Patient Participation DES

End of year report 13/14

This documentmust be used to submit achievement for the Patient Participation DES for 13/14. It should be completed by the practice and submitted to by no later than Wednesday 30th April 2014.

Component 6 (Local Participation Report) MUST be posted to your surgery website (not a third party website or NHS Choices) by 31st March 2014. Failure to publish by this date will result in no payment being made to the practice.

Please ensure all areas of this document are completed in full as failure to provide the information requested will delay payment to the practice, or may mean that payment is reduced.

For further guidance relating to the reporting process or any aspect of the Patient Participation DES, please contact Wendy Malkinson or e-mail or

Website Report

Component 6 of the Patient Participation DES specification states that practices must publicise a Local Patient Participation Report on their website and as a minimum the report should include information relating to several areas which are listed below for you. All components should be completed in as much detail as possible. Failure to publicise a report (by 31st March 2014) which contains all of the details below may mean that payment is withheld from the practice.

Requirement 1Provide a description of the profile of the members of the PRG

Requirement 2The steps taken by the Contractor to ensure that the PRG is representative of its registered patients and where a category of patients is not represented, the steps the contractor took in an attempt to engage that category

Requirement 3Details of the steps taken to determine and reach agreement on the issues which had priority and were included in the local practice survey

Requirement 4The manner in which the contractor sought to obtain the views of its registered patients

Requirement 5Details of the steps taken by the Contractor to provide an opportunity for the PRG to discuss the contents of the action plan

Requirement 6Details of the action plan setting out how the findings or proposals arising out of the local practice survey can be implemented and if appropriate, reasons why any such findings or proposals should not be implemented

Requirement 7A summary of the evidence including any statistical evidence relating to the findings or basis of proposals arising out of the local practice survey

Requirement 8Details of the action which the Contractor

  • And, if relevant, NHS England (or other appropriate organisation where such functions may have been delegated), intend to take as a consequence of discussions with the PRG in respect of the results, findings and proposals arising out of the local practice survey; and
  • Where it has participated in the DES for a year (1st April – 31st March), or any part thereof, ending 31st March 2013, has taken on issues and priorities as set out in the Local Patient Participation Report

Requirement 9The opening hours of the practice premises and the method of obtaining access to services throughout core hours

Requirement 10Where the contractor has entered into arrangements under an extended hours scheme, the times at which individual healthcare professionals are accessible to registered patients

This report must be made available to the Area Team on request

Please submit the following report to the Area Team to evidence your achievement of the Patient Participation DES 13/14. This report must be submitted by Wednesday 30th April 2014

