Games Day and Jumper Show

August 26, 2017

All games and jumper classes are timed; the timer will start when you cross between the start cones and stop when you come back in between them. Reversing or going back to finish an obstacle in the games is allowed but may result in time penalties. Divisions may be combined if there are lack of entries.

Gaming Divisions:

Youth beginner- walk or walk trot only

Youth advanced- may canter as much of the pattern as desired

Adult beginner- trot until you have reached the last obstacle, may canter home over the start line

Adult advanced- may canter as much of the pattern as desired

Gaming descriptions:

  • Cloverleaf Barrel racing- complete full turns around the three barrels in the required pattern
  • Flag Race- Go around on the outside of all the barrels (making a triangle); pick up the flag from the first barrel, travel around the second at the far end of the ring, and place the flag in the bucket on the third barrel
  • Ribbon race (partner game)- with your partner, hold your end of the ribbon and go around the barrels; rider on the outside of the barrel is always on the outside, rider on the inside is always on the inside
  • Jousting- go around the ring and hook all of the white rings onto your lance before returning to the start
  • Pole bending- start by going straight up to the end of the pole; weave your way back toward the start line, turn around the last pole and weave your way back up toward the far end of the ring, then come straight back to the finish line.

Jumper Divisions- all classes are timed, go as fast as you can through the course without sacrificing accuracy. Time penalties added for poles down, rider off course results in elimination. Wait for the bell to start your trip!

  • Tad”poles” division- trot over poles on the ground in the correct pattern (proper jumping position required)
  • Puddle jumpers division- Cross-rails- not to exceed 12” in the center
  • Low jumpers division- 18” verticals- may include oxer jump
  • Middle jumpers division- 2’-2’3” verticals- will include oxers and roll back, may include gymnastic set
  • Gambler’s choice (low and middle jumpers only)- riders have 45 seconds to get as many points as possible. The same jump may not be done more than twice. The more difficult the fence, the higher the score.

Course layouts will be available for study the day of the show.

Please see the website to download and print out (or electronically fill out!) the entry form!