/ Dr. Maria Antonella Muraro, MD, PhD
- CurriculUm Vitae-

Personal Data

Name Maria Antonella Muraro

Date of birth December 25, 1957

Place of birth Rovigo -Italy

Nationality Italian

Present address

Home Via Molmenti 9 – 35128 Padua – Italy

Office Department of Pediatrics, University of Padua

Via Giustiniani 3, 35128 Padua – Italy

Tel. (home) +39 049 7801954

Tel. (office) +39 049 8212538/8086

Fax +39 049 8218091

Mobile +39 3357080827


Marital status married with Sebastiano Guarnaccia

Children Alberto (14 yrs) and Francesco (12 yrs)


July 1975: Graduation at Liceo Classico "Celio" – Rovigo (60/60).

July 27, 1981: Medical degree at the University of Padua (110/110 with


July 26, 1985: Board certification in Pediatrics, University of Padua (70/70 with honors). Thesis: "Clinical evaluation of 200 children with atopic dermatitis”

July 11, 1988: Board certification in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, University of Padua (70/70 with honors). Thesis: "Natural history of atopic dermatitis in 65 children"

April 13, 1992: PhD, University of Rome. Thesis: "Nutritional evalutation of hydrolised protein formulas in newborns with atopic risk”

Professional Experiences

1981 - 1985: Residency in Pediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics, University of Padua - Italy.

1983 - 1989: Attending Physician at the Allergy Unit, Department of Pediatrics, University of Padua - Italy.

1986 - 1990: General Pediatrician for the Italian NHS.

October 1992: Visiting Professor at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Immunology Georgetown University - Washington DC – USA (Director: Prof. J. A. BELLANTI).

2008 July - August Visiting Professor at the Mount Sinai Hospital (New York City) Pediatric Allergy Immunology Division, Jaffe Food Allergy Institute. Director Prof. Hugh Sampson.

2008 August Visiting Professor at Duke University, Pediatric Allergy Immulogy Division. Director Prof. Wesley Burks.

2009 August Visiting Professor at the Mount Sinai Hospital (New York City) Pediatric Allergy Immunology Division, Jaffe Food Allergy Institute. Director Prof. Hugh Sampson.


1989 – Present: Consultant Pediatric Allergist at the Allergy and Respiratory Unit, Department of Pediatrics, University of Padua - Italy.

2005 – Present: Head of the Regional Referral Centre for Food Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment in the Padua General University Hospital, Padua – Italy.


1990 – 1996: Professor of Food Allergy at the Pediatric School, University of Padua – Italy.

1990 – Present: Professor of Pediatric Allergology at the Allergy and Clinical Immunology School, University of Padua – Italy.

2007 – Present Professor at the Master on Pediatric Allergy at the Rome 2nd University – Tor Vergata.

2010 - Appointed Professor at the Master on Pediatric Allergy at the Turin 2nd University.

Membership to Scientific Societies

·  European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).

·  Member of the Section on Pediatrics Board from 2000; Secretary from 2005 to 2007; Chairman from 2007 to 2009

o  Chairman of the EAACI Task Force on Anaphylaxis in Children.

o  Chairman of the EAACI Task Force on the Allergic Child at School.

o  Chairman of the EAACI Task Force on the Food Allergy Clinical Practice Guidelines.

·  American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

·  American College of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology.

·  Italian Society of Pediatrics.

·  Italian Society of Pediatric Allergology and Clinical Immunology.

·  Italian Society of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases.

Membership in Advisory Boards

·  Member of the Medical Advisory Board of the patient organization Food Allergy Italia since 2002.

·  Member of the ALK Medical Advisory Board.

Current Research Interests

1.  Identification of novel markers to be used as in the early identification of food allergy and food allergy phenotypes.

2.  Characterization of major immunological determinants responsible for food allergy in children.

3.  Evaluation of new protocols for treatment of food allergy.

4.  Evaluation of dietary prevention measures in children at risk of food allergy.

5.  Anaphylaxis surveillance programs, evaluation of markers for identification of subjects at risk of anaphylaxis, development of protocols for educational intervention in the community.

6.  Evaluation of the clinical impact of food allergy in the quality of life of children.

7.  EU Project FP6 Complex Dis: ”Unravelling Complex Diseases with Complexity Theory: from Networks to the Bedside” Workpackage 6 Leader: Identification of transcriptome subtype modules and multi-layer network modules in allergic disease.