Component 1Please answer all bullet points, giving full details
  • Please provide a demographic/ethnicity description of the profile of the members of the PRG
The members of our group live within our catchment area. The group is comprised of 4 male and 5 female members. We have one person of Chinese extraction, and other members are white British/Irish.
3 males in the 60 - 70 age group
1 male in the 70 - 80 age group
1 female in the 30 -40 age group
1 female in the 40 - 50 age group
2 females in the 50 -60 age group
1 female in the 70 - 80 age group
  • What is the demographic/ethnicity profile of your registered patients?
We currently have 7882 male patients and 8103 female patients.
Of the 920 recorded ethnicity (as a result of QOF requirements in previous years) we have the following, pulled directly from our clinical system:
White / 46
White British / 642
White Irish / 7
Other white ethnic group / 56
White Scottish / 1
Other white British ethnic group / 3
Black Caribbean / 3
Black African / 31
Black, non-mixed origin, / 3
Black British / 1
Black – Other African Country / 1
Other Black – Black/White orig / 1
Indian / 8
Pakistani / 10
Bangladeshi / 4
Other ethnic non-mixed (NMO) / 1
Other Asian / 2
Turkish (NMO) / 2
Other European (NMO) / 3
Other ethnic, mixed origin / 1
Other ethnic, mixed white orig / 1
Black Caribbean and White / 1
Black African and White / 5
Ethnic group not given - patient refused / 15
Ethnic group not recorded / 10
Other black ethnic group / 2
Other Asian ethnic group / 5
Other ethnic group / 10
Ethnic groups (census) NOS / 1
Ethnic groups (census) / 67
  • Is the PRG profile similar to the registered patient profile?
  • If No, then what actions have the practice taken to recruit a group that reflects the profile of the practice? Please list everything the practice has done to recruit a PRG which reflects the profile of the patients.
Although the profile is broadly similar to the data extracted from Vision, this is clearly not an accurate indicator, as ethnicity was not required to be recorded as a matter of course in previous years.
As a practice we experience different ethnic groups very much in line with national trends. Currently we have quite a few Nepalese patients in the area because of our proximity to an Army Barracks. Our booking in system can be selected in different languages, but Nepalese is not currently on offer. We would hope to use other forms of communication to attract members from other ethnic groups.
  • Are all members of the PRG (including committee members) registered patients of the practice?
  • What steps has the practice taken to recruit members to its PRG? Please list all forms of communication the practice has used?
The practice uses the foloowing as recruitment tools:
Website – The PPG has its own page on the website.
At Patient Information evenings held once each year. Members of the PPG help toward choosing the topics for the evening in partnership with the practice, and are on hand not only to help with the evening, but to actively promote the group.
Posters in waiting room.
We will soon be installing a patient information system television. It is hoped that promotional messages will be installed on this and we can then have our message in several languages
  • How many members do you have in your PRG?
Actual – 9
Virtual –We do not have a virtual PPG
  • What is the Committee structure of your PRG?
We have a Chair, and 2 partners and Practice Manager attend as non- members.
The group made a decision to divide tasks as follows:
Annual Questionnaire / Nick, Peter liaise with Alaire
PPG Representative at monthly CCG/ PPG Chairs meetings / John and Des
Posters and Display boards.
Who’s who board?
Reception/waiting area suggestions / Pat, Glen, Peter
CQC Care Quality Commission / Des
Information Evenings - planning
Publicity / All
Webpage / John liaise with Alaire
Monitor emails to PPG email / Jo and John
E Bulletins NAPP / Suzanna and Nick
Patients Matter NAPP / Suzanna and Nick
Health & Wellbeing MBC / Nick
Health Watch Kent / Suzanna
Monitor / Suzanna
Component 2Please answer all bullet points giving full details
  • What were the patient’s priorities and issues that were identified by the PRG?
The Priorities from our GPAQ questionnaire were Appointments and telephone access.
The Patient group considered that Future Planning was something that needed to be considered, as well as holding a Patient Information evening.
  • What were the practice priorities and issues including themes from complaints?
From survey we looked at appointment availability, waiting room improvements and patient information evenings
  • What are / were the planned practice changes?
We have created Working groups for the following, and although these are not entirely confined to the patient survey, they arose from the partners Business Plan:
Reception redesign
Staff moral and communication
Communication with patients
Appointments with triage
Docman – electronic letters
Prescribing and medication review
  • Are / were there any CQC related issues, and if so what were they?
No CQC related issues
  • Are / were there any national GP patient survey issues, and if so what were they?
No national GP patient survey issues
Component 3Please answer all bullet points giving full details
  • Has the Practice undertaken a local practice survey during 13/14?
  • What questions were used that were based on the priorities identified by the PRG and the practice?
The GPAC survey followed normal guidelines, but a further survey has been done, the findings of which are considered useful for forward planning and will be discussed at the next patient group meeting on 6 May, but is shown here for information.
College Road Medical Practice – Questionnaire
We would like to understand what services our Patients would most like us to offer, so as to provide the best possible standard of care. Your opinions will help us to do this. Please answer ALL the questions you can by putting a tick() in one box unless more than one answer is true. Then hand the questionnaire in to Reception today, so that we can summarise everybody’s answers. There are no right or wrong answers and your doctor (or nurse) will NOT be able to identify your individual answers. Thank you.
  1. Is your appointment today with: a Doctor a Nurse other (please specify):
  1. Are you here for:  yourself your child other (please specify):
  1. Which of the following best describes your reason for today’s appointment?
To ask for advice /  Because of an ongoing problem / For treatment (including prescriptions)
 For a routine check /  Because of a one-off problem /  Other (please specify):
  1. On a scale of 1 – 5 how important to your health and wellbeing is your reason for today’s appointment?
Not very importantVery important
 1 2 3 4 5
