

March 11, 2015


Attendees: Gregory Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Cassandra White, Linda Earley, Larry Lamie, Trang Truong, Steven Nguyen


  1. Minutes from February Meeting

Minutes were not voted on because of no quorum

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric)

Eric had distributed current budget to Board by email. Currently, our balance sheet for February – Checking and savings = $59,216.37, td invest cost $41,062.40 and TD investment at market $15,278.92 for a total $115,557.69 balance.

Total income is$33,333 versus $29,879.27 in expenses leaving $3,453.59 in the black. Relative to expenses we are on track for the year.

Audit will need to be completed and will need to find a group to complete it.

Linda had put in a request to purchase a workstation to use at the convention and for the office ($500.00 computer) and ($200.00 software). Greg and Eric okayed the purchase workstation from the Other Expense line item.

  1. Conventions (Larry)
  2. Spring 2015 – March 20-22, 2015 – Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, ME
  3. Registration Update/Vendor Update
  4. New electronic CE processing – The new process for CE questionnaireswill be online. This is a new process for not just MPA but for Pauline at UNE, other conventions have moved to this method including the New England Pharmacist meeting that was in Foxwoods. Linda, Pauline, Mac, and Dan agreed that the online method will be the only one promoted, however we will have about 15 paper copies in case they are needed. Linda will send a note out to all attendees on Monday to suggest they bring some sort of device such as a tablet, phone, laptop, etc to facilitate the process. Linda will include a handout with instructions and Mac will walk everyone through the process after he completes the Immunization update.
  5. Menu/Reception - Linda suggested that we move to a full breakfast on Sunday for all attendees. It would add about $400.00 to the cost of the breakfast. Greg and Eric agreed that it would be a nice change and approved the expense.
  6. Sesquicentennial -2017 – Proposed: October 5-7, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME

Holiday Inn By the Bay needs numbers to draw up the contract. They structure of the contact is based on what we commit to for room block and food cost. We can guess MPA attendance will be similar to what we have at the Spring convention plus a little more because we will only have one that year. Eric suggested a tour be set up the Thursday of the Convention. Linda will arrange.

  • Spring 2016 – TBD - TBD
  • Fall 2015 – September 11-13, 2015 – Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME
  1. Awards and Scholarship (Lisa)

Linda shared that the Award nominations will be included in the folders for the convention. After the convention, they will be added to the website and an email notification to follow.

  1. Membership Committee (Betty)
  1. MPA Office Report (Linda)
  1. Technician Committee & Facebook report (?)
  • Need to select new representative – Nomination is Elwen Eaton
  1. Next Meeting: April 8, 2015, 12:00pm

If you are unable to attend or would like to add a topic to this agenda please contact the MPA Office at your earliest convenience by e-mail or calling # 207-502-0825.

* Please note according to new bylaws, Article IX, Section 2: If a Board of Directors member is absent from three consecutive meetings for reasons which the Board of Directors has failed to declare sufficient, resignation shall be deemed to have been tendered and accepted.

Committee Chairs - Contact me with any questions about your responsibilities for the meeting. It is your responsibility to have a report to present to the Board of Directors.