EU-Project No.514000, EUROPREVALL: 3rd Annual Review Meeting, Brussels (Belgium), September 1-2nd, 2008.

Reviewer for: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Allergy, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Allergy, Pediatrics.


International Meeting on "Food Allergy in Children". Venice, May, 5-6th 1989

Training Course on Allergology. University of Padua, Italy, September, 28-29th 1995.

ESPACI – EAACI Section on Pediatrics: Pediatric Allergy Meeting – Venice, December 2000

EAACI – Section on Pediatrics: Dietary Prevention of Allergic Diseases – Abano Terme, February 2002

International Workshop on Anaphylaxis: Prevention and Therapy. Padua (Italy), December 16th, 2005

Meeting of the EU Complex Dis Project - Mira, Venice, Italy, January 2007

EAACI – Pediatric Allergy and Asthma School – Venice, San Servolo, July 2008

EAACI – Food Allergy Training Course – Castelbrando, November 2008

Task Force on Allergic Child at School, 1st meeting – Mira, Venice (Italy), January 2008, 2nd meeting Venice, January 2009.

Courses Attended

1.  Course on Food Allergy and Intolerances. Santa Margherita Ligure (Italy), April, 10-12nd 1986.

2.  Course on Food Allergy. St. Johns' Newfoundland, Canada, July, 14-16th 1986.

3.  3° International Symposium on Immunological and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy. Taormina (Italy), October, 1-4th 1986.

4.  10th Course on Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, May, 11-12th 1987.

5.  Course on basic clinical allergy, National Heart & Lung Institute, April, 26-30th 1993. London, UK.

Participations at Meetings

Participation at the Annual Meetings of AAAAI from 1991 to 2009;

Participation at the Annual Meetings of EAACI from 1989 to 2009;


1.  L.Businco, M.G.Ziruolo, M.Ferrara, N.Benincori, M.A.Muraro, P.G.Giampietro. Natural History of Atopic Dermatitis in childhood: on updated review and personal experience of a five year follow-up. Allergy Vol. 44, suppl.9, 70-78, 1989.

2.  S.Guarnaccia, M.A.Muraro. Classification of adverse reactions to foods. Pediatric Allergy Immunology n.8, Vol.6 pag. 13-19, 1995.

3.  P.Restani, T.Velonà, A.Plebani, A.G.Ugazio, C.Poiesi, M.A.Muraro, C.Galli. Evaluation by SDS-PAGE and Immunoblotting of residual antigenicity in hydrolised protein formulae. Clin.Exp.Allergy, Jul; 25 (7):651-8, 1995.

4.  P.Restani, T.Velonà, G.Cavagni, A.Plebani, A.G.Ugazio, C.Poiesi, M.A.Muraro, C.Galli. Use of immunoblotting and monoclonal antibodies to evaluate the residual antigenic activity of milk protein hydrolysed formulae. Clin.Exp.Allergy, Vol.26, 10, pag. 1182-1187, 1996.

5.  Host, B. Koletzko, S. Dreborg, M.A. Muraro, U. Wahn, P. Aggett, J.L. Bressan, O. Hernell, H. Lafeber, K.F. Michaelsen, J.L. Micheli, J. Rigo, L. Weaver, H. Heymans, S. Strobel, Y. Vandenplas. Dietary products used in infant for treatment and prevention of food allergy. Joint statement of the European Society for Paediatric Allergology and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI) Committee on Hypoallergenic Formulas and the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Herpetology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition. Arch Dis Child 1999; 81:80-84

6.  Muraro MA. Diagnosis of food allergy: the oral provocation test. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2001;12 Suppl 14:31-6

7.  Muraro MA. Soy and other protein sources. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2001;12 Suppl 14:85-90

8.  Muraro MA, Giampietro P.G., Galli E. Soy formulas and non bovine milk. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2002;89 (6 Suppl 1):97-101

9.  Muraro MA, Dreborg S, Halken S, Host A, Niggemann B, Aalberse R, Arshad SH, Berg Av A, Carlsen K, Duschen K, Eigenmann P, Hill D, Jones C, Mellon M, Oldeus G, Oranje A, Pascual C, Prescott S, Sampson H, Svartengren M, Vandenplas Y, Wahn U, Warner JA, Warner JO, Wickman M, Zeiger RS. Dietary prevention of allergic diseases in infants and small children. Part I: immunologic background and criteria for hypoallergenicity. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2004 Apr;15(2):103-11

