is necessary to prevent chaos and disorder.

c. People are all blessed with natural rights of life, liberty, and property.

d. Government operates according to a set of fixed natural laws.

19. Enlightened despots such as Frederick II and Catherine the Great supported many

ideas of the Enlightenment until they realized that

a. these ideas threatened the power of the Church.

b. these ideas were not in the best interest of their people.

c. these ideas would make them have to reform certain parts of their society such

as education, religion, and the justice system.

d. these ideas could threaten their own powers as absolute monarchs.

20. In terms of women’s rights, the men of the Enlightenment tended to

a. support sexual equality wholeheartedly.

b. think traditionally, not encouraging equal opportunity for females.

c. establish new laws which would give wives the same rights/privileges as their


d. push for equal education of men and women.

21. With which area of reforms is CesareBeccaria most closely associated?

a. Democratic government.c. Separation of powers.

b. Criminal justice.d. Women’s rights.

22. The art and music of the Enlightenment tended to

a. be very poor and crudely crafted.

b. copy the classical styles of the Greeks and Romans, stressing order, simplicity

and balance.

c. be overly decorative and unbalanced.

d. copy the 2-dimensional flat look of the Middle Ages.

Free Response Question

John Locke

Thomas Hobbes




  1. Choose 3 of the philosophers that we studied and give one new idea or influence they developed.
  2. Also explain the impact each philosopher you chose had on the development of the new American Government.