Name ______

7-1 Science: Fall Semester Test Study Guide

Lesson 1.

1.  A word the refers to any complete living thing is ______

2.  Do ALL living things (answer yes or no to each)

A.  Reproduce?

B.  Exchange gases?

C.  Produce waste?

D.  Have a Heart?

E.  Eat Food?

F.  Have a cell(s)?

G.  Respond to stimuli?

H.  Regulate their internal environment?

3.  Which two parts make up an organisms’ scientific name? ______

Lesson 2

4.  What is the magnification of low power? ______medium? ______high? ______

5.  What is the field of view(mm) on low? ______medium?______high? ______

6.  What do ALL insects (including WOWBugs) have in common? ______

7.  Define a parasite. ______

Lesson 3.

8.  Macroscopic organisms such as the blackworm needs blood to ______

9.  What body parts do blackworms have? ______

10.  What do blackworms and earthworms have in common? ______

11.  How do blackworms usually reproduce?______

12.  How would you know if regeneration is occurring in a worm? ______

13.  anterior =

14.  posterior =

15.  dorsal =

16.  ventral =

Lesson 4 and 12

17.  Define abiotic factor. ______Examples: ______

18.  Define biotic factor. ______Examples:______


19.  Define ecosystem=

20.  Define community =

21.  Define population =

22.  Define niche =

23.  Define producer =

24.  Define consumer =

25.  Define decomposer =

26.  The build-up at the bottom of the pond known as detritus formed from ______

27.  What should the ponds have done (if the lids were kept on loosely)…

Lemna? ______Water level? ______

Number of microorganisms? ______

The bottom? ______

Lesson 5.

28.  What process occurs when a dormant (inactive) seed resumes activity by absorbing water, and the embryo starts to grow inside resulting in the formation of a seedling?______

29.  The Wisconsin Fast Plant grows best in what conditions? ______What other types of care did we give it? ______

Lesson 6.

30.  Why did we not release the butterflies outside after they came out of the chrysalis? ______

31.  List the stages in the life cycle of a butterfly:______When is their growth? ______What process occurs during growth due to the exoskeleton? ______When does metamorphosis occur? ______

32.  What do cabbage white larva eat? ______What do they excrete? ______What do adult cabbage white butterflies eat? ______How? ______

Lesson 7

33.  Describe the structure and function of the following organelles:

A.  cell wall =

B.  cell membrane =

C.  nucleus =

D.  chloroplast =

E.  cytoplasm =

34.  All organisms are composed of one or more ______, which carry out life processes.

35.  What are differences between plant and animal cells? ______

Lesson 8.

36.  What and where are chromosomes? ______

37.  The process of nuclear division that divides chromosomes equally is ______

38.  Which is the overall result of normal (mitotic) cell division? ______

39.  What guides the movement of chromosomes during mitosis? ______

Lesson 9.

40.  For each, state if it is a characteristic of asexual reproduction (A) or sexual reproduction (S):

_____ 1.The offspring have DNA that is different from the parents

_____ 2. Budding is an example

_____ 3. It requires only one parent

_____ 4. The offspring have DNA that is the same as the parent

_____ 5. It is the most common method of reproduction for blackworms

_____ 6. It creates genetic variation

_____ 7. Occurs with fertilization

_____ 8. Cell division of protists

41.  A ______is the reproductive organ of a plant. The ______is the male part, and the ______is the female part.

42.  The pollination of a flower’s pistil occurs ______(before or after) fertilization.

Lesson 10.

43.  During ______, chlorophyll captures light energy to produce ______by combining water and carbon dioxide, which gives off ______as a waste product.

44.  How does a stoma form? ______

45.  Define transpiration ______

46.  Openings for gas exchange on a leaf are called ______.

Lesson 11.

47.  What are important characteristics of each protist?

A.  amoeba -

B.  euglena -

C.  paramecium -

D.  spirogyra (Lesson7) -

E.  volvox -

Lessons 14 and 15.

48.  Yeasts are not typical fungi because ______

49.  List three food products that fungi are involved in producing. ______

50.  What caused the foam in the yeast lab? ______

51.  What part of a fungus helps to absorb and digest its food? ______What part of a fungus is the most visible? ______

52.  What do fungi release to reproduce? ______How do yeast cells reproduce? ______

53.  Define fermentation. ______

Lessons 16 and 17

54.  How do Daphnia get food? ______

55.  How do Daphnia reproduce? ______

56.  Hydra’s most common method of reproduction is ______

57.  Hydra is considered one of the simplest multicellular animals because ______How do a hydra’s cells get nutrients if there is no blood flow? ______

Identify into which kingdom that the organisms we studied would be classified.

Review of Experiment parts:

1.  A Claim is ______

2.  A hypothesis is______

3.  The IV is ______and can be identified by ______

4.  The DV is ______and can be identified by ______

5.  Constants are ______

6.  The control group is ______

7.  Why are measurements taken before the experiment begins? ______

8.  What makes results reliable? ______

9.  How can you tell if the claim is valid (true)? ______

10.  How do you write a conclusion? ______