10.  A. Høst, S. Andrae, S. Charkin, C. Diaz-Vasquez, S. Dreborg, P.A. Eigenmann, F. Friedrichs, P. Grinsted, G. Lack, G. Meylan, P. Miglioranzi, A. Muraro, A. Nieto, B. Niggemann, C. Pascual, M-G. Pouech, F. Rancé, E. Rietschel, M. Wickman. Allergy testing in children: why, who, when and how. Allergy 2003; 58: 559-569

11.  A. Muraro, S. Dreborg, S. Halken S, A. Høst et al. Dietary prevention of allergic diseases in infants and small children. Part II. Evaluation of methods in allergy prevention studies and sensitization markers. Definitions and diagnostic criteria of allergic diseases. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2004 Jun;15(3):196-205.

12.  M.A. Muraro, S. Dreborg, S. Halken S, A. Høst et al. Dietary prevention of allergic diseases in infants and small children. Part III: Critical review of published peer-reviewed observational and interventional studies and final recommendations. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2004 Aug;15(4):291-307.

13.  Sampson HA, Munoz-Furlong, Campbell RL, Adkinson NF Jr, Bock SA, Branum A, Brown SG, Camargo CA Jr, CydulkaR, Galli SJ, Gidudu j, Gruchalla RS, Harlor AD Jr, Hepner DL, Lewis LM, Lieberman PL, Metcalfe DD, O’ Connor R, Muraro A, Schmitt C, Scherrer D, Simons FE, Thomas S, Wood JP, Decker WW. Second symposium on the definition and management of anaphylaxis: summary report-Second National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease/Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network symposium. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 Feb;117(2):391-7.

14.  Akdis CA, Akdis M, Bieber T, Bindslev-Jensen C, Boguniewicz M, Eingemann P, Hamid Q, Kapp A, Leung DYM, Lipozencic J, Luger TA, Muraro A, Novak N, Platts Mills T, Rosenwasser L, Scheynius A, Simons FER, Spergel J, Turjanmaa K, Wahn U, Weidinger S, Werfel T, Zuberbier T, for the European Academy of Clinical Immunology/American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology/ PRACTALL Consensus Group. Diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis in children and adults: European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology / American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology/ PRACTALL Consensus Report. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol 2006 Jul;118(1):152-69.

15.  Muraro A, Roberts G, Clark A, Eigenmann PA, Halken S, Lack G, Moneret-Vautrin A, Niggemann B, Rancé F. The Management of Anaphylaxis in Childhood: Position paper of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Allergy 2007, August; 62(8): 857-71.

16.  Host A., Halken S., Muraro A., Dreborg S., Niggemann B., Aalberse R., Aalberse R., Arshad SH., von Berg A., Carlsen KH., Dunschén K., Eingemann PA., Hill D., Jones C., Mellon M., Oldeus G., Oranje A., Pascual C., Prescott S., Sampson H., Svartengren M., Wahn U., Warner JA., Warner JO., Vandenplas Y., Wickman M., Zeiger RS., Dietary prevention of allergic diseases in infants and small children. Pediatric Allergy Immunol. 2008 Feb; 19(1): 1-4.

17.  Muraro A, Roberts G, Simons E. New visions for anaphylaxis: an iPAC summary and future trends. Pediatr Allergy Immun. 2008 Aug;19 Suppl 19: 40-50.

18.  Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Muraro A. Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Aug;9(4):371-7.

Publications in italian journals

1.  Effetto del trattamento anti-neoplastico in età pediatrica sull'incidenza della carie dentaria. L.Sainati, M.Cavazzana, M.Calmasini, N.Vergello, M.A.Muraro, G.Baldi, L.Zanesco. Acta Pediatrica Latina, Vol.37, 1-12, 1984.

2.  Aprassia oculomotoria congenita Valutazione di 1 caso. M.A.Muraro, P.Drigo, A.Rossetti, G.L.Casara, A.M.Laverda. Riv.Ital.Ped.(I.J.P.) 11, 874-876, 1985.

