Syllabus Chemistry 400

Unit 1: Properties of Matter, Scientific Measurement, and Problem Solving (Dimensional Analysis)

v  List and use SI base units for mass, length, time, and temperature

v  Express and convert quantities using common SI prefixes

v  Use significant figures to express exactness of measurements

v  Perform calculations using density measurements

v  Correctly apply the terms accuracy and precision

v  Calculate percent error of an experimental result

v  Consistently use significant figures in laboratory calculations

v  Correctly use dimensional analysis to make conversions and solve problems

v  Graph independent and dependent variables and interpret results

v  Describe and distinguish homogeneous and heterogeneous materials, substances, mixtures, and solutions

v  Describe and give examples of elements and compounds

v  Classify examples of matter

v  Classify properties and changes as physical or chemical (and properties as intensive or extensive)

v  Discuss techniques that can be used to determine whether matter is a mixture or a pure substance

v  State the Law of Conservation of Mass and apply it to physical and chemical changes

Unit 2: Atomic Structure, Electron Configurations, and Periodic Trends

v  Discuss early developments in atomic theory and development of modern atomic theory

v  Explain the laws of multiple proportions and definite proportions and give examples

v  Determine the atomic number (Z) and mass number (A) of given isotopes

v  Construct a nuclear symbol knowing the subatomic particles of an isotope

v  Differentiate among the major subatomic particles

v  Describe the wave-mechanical model

v  Describe the four types of orbitals

v  Determine the electron and orbital configurations of elements and identify paired and unpaired electrons

v  Identify isoelectronic species

v  Write electron dot diagrams for elements

v  Calculate average atomic mass for an element (or percent abundance if average mass is known)

v  Characterize the position and velocity of an electron using Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

v  Use the Pauli exclusion principle and quantum numbers to describe an electron in an atom

v  Predict the electron configuration and orbital diagram for an element using the Periodic Table

v  Explain the relationship of atomic emission spectra of elements such as hydrogen with the Bohr and modern models of the atom

v  Calculate energy of an electron in a given principal energy level

v  Relate excited and ground states for an electron

v  Relate wavelength, frequency, and energy of radiation to each other and calculate

Unit 3: Chemical Formulas and Equations, Types of Reactions, and the Mole

v  Interpret information conveyed by chemical formulas

v  Derive formulas for various ionic and molecular compounds

v  Apply the rules for naming compounds

v  Define oxidation number and state oxidation numbers for common monatomic ions and charges for common polyatomic ions

v  Distinguish between molecular and empirical formulas

v  Demonstrate use of coefficients to represent number of formula units of a substance

v  Memorize and use an extensive list of ions and their charges

v  Use the traditional and IUPAC system in writing and naming formulas

v  Apply rules for naming binary and ternary acids

v  Write chemical equations to represent reactions

v  Balance chemical equations and relate the process to the Law of Conservation of Matter

v  Differentiate among 5 general types of reactions

v  Learn rules to write ionic equations for single and double replacement reactions

v  Predict products of a reaction when given reactants

v  Write net ionic equations for single and double replacement reactions

v  Determine the atomic mass of elements and formula mass of compounds

v  Determine the molar mass and molecular formula of substances

v  Calculate mass of a given number of moles of a substance

v  Calculate moles in a given mass of a substance

v  Calculate molecules in a given number of moles of a substance

v  Determine percent composition from a substance’s formula (including percent hydration)

v  Define and memorize the meaning of the mole and its relationship to a molecule of a substance

v  Determine empirical and molecular formulas for a compound

Unit 4: Stoichiometry

v  Derive quantitative information about reactants and products in a chemical reaction

v  Solve problems based on mass-mass, volume-volume, and mass-volume relationships

v  Determine heat of reaction for a chemical reaction with a specified amount of substance

v  Determine moles of a reactant or product based on moles of another reactant or product

v  Calculate actual yield as a percentage of the theoretical yield (also calculating percent yield when given actual and theoretical)

v  Determine the limiting reactant from data about reacting substances

v  Calculate actual yield given amounts of reactants

v  Calculate the percent of a reactant consumed in a reaction

Unit 5: Energy and Phase Changes (Thermodynamics)

v  Describe conditions under which heat is transferred

v  Describe endothermic and exothermic processes and state the function of activation energy

v  Distinguish between heat energy and temperature

v  Convert between units used to measure energy

v  Draw and interpret heating and cooling curves for substances other than water

v  Solve calorimetry problems (simple and complex)

v  Describe characteristics of all solids

v  Explain the relationship of melting point to bonding type

v  Distinguish between hydrated and anhydrous substance

v  Explain the properties of liquids and changes of state in terms of kinetic molecular theory

