Den Chief

Leadership Card for 6 Month Term of Office

Name: ______

Patrol: ______

Job Description:The Den Chief works with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts and den leaders in the Cub Scoutpack.

Leadership Position Coordinator: The Den Leader in the Pack and the Den Chief Coordinator or Scoutmaster

Minimum Rank for this job: First Class

Ranks that this job may apply toward: Star, Life

Duties of Den Chief:

Knows the purposes of Cub Scouting

Helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks

Encourages Cub Scouts to join a Boy Scout troop upon graduation

Assists with activities in the den

Helps out at weekly den meetings and monthly pack meetings

Meets with adult members of the den, pack, and troop as necessary

Sets a good example

Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly

Lives the Scout Oath and Law

Shows Scout Spirit

Requirements: All Requirements must be completed to receive FULL Leadership credit, Otherwise only partial credit may be given. See the indicated adult leaders below to initial requirements.

Position Coordinator


______In-Brief on duties and responsibilities

______Provide assigned Den information and Den leader’s name to the troop leadershipcoordinator immediately upon assuming position

______Obtain written evaluation on your performance and period of duty from assigned Denleader

______Complete all other Senior Patrol Leader duties during term in office

Leadership Chair

______Attend at least 75% of troop meetings - Actual percentage _____

______Attend at least 67% of troop campouts - Actual percentage _____

______Attend at least 50% of non-campout troop events - Actual percentage _____

______Attend at least 75% Den Meetings (verified by Den Leader) - Actual percentage _____

______Complete Leadership Training

Den Chief

Leadership Card for 6 Month Term of Office

Name: ______

Patrol: ______

Job Description:The Den Chief works with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts and den leaders in the Cub Scout pack.

Term from _____/_____/_____ to _____/_____/_____

Number of months credit awarded ______toward the rank of ______.

Note:This form is due within 20 days following current 6 month leadership period. If this form is completed mid term to satisfy a rank requirement, it MUST also be completed again at the end of the leadership period to receive credit for the remainder of the leadership period.

______, 20_____

Scout Signature Date

______, 20_____

Den Leader Signature Date

______, 20_____

Scoutmaster Signature Date