  1. If the Practice had offered you a telephone consultation instead of today’s face-to-face appointment, would you have chosen:  the telephone consultation OR  today’s face-to-face appointment
  1. Would it help you if the Practice offered a telephone advice helpline? YesOR  No
If Yes, please tick any that apply: Weekdays 9am-5pm Weekdays after 5pm Weekends 24hrs
  1. Would it help you to manage your own health if you attended a regular clinic run by the Practice to monitor and advise you onsuch health factors as your weight, blood pressure and so on?  Yes OR  No
  1. Would it help you to manage your own health if the Practice supplied you with equipment to monitor such health factors as your weight, blood pressureand so on, for your own use at home?  Yes OR  No
If Yes, would you prefer: to monitor the results yourself
OR  to be monitored remotely by professionals at a Health Centre?
  1. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?
  1. To help us to interpret your answers please tell us a little about yourself:
(a)Are you: Female Male
(b)Age: under 15 15-20 21-40 41-60 over 60
(c)What is your ethnic group? Please choose ONE section from A to E, and then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background.
A White / B Mixed / C Asian or
Asian British / D Black or
Black British / E Chinese orother ethnic group
 British /  White and Black Caribbean /  Indian / Caribbean /  Chinese
 Irish /  White and Black African /  Pakistani /  African /  any other ethnic group
 any other white background /  White and Asian /  Bangladeshi /  any other Black background / (Please specify):
(Please specify): /  any other Mixed background
(Please specify): /  any other Asian background
(Please specify): / (Please specify):
Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire: now please hand it in to Reception
  • Did the practice collate and analyse the results themselves, if not who did you outsource this work to?
The GPAQ survey was collated by a company specialising in this
A member of the PPG volunteered to analyze the results of the next survey as above.
  • Was the survey undertaken by paper / electronically or a combination of both?
  • Has the practice informed the PRG of the analysis of the survey?
If yes – what was the meeting date?
Component 4Please answer all bullet points giving full details
  • At which meetings of the PRG were the results of the practice survey discussed (please give dates)?
20th August 2013
26 November 2013
  • Has the practice received the agreement of the PRG to change any aspect of the way a service is delivered (if applicable)? – please give the date of the meeting when the PRG gave its agreement – please list all changes and the meetings they were discussed and agreed at?
No changes to service appropriate at this time. Will wait until working group has met and made suggestions and this will be discussed with the PPG
Component 5Please answer all bullet points giving full details
  • Has the practice agreed an action plan with the PRG based on the results of the patient survey? – if so, please give the date of the meeting on which the action plan was agreed.
Yes 25.2.14
  • What are the main themes of the action plan and the timescales to implement them?
Appointments . Set up working group to assess further. July 2014
Waiting room redecoration. Set up working group to determine costs and practicalities. July 2014
Component 6
Please confirm that you have published your Patient Participation Report on your website prior to 31st March 2014.
Website Address –
I confirm that the Patient Participation Report has been published to the practice website and that the information contained within this report is accurate and correct and will form the basis of any payment made to the practice in respect of the Patient Participation DES 13/14 and that the report addresses all of the requirements listed below.
Requirement 1Provide a description of the profile of the members of the PRG
Requirement 2The steps taken by the Contractor to ensure that the PRG is representative of its registered patients and where a category of patients is not represented, the steps the contractor took in an attempt to engage that category
Requirement 3Details of the steps taken to determine and reach agreement on the issues which had priority and were included in the local practice survey
Requirement 4The manner in which the contractor sought to obtain the views of its registered patients
Requirement 5Details of the steps taken by the Contractor to provide an opportunity for the PRG to discuss the contents of the action plan
Requirement 6Details of the action plan setting out how the findings or proposals arising out of the local practice survey can be implemented and if appropriate, reasons why any such findings or proposals should not be implemented
Requirement 7A summary of the evidence including any statistical evidence relating to the findings or basis of proposals arising out of the local practice survey
Requirement 8Details of the action which the Contractor
  • And, if relevant, NHS England (or other appropriate organisation where such functions may have been delegated), intend to take as a consequence of discussions with the PRG in respect of the results, findings and proposals arising out of the local practice survey; and
  • Where it has participated in the DES for a year (1st April – 31st March), or any part thereof, ending 31st March 2013, has taken on issues and priorities as set out in the Local Patient Participation Report
Requirement 9The opening hours of the practice premises and the method of obtaining access to services throughout core hours
Requirement 10Where the contractor has entered into arrangements under an extended hours scheme, the times at which individual healthcare professionals are accessible to registered patients
Name of person completing this form: Alaire Fridd
Surgery Name: The College Practice
G Number of Surgery: G82099
Date: 24th April 2014
Signature: A L Fridd
Payment Details
For practices that had not participated in the patient participation DES during 2012/2013
Component 1 only / £0.22 per registered patient
Components 1 and 2 only / £0.44 per registered patient
Components 1, 2 and 3 only / £0.66 per registered patient
Components 1, 2, 3 and 4 only / £0.88 per registered patient
Components 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 / £1.10 per registered patient
For practices that had participated in the patient participation DES during 2012/2013
Component 2 only / £0.11 per registered patient
Components 2 and 3 only / £0.33 per registered patient
Components 2, 3 and 4 only / £0.66 per registered patient
Components 2, 3, 4 and 5 only / £0.99 per registered patient
Components 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 / £1.10 per registered patient

Please confirm whether you were signed up to this DES in 12/13


Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service – Kent and Medway Area Team