v  Use equilibrium to explain reversible changes of state in a closed system

Unit 6: Behavior of Gases and Gas Laws

v  List and explain basic assumptions of kinetic molecular theory

v  Relate pressure to molecular motion

v  Differentiate among an open-arm and closed-arm manometer and a barometer

v  Calculate pressure of gases in open-arm and closed-arm manometers

v  Relate temperature and energy transfer to molecular motion

v  Differentiate among the 4 states of matter

v  Describe characteristics of substances in each of the 3 states of matter in terms of kinetic theory

v  Explain the concept of an ideal gas

v  Describe conditions of STP

v  Relate laws of Boyle, Charles, Gay-Lussac, and Dalton and perform calculations using them

v  Solve problems involving a change in more than one condition

v  Differentiate between real and ideal gases and explain how real deviate from ideal

v  State Avogadro’s principle and define molar volume of a gas

v  Explain and use ideal gas law

v  Compute molar mass of a gas from its mass, temperature, pressure, and volume

v  Calculate density of a gas using the ideal gas law

v  Solve gas volume-mass, mass-gas volume, and gas volume-gas volume problems

v  Find the pressure of a gas when collected over water

v  Solve gas problems when all variables change except one

v  Show how the absolute temperature scale is derived

v  Identify limiting reactant in gas problems and solve


Unit 7: Bonding

v  Isoelectronic species

v  Unpaired electrons

v  Valence electrons and Lewis structures for atoms

v  Bonding introduction (three types of bonds, properties associated with the different types, substances that have each type)

v  Metallic bonding (very brief)

v  Ionic bonding (basics and definitions, Lewis structures for ions, review of ions and their charges and formula writing (we went over it quickly in class- this is an area that he will want to spend extra time on since it is from first quarter), electron transfer drawings, bonding orbital diagrams, Lewis structures for compounds)

v  Covalent bonding (basics and definitions, polar vs. nonpolar covalent bonds, bonding orbital diagrams, Lewis structures for compounds- again, he might need to review formulas and naming for these)

v  Determining 3D geometries of molecules

v  Determining polarity of molecules

v  Hybridization

v  Resonance

v  More complicated Lewis structures (polyatomic ions, resonance, coordinate covalent bonds)

v  Multiple bonds (sigma and pi)

v  General concept of intermolecular forces

Unit 8: Solutions

v  Problem solving using all different kinds of solution concentrations

v  Solving colligative properties problems (vapor pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation)

v  Review of precipitates, solubility rules, and ionic equations

v  Molarity and dilution problems

v  Concentration of ions in solution

v  Solution stoichiometry problems (all varieties)

Unit 9: Thermochemistry

v  Basics of thermochemistry

v  Coffee- cup calorimetry

v  Bomb calorimetry

v  Hess’s Law (2 variations in class, reading assignment in the book on the third variation)

v  Finding heats of combustion/reaction from heats of formation

v  Finding heats of formation from heats of combustion

v  Problem solving combining all thermo concepts

Unit 10: Kinetics

v  Intro to kinetics

v  4 factors that influence reaction rates

v  Rate laws

v  Determining specific rate laws for a reaction experimentally

v  Calculating rate constant values

v  Calculating instantaneous rates of reactions

v  Review of experimentally determining reaction rates

v  Mechanisms of reactions

Unit 11: Equilibrium

v  Intro to equilibrium

v  Law of Mass Action

v  Equilibrium expressions and equilibrium constants

v  Solving for equilibrium constants

v  Solving for concentrations

v  Using ICE boxes to solve more complex equilibrium problems

v  Reaction quotient & predicting the direction of a reaction

v  Using pressures to find Kp

v  Solubility equilibrium basics

v  Solving for Ksp and solubilities

v  Solving precipitation problems

v  Le Chatelier’s principle

Unit 12: Acids and Bases

v  Intro to acids and bases (operational definitions)

v  Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis definitions of acids and bases

v  Identifying acids, bases, conjugate acids, conjugate bases, and conjugate acid-base pairs

v  Strong vs. weak acids (students were asked to revisit naming and formula writing of compounds, ions, and acids, covered in the fall)

v  Memorizing list of strong acids and bases to identify strong and weak acids and bases

v  pH of strong and weak acids and bases

v  pH loop problems for calculating H+ and OH- concentrations, pH, and pOH

v  Mixtures of strong acids

v  Weak acid equilibrium

v  pH of weak acids and bases

v  Mixtures of weak acids

v  Percent dissociation

v  Neutralization

v  Hydrolysis

v  pH of salts

v  Titration

v  Description of buffers

v  Polyprotic acids

Unit 13: Redox/Electrochemistry

v  Balancing redox equations using the bridge method

v  Balancing redox equations using the ion-electron method (in acidic and basic solution)

v  Voltaic cell diagram and basics from a descriptive point of view: anode, cathode, oxidation, reduction, oxidizing agent, reducing agent, plating, electrode, cell potential, half reactions, overall reaction, use of a Standard Reduction Potential table, salt bridge, electrode size changes, spontaneous reactions, idea that voltage is independent of mass