3.  Enfisema lobare congenito in 4 lattanti. L.Vido, F.Rigon, M.A.Muraro, P.Marangoni, A.Marigo, G.Cuccarolo, A.Barbato. Acta Chirurgica Italica Vol.42, 1454-1459, 1986.

4.  Fattori neonatali predisponenti allo sviluppo di allergia alimentare. M.A.Muraro.

5.  Esperienza clinica con una formula a base di idrolisato di soia in lattanti con enterite protratta ed eczema atopico. F.Donzelli, L.Da Dalt, A.Schiavon, E.Baraldi, M.A.Muraro. Ped.Med.Chir. 12: 71-80, 1990.

6.  Allergia alimentare: prevenzione e diagnosi. M.A.Muraro. Proceedings of the meeting of the Italian society of Pediatrics, "Argomenti di Allergologia Pediatrica". Imperia, Italy, 20 September 1990, p. 37-44.

7.  Vivere con l'asma. E.Baraldi, A.Barbato, G.Guariso, M.A.Muraro, S.Zanconato.

Dipartimento di Pediatria, Università di Padova ARGAB 1992.

8.  Vademecum allergologico per il pediatra. G.Cavagni, F.De Benedictis, S. Guarnaccia, M.A.Muraro, E.Novembre. CIS Editore 1993.

9.  Malattie psicosomatiche della pelle: la dermatite atopica. A.Condini, M.A.Muraro.

Proceedings of the meeting: Le Malattie Psicosomatiche in Età Evolutiva. Pag. 186-189, Milano 1993.

10.  Infezioni respiratorie ricorrenti: il problema della definizione operativa. M.A.Muraro, S.Guarnaccia, A.G.Ugazio. Edit Symposia Pediatria e Neonatologia. Vol.II, n.2, Pag. 340-345, 1994.

11.  Studio policentrico epidemiologico delle malattie allergiche in età evolutiva in Italia. Gruppo di studio Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Giornale Italiano delle malattie del Torace n. II-IV, Pag. 117-122, 1994.

12.  M.A. Muraro. Prevenzione e terapia dell’allergia alimentare in “Le Allergie Alimentari” Edit-Symposia Allergologia 2000; 49-64

13.  M.A. Muraro. Prevenzione e terapia dietetica della dermatite atopica in “Dalla Dermatite Atopica all’Asma” Edit-Symposia Allergologia. 2002; 43-56.

14.  V.L. Miniello, A. Muraro, R. Francavilla, L. Armenio. Prevenzione primaria delle malattie allergiche. Bambini e Nutrizione. 2004; 3:65-78.

Oral Presentations and Abstracts

1.  F. Rigon, L. Rebuffi, M.A. Muraro, L. Zancan, L. Zanesco. Diabete mellito insulino dipendente, anemia megalo blastica, ipoacusia neurosensoriale: presentazione di 1 caso. Atti IV Congresso Società Italiana di Endocrinologia e Diabetologia. Bologna (Italy). October 15-16th, 1983.

2.  M.A.Muraro, P. Facchin, G.Guariso, F.Donzelli. Compliance ed effetti della dieta di eliminazione in bambini con dermatite atopica. Frontiere dell'Immunologia ed Allergologia Pediatrica. Firenze (Italy). May 23-24th, 1986.

3.  M.A.Muraro, P.Facchin, P.Cogo, E.Laverda, M.Macchia, G.Guariso, F.Donzelli. Caratteristiche cliniche e laboratoristiche in 200 bambini con dermatite atopica. Atti del Congresso Straordinario della Società Italiana di Pediatria. Sorrento (Italy). October 28-31st, 1986.

4.  M.A.Muraro, T.Zannato, F.Viero, P.Cogo, P.Biban, A.Condini, F.Donzelli. Sintomi psicosomatici in bambini con dermatite atopica. Atti del 18° Congresso della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Firenze December 8-12th, 1987. P.19

5.  M.A.Muraro. Valore predittivo delle IgE cordonali. Società Triveneta di Biochimica Clinica - Riunione Annuale. Padova (Italy). December 1986.

6.  M.A.Muraro, P.Biban, P.Cogo, P.Mesirca, A.Schiavon, P.Labate, L.Lovison, F.Donzelli. Valutazione della permeabilità intestinale in lattanti con dermatite atopica ed in lattanti asintomatici con familiarità per atopia. Atti del 18° Congresso della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Firenze(Italy). December 8-12th 1987. P.19