Elementary Test Administration Seating Chart

Campus: / Room # / Date
TA Name: / Grade: / Subject(s)
STAAR ☐ STAAR online ☐ EOC ☐ EOC (online) ☐ ACP ☐ Other (if Oral Administration site check here) ☐ Oral Admin
Class START Time ______STOP time for Lunch ______RESUMED Time ______Class STOP Time ______
Test Administrator Relief
Name ______In ______Out ______Name ______In ______Out ______
Name ______In ______Out ______Name ______In ______Out ______
Please be sure to complete both parts I and II.
Instructions for completing seating chart:
Part 1 List of Examinees
1.  Completely fill out list of students. If taking an online test, there should be nothing written in the Test Booklet # section.
2.  Use student book to list form #. Language taken should match what is bubbled on student answer sheet and test book. If a student has Extra Time, mark the box under the section “XT”.
3.  Indicate start time for late students in the “Late Arrival” section.
4.  Indicate medically interrupted breaks (if needed) in the “Medical Breaks” section.
5.  Each student should have an individual FINISHED time indicated.
Seat # / Student Name
(Print Last, First) / Student ID # / Test Booklet # (should be 10 digits after S) / Form # / Language Taken / XT / Late Arrival Start Time / Medical Breaks / Finished Time
1 / S-
2 / S-
3 / S-
4 / S-
5 / S-
6 / S-
7 / S-
8 / S-
9 / S-
10 / S-
11 / S-
12 / S-
13 / S-
14 / S-
15 / S-
16 / S-
17 / S-
18 / S-
19 / S-
20 / S-
21 / S-
22 / S-
23 / S-
24 / S-
25 / S-
26 / S-
27 / S-
28 / S-
29 / S-
30 / S-

Part 1 List of Examinees

Campus: / Room # / Date
TA Name: / Grade: / Subject(s)
STAAR ☐ STAAR online ☐ EOC ☐ EOC (online) ☐ ACP ☐ Other (if Oral Administration site check here) ☐ Oral Admin
Class START Time ______STOP time for Lunch ______RESUMED Time ______Class STOP Time ______

Part 2 Seating Grid

Please be sure to complete both parts I and II.
Instructions for completing seating chart:
Part 2 Seating Grid
1.  Mark the location of front of the room and the location of door(s) on the grid.
2.  On the grid, draw seating arrangement and mark the seat number on the grid that corresponds to where each student on the list of examinees